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Everything posted by PaulThePlug

  1. ...and Orianthi before Nina... I think Kane Roberts is now back... good, but not as female...
  2. i'm oddsing Jazz... Maybe PJ? I like the string retainer...
  3. @Chienmortbb Eldest has just messaged me... Collected, All Good and Very Happy. Thanks again.
  4. Computer Screen / Spectacles wipes from the pound shop... Easy to have a couple in ya case or glg bag...
  5. Nice Finish, Nice Weight... Just right size... Nice feel on a damped bourns pot, Kiogen loom...
  6. if you can get past that headstock...
  7. ...I know a player series isn’t £400 better than a Squire... I’m not getting any younger, may as well get what I really want. What ever inspires you to pick it up more often is possibly money well spent... As a Hobby, every time you pick it up for an hour it gets cheaper! And as you say... Why Not!
  8. I'm plain 'n simples and likes the Vanson Full Style Domes... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/120883790899
  9. Likes a GSR200... I have 2... Wired VBT and kept the PhatII
  10. ...and has really been inspiring me to play more... Thats what matters most.
  11. Clear plates look cool...
  12. Same here... couple of custom bodies i had made... more wood.
  13. ^ or Adagio Flats... I have a few basses with em on
  14. Very nice, to rich for my blood... but i love my Harley Benton HBO850 bass with flats.
  15. Nippers and heat the fret to soften any glue... Are you going to use a contrasting venier to make wood frets and sand smooth as markers, or just fill with super glue or araldite? Prolly need a lower nut of deepen the slots...
  16. Real Nice 'n Simple lookin' Screaming out for an Orange plate and rod cover!
  17. Try warming first to see if you can roll up any stick left in to a bogie... Otherwise it will just get spread when the wd or iso gets to it.
  18. Warm with a hairdryer to soften glue residue.... idealy should be done before removing tape. WD40... Isopropyl Alcohol or Lighter Fluid... check on an out of the way spot first.
  19. Yes... And Depending on budget, a Squier or Harley B may be a better bet. But... Where is the fun in that! If you have a spare £150 min to hobby then go for it! Body - I've used Luthiers Warehouse / Luthiers craft... for a custom body to make something a bit different. Pickups - Check secondhand on here... Kent Armstrong, Entwisle, Warman, Wilkinson, ToneRider... Tuners - Northwest own tuners are great for £25... Neck - Ebay 'TwinCam' P or J width £50! Odds n Sods - here or bay... Loom - Kiogen That were the bassis(!) For mine £150/200 ish Finish - Oil or Wax... easier to get a passable finish... paint is a whole world of prep... last was an almost their Aria that i got different bits to miss the missing bit... £130 with the Entwistles...
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