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Everything posted by UglyDog

  1. It's more like a Hohner Jack copy.
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1402928318' post='2477955'] It certainly is. But be careful, you might injure your knee. [/quote] Ah dear old Bob, he makes me laugh. His stance always makes it look like he's having trouble passing something.
  3. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1402867949' post='2477478'] I do enjoy the snobbery on here sometimes, some people love to go on pretty much every Fender thread to lets us know they like weird stuff, good for you, [/quote] I do enjoy the inverse snobbery on here sometimes. Some people love to go on pretty much every thread, Fender or otherwise, to let us know they don't like Wals and Alembics. Good for you.
  4. Do you like the way it looks? If youve played it, do you like the way it feels and sounds? Is the price good? Can you afford it? If those are mostly/all "yes"s, then yes you do want Schecter Jazz
  5. Is your desire for different pup spacing based on an aesthetic preference or tonal reasons? Are you satisfied with how it sounds as-is?
  6. May I be the first to say "phwoarr"? Phwoarr. Thank you.
  7. J - 1.50" nut - blocks & binding - Candy Apple Red P - 1.50" nut - blocks & binding - Lake Placid Blue Both with white pearl pickguards.
  8. "What do we want?" "SOUND CLIPS!" "When do we want them?" etc.
  9. Am i the only one who finds that talking and playing is actually far more difficult than singing and playing?
  10. Oh look, it's just DocD gobbing off like some big shot just because he can do it sorry, couldn't resist. Seriously though, them is wise words and broadly similar to my own experience. I never cease to be amazed at players who seem to sing effortlessly over the most complex of basslines. For my money, this is far and away the most impressive aspect of Mark King's abilities.
  11. [quote name='lonestar' timestamp='1396814227' post='2417659'] I really like dog eat dog too even with 80's production,curtesy Thomas Dolby, and more Larry Klein good works? In fact Check out the lineup on that album http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog_Eat_Dog_(Joni_Mitchell_album) What a band! [/quote]I remember seeing an interview with Thomas Dolby where it was mentioned that Joni M disliked the production on that album and had said that it felt like being "interior-decorated out of her own home". Dolby's reaction to that was "Well it was about time she moved house anyway..."
  12. [quote name='skidder652003' timestamp='1401988209' post='2468989'] had a 115 and 410 for years. Got rid of the 15 and never looked back, 2 x 410 will sound huge! [/quote] I had 2 x 410 for years. Sold them and got 2 x 115 and never looked back. Much bigger & more rounded sound, with just as much top end bite as before.
  13. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1401903874' post='2468162'] Enjoy your [s]superb[/s] superp new bass ! [/quote] Fixed
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1393279845' post='2378303'] Rubbish! Just feign a heart attack - this will distract everyone and they won't notice the mistake. [/quote][quote name='seashell' timestamp='1393279979' post='2378308'] I think Des O'Connor did something similar when he was being boo'ed at the Glasgow Empire! [/quote] I bloody wish Tommy Cooper had been feigning when he had his.
  15. Oh good lord [url="http://www.classicandcoolguitars.co.uk/basses/limelight00130jbass.htm"]http://www.classicandcoolguitars.co.uk/basses/limelight00130jbass.htm[/url] Nurse, my pills...
  16. As many of you will know, this is [u]exactly[/u] what happened to The Point in Cardiff. Some more background info on the Fleece's case: "[i]The proposed scheme to convert an office block to approx 80 privately owned flats would leave the iconic live music venue in a nightmare position where people's bedrooms would be located within 20 metres of the stage.[/i] [i]Chris Sharp, owner of The Fleece, says: [/i][i]'The Fleece has thrived as a venue for [b]32 years[/b]. One of the key factors in its success is its location. The lack of residents in the surrounding streets has meant the venue has been able to offer live music 7 nights per week and club nights until 4am at weekends without disturbing anyone. During its entire history The Fleece has not had any issues with noise complaints. If the huge office block located right next door is given the green light to be converted into approx 80 privately owned flats we would anticipate a deluge of complaints as soon as people move in.'[/i]" So as you can see, it's pretty far from being just a noisy pub in a residential area. This pic gives an idea of the scale of the problem. How the hell can it be even remotely fair and just for someone to move into a house/flat near a long established music venue, [i]knowing full well that the venue is there[/i], and then complain about the venue being there? Especially if the venue has been there longer than the houses/flats?
  17. So -- it's looking very much like the answer to the original question "Fender Custom Shop - worth the tag?" is a pretty resounding 'nope'.
  18. [quote name='leroydiamond' timestamp='1400686819' post='2456114'] Go with your gut. With the money they are asking for CS basses, everything should be perfect IMO and the dealer should insure that is the case before it gets into the hands of the customer IMO. [/quote]
  19. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1400667461' post='2455876'] Simple thing for me - if you like trib bands , play in one or go see one. If you don't - well... don't ! [/quote] [/thread].
  20. Do the strings line up with the polepieces properly or are they out too? It a bit sounds like a misplaced bridge.
  21. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1400620697' post='2455631'] Not sure why the cover band musicians haven't turned up yet, talking about how much money the bass player makes. Bet you'd play in Coldplay for that much money eh sunbeam? Can't believe we got this far without the classic Basschat "You're just jealous" rebuttal. [/quote] I'm surprised it took that long for someone to bring up the whole issue of cover bands, and suggest yet again that cover band musicians are only ever interested in how much money they make. And yes, if I really liked Coldplay and the bass gig came up, you bet I'd take it. Regardless of the money. See 'really liked' for the reason.
  22. When it became apparent that the 'reviewer' is hopelessly addicted to the exclamation mark and the word 'f***ing', I lost interest. I suppose it's probably funny in a Frankie Boyle sort of way.
  23. I have really disliked every Ashdown I’ve ever played. I’ve tried really hard to like them, but no. However, this one sounds pretty good – or as good as these in-ears will let it sound anyway I’ll be interested to try one. [quote name='Thunderpaws' timestamp='1391105445' post='2353369'] if I was going to chose between the rootmaster or the new fender rumble on price, features I think the ashdown has it [/quote] Personally, after what they’ve done to SWR and Genz, I will NEVER buy a new Fender product ever again. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1391299106' post='2355617'] Personally, I'll hold my money for the time being, and wait for the 420G. (Get it? Ashdown? Car theme? Jaguar 420 and 420G?) [/quote]
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