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Everything posted by itu

  1. I am sorry that my language is not up to yours. I meant, that sometimes work may be hard and not so fun, but the results are just like you pointed out: good music. If the meeting and working with other band members is not social, then what is? I just do not get your exact point, so sorry.
  2. Very good list, but I see the rehearsals also as a social event. It is just like at work (and yes, it is work): keep your mates happy and everything goes well. The productivity point of view is always there, but the overall feeling needs to be reasonable. It does not have to be fun always, but everyone can give their best possible output. And that's what I call music.
  3. We've had a steady day - Thursday at 19oo - when we play together. There is no hassle in trying to find some time to play. It is Thursday. Period. If you can not get there this time it is OK. But no endless threads in email or wassup, just one day and one time. This has worked for 31 years. Same place, same time. No rehearsals in the middle of the summer, but +40 meetings a year. Another band that tries to play together has LOTS of problems trying to meet once a month. Is it Monday or Saturday? Yes! So which week? Or dear...
  4. This is so kool. The next owner will be smiling for ages.
  5. Please try to clean and oil the pots. It usually works, so plenty of cleaner - and I mean plenty, let dry a bit and then oil the track. Use spray, not 10W-40...
  6. There's another issue: those pots have long shafts. May take some time to find similar.
  7. But the big issue is, that a bass does not fit in the top compartment. That bxxxxy g-word thing fits. Life is not fair...
  8. Limahl was singing certain movie soundtrack in 1984. Might suit this build?
  9. M80 is a fine soft bag, but as its name implies, it is soft. I was in Zürich earlier this year and this is how the hard case looked like after the trip. The airline company bought the case. The case was made to the bass, shapes and all, and the instrument survived. Case did not. (Actually the case looks quite good in this pic, but in real life it was hard to open and close the thing. Aluminum was seriously bent, feet were gone, and hard plastic parts were all over.)
  10. This tension thing is related to the strings. It is up to you to decide the string thickness that affects the tension. IF the short scale bass has similar strings as her taller sister, the tension is lower on a shorter scale. But the string choice is up to you. This may help while finding a suitable set. http://www.daddario.com/upload/tension_chart_13934.pdf
  11. 45 kHz is related to that power section. The voltage is regulated by a switcher (voltage pump) that makes the audible noise. When the frequency is far over the audible band (20 kHz), it just vanishes from your attention. It is there but you can not hear it. I suppose that other parts in the signal chain will also limit the tweeting.
  12. Can of worms... oh dear. This is so personal thing that I suggest you to take your bass with you and walk to stores to test as many as possible. My trial took around ten different units before I was happy with the results. Then I changed the bass to a hi-Z ("passive") one and - started the round all over again.
  13. Many tubes are coded with several numbering systems, like ECC81 = 12AT7 = B309 = 6060 = M8162 EL34 = 6CA7 = KT77 = 6P27S (the last one should be written in Russian letters) First letter E tells, that the filament voltage is 6.3. ECC81 = C is a small signal triode and CC tells, that it is a double. There are two triodes in that single tube; 8X-series has 9 pins in the base. EL34 = L is a power tube; 3X-series has an octal base. As @Beer of the Bass wrote, usually a pair of EL34s put out 55 W, but 80 W is a pretty special - and hot - configuration. Beware, each wire may have a specific reason in being where they are. Tubes are interesting components. There are some ultra special applications (like broadcasting, EMI resistant components, nixie tubes, radar, X-ray, kW class output, water-cooled stuff etc.) that are or have been possible only with tubes. The next video is not for those in a hurry (17 minutes). A French gentleman, Claude Paillard, makes tubes from scratch at home. Enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzyXMEpq4qw
  14. The (lost) ladies of my life: A surf-green Pensa-Suhr. Hands down the greatest J I have ever played. At the time I was after another bass. I got neither. A brown unlined fretless Wal 4 that had a lighter, nearly whitish round place in the body. Did not have the money while she was there. Have never seen her since. A red five-string Vigier Passion. Two weeks before I had the money, she was gone.
  15. As you can see, the manufacturing country might help a bit. The markings are a mess: A equals Audio/log except it is not that everywhere. Another thing is to check other preamps. The solutions are very similar, so you may get an educated guess, whether the pots are log or linear. And as the parts are pretty cheap, the trials are not that expensive.
  16. http://www.resistorguide.com/potentiometer/#Taper
  17. Sweat is very efficient. Depending on one's appetite, sweat can affect leather, plastics, metals etc. It tends to be acidic and include quite some chemicals.
  18. I have to say that a fretless is a different instrument, for me at least. With fretless I have a feel that I think about the notes and the chords in a different way. It is very good thing: most of the time my playing is more simple and closer to a foundation type of thing. Well, fast jazz is always fast no matter which instrument. Congrats to you @petedfretless is an interesting journey.
  19. I have a tce chorus/pitch/flanger. It should be the crème de la crème of all pedal choruses. It may be so, but it cuts the low end. I have tried it with double bass and electric, but no. Then something happened along the way. I decided to buy a X-over. Now I have a very, very functional chorus (and a flanger), that is cut from 400 Hz downwards.
  20. That's fine then. I tried few sets and flats just are too flat for me.
  21. May I ask why flats? My choice for a fretless is certainly roundwounds. A seasoned local bassist told me that nickels (rather than stainless) have more suitable response with fretless.
  22. I do agree, but they were not related to MIDI.
  23. Ladies and gentlemen, I announce that my lady has left the building. She met her sister and they just could not leave each other. A family affair.
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