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Everything posted by Newfoundfreedom

  1. Drool! I had a Warwick Thumb a few years ago and that thing looks better.
  2. No they're absolutely ridiculously good considering the price point. Definitely the best quality "budget" instruments I've ever played. They're much better than a lot of basses 4 or 5 times the price. The Wilkinson hardware is massively underrated. I don't even know how they can build them at that price, let alone make a profit. (YMMV)
  3. Haven't played the old so I can't compare the two, but I've got the Jet 2 and is superb! Ridiculously good build quality for the money and sounds like thunder. You'd never know it was a short scale just by listening to it.
  4. If they do we could always send the boys round the night before the first performance. 😂
  5. Vintage are stupid cheap and absolutely superb. I'd have one over a Fender any day, and for a minute fraction of the cost.
  6. Nope, that's definitely going straight to Hell. I suppose it would make a kind of strange modern art piece.
  7. I have no words to describe this. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F372702287086
  8. Turn it over and bang it from behind. We are still talking about the grill, right?
  9. Why? Just............. Why? No criticism of the seller, I just can't understand why Gibson would build it or anyone would buy it. No accounting for personal taste of course.
  10. Yup. Drunk me bought sober me a Squier Jag one night after a few too many vodkas. The weird thing is, sober me can't stand Fender / Squier basses. I just think the headstocks are so bloody ugly. It's true what they say about "beer goggles". Although to be fair the thing sounds superb and the build quality is ridiculously good for a "cheap" bass. So I kept it as a back up / practice bass. I also once did the cheeky bid, no chance of winning, thing on eBay and ended up with a full Laney stack. 😂
  11. Somebody got a bargain! I'd have a Vintage any day. They're ridiculously good for the money.
  12. "Custom refinements" That reminds me. My dogs dropped a load of refinements on my lawn last night. Must go and clear that up.
  13. How did I know it was one of his before even looking at the seller?
  14. Very hot pickups on those. Always have the controls set just above hearth. (Sorry, I'll get my coat)
  15. I've also seen many of Constantine's videos. No nonsense, solid as a rock playing. Superb!
  16. Exactly! I watched it once for about 5 minutes after a mate of mine told me how hilarious it was. What a load of utter tosh. A TV show not worth watching, full of wannabe realty TV "stars" hamming it up whilst watching TV shows not worth watching. I really do despair of the mentality of a world that considers that entertainment. Then again, I stopped watching television when TOWIE became a thing. Talk about the dumbing down of society.
  17. If The Killers were actual killers, and Liam Gallagher was one of their victims. That would be awesome! I'd pay the ticket price just to see that.
  18. Weird. I have the bass boost and treble boost active on mine all the time. I have the -15db button off, with an active bass (Seymore Duncan pups and preamp) and use the built in compressor and never get any clipping. But it sounds amazing. Punchy as hell and more volume than I'll ever need to keep up with a 3 guitar (+ bucket basher and singist) band. I've never noticed any kind of noise coming from it either, but then I tend to set it up and leave it alone. If I need to adjust the volume or anything on the fly I do it on the bass rather than the amp. So maybe it's just something I haven't encountered.
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