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Everything posted by Newfoundfreedom

  1. Well the day has arrived. Probably sooner than I would like if I'm honest. But after forming just a few months ago, and having only ever done half a dozen low key, barbecue and local bar type gigs, today we're playing our first music festival. I just hope the nerves don't get to me too much. Wish me luck, I'm going in!
  2. I do love to see the Soviet stuff come up. But this one's nowhere near mad looking enough. It looks almost ..... Well..... Playable.
  3. Please, please, please, someone stop this man. I know guitars are, at the end of the day, inanimate objects. But he should still be done for cruelty.
  4. I'd buy that tomorrow in a heartbeat if I was in the UK. Even if it meant traveling half way across the country to pick it up. I (now) live in Bulgaria and the price of second hand gear here is ridiculous! I often look at stuff on eBay and and on the for sale thread on here with my head in my hands. I can't believe the price some of the stuff goes for now. It's cheaper than when I first started playing 30v years ago.
  5. I had one of these many moons ago. It's worth that if you only use it as a tuner. 👌
  6. I do that kind of thing all the time. Sometimes you're too close to the problem and tend to overthink. Taking a step back or a new perspective usually does the trick. 👍
  7. Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best. 😉
  8. Can you not alter it by opening / closing the lever so it sits in a different place?
  9. There's a 8x10 on eBay at the minute for £180. Absolutely nuts! https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F183841829930
  10. I'm not quite sure what you mean or how you are hanging your bass. When I hang mine on the wall hangers the only part touching the bass is at the bottom of the headstock right by the nut. There should never be any danger of putting any stress on the hardware, extender or not.
  11. Yup. That would explain why I've never heard of em. 😜
  12. That would probably help if I'd ever heard of focus.
  13. Nope. That's a finishing move surely?
  14. Case and point. I have absolutely no idea who Jan Akkerman is either. 😕
  15. Not really. I get slightly nervous before we go on, but not to the point where it's unbearable. I just don't seem to be able to relax into the gig. It just doesn't come naturally which maybe I hoped it would. I do spend a lot of the gig worrying about cocking things up. So maybe I'm just overthinking things too much. I'm hoping it's something that will improve with experience.
  16. Great thread this. Some great stories. I just wonder how many "famous" people I may have met over the years, because I have no idea who most of the people being talked about actually are. I'm kind of ignorant when it comes to celebrities. I wouldn't know many musicians if they sat in front of me and played their entire back catalogue. 😂
  17. The weird thing is, I actually really enjoy being in a band. We're all mates, we get on great, I love the making music part of it. I just don't enjoy gigging. While for most people, gigging is the pinnacle, or even the whole reason for being in a band, for me it's the least enjoyable part. I'm still fairly new to it all so I'm hoping it's something that will change with experience. Maybe I just need to relax more and enjoy the process. As things currently stand I just find it really stressful. Which kind of defeats the point as it was supposed to be just a fun hobby.
  18. I'm surprised no one has snapped this up yet. It's a thing of beauty. Maybe a lot of people are in the same boat as me and simply don't have the funds. If I had a spare 500 nicker I'd be on it like a shot.
  19. I totally get it. We had a stinker on Saturday night. Although we went down really well and the audience didn't seem to notice.(and we raised a good wedge for the charity we were supporting) But for me it was 2 hours of hell. I couldn't wait for it to be over. We've got loads of gigs coming up and I'd be quite happy if they were all cancelled. Although I wouldn't / won't quit and drop the rest of the band in it, if I'm still not enjoying it by the time the gigs we already have booked are done I think I'm just going to call it a day.
  20. Absolutely awesome! We're playing a bar gig tonight to probably about 50 people and I'm absolutely bricking it. I have so much respect for anyone playing to crowds like that. I honestly don't think I could cope with it.
  21. We're playing at 8 o'clock tonight and I've already got that waiting to be hung feeling. The best part of a gig for me is when it's over. If it's a good gig then there is a bit of a buzz and feeling of accomplishment afterwards. But I hate the actual being on stage part, and the waiting to go on even moreso. I'm hoping this is something that will change with experience as we're a pretty new band and only done about half a dozen gigs. The rest of the band love it, I'm still not convinced. We're playing our first festival next weekend and I'm dreading it already.
  22. I was only wearing nappies in the 70's and even they were cooler that those monstrosities.
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