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Everything posted by Baxlin

  1. I’ve spent most of today on YouTube having searched for ‘bass backing tracks’, and really enjoyed playing along with some old tunes, some jazzy, some I’d often wanted to know the chords etc to. Most probably everyone else on here has been doing this for years as a way of getting the practice in, and improving their technique, exploring new progressions etc, but it’s something I’ve never done before. I particularly liked playing along to Georgia on my Mind. I connected the headphone socket of my iPad to one input of my practice amp, and the bass into the other, and so easily ‘lost’ a couple of hours...... As I said, not new, but new to me, and a great way to spend a rainy day. 🤫
  2. Just think of all the Nectar points you’d get....
  3. Does anyone have, to use a term relevant to the thread, ‘chapter and verse’ which clarifies this? I can’t find any direct reference/guidance.
  4. I wish them ^^^^ well, Lefty! Had a WhatsApp discussion today with some of the worship band roster members, wondering if under the new rules we can ‘do a Beatles’ and record some songs (for upcoming services) outside and socially distanced? Although we’re all willing to have a go, the big stumbling block is that all the sound tech stuff (desk etc) at both venues is hardwired in, so it’d be a big job to shift and set up. Our own amps aren’t too problematical of course Anyone else thought of this, and if so any ideas to make it happen more easily?
  5. I suppose strictly speaking, assuming they’re talking of Mt. Olympus, they’re not wrong, because that’s nowhere near, either, so Kilimanjaro does rise over the Serengeti like Olympus does (or doesn’t ......)
  6. Albert Lee and his Musicman (but i understand he had or had an intetest in the company
  7. “And our friends are all aboard, many more of them live next door”. Eh? How many more than ‘all’ do you have?
  8. Barry Manilow ‘I write the songs’...... Well, that was one he didn’t write!
  9. Don’t laugh, but I always thought he was saying ‘Scuse me while I kiss this guy’......
  10. Our church band uses OnSong, very good for transposing when different worship leaders want different keys.
  11. Dunno, in my teenage years, an ex who I stayed friends with phoned me to suggest I went out with her younger sister. Which I did for a year or so, quite happily.
  12. ‘But you’d sure miss it if it wasn’t there’ would have been a reasonable response......
  13. I know what you mean.... ”Just single notes until the last chorus, please Malc”...
  14. IIRC there’s a YouTube vid by Brian May’s guitar tech showing all the guitars he could use during a concert. Live Aid 1985, he starts Crazy Little thing on what looks like an Ovation, and switches to a Telecaster during the song. (Freddie also playing aTele?) staying with Teles, there’s also Rossi and Parfitt, maybe?
  15. I agree, I find/found it hard to progress from the mnemonics to actually knowing the notes automatically. I still can’t go straight from the dot to the fret, without going via the Alphabet. Working on it though.
  16. It’s even worse if you watch the video...........
  17. Not a patch on the Hilda Baker/Arthur Mullard version of You’re the One that I Want’, I’m afraid.....
  18. Very nice. And at Easter they can do ‘There is a green hill’ to the same tune!
  19. A bottle of Pimms No 1, with all the trimmings.....
  20. From the thread title I thought it was about wearing a tux and meeting the Queen......
  21. ^^^^. Terror and relief is right! It’s not like being in the band, playing live, it’s much more intense, IMO. How many ‘takes’ for each track? I’ve decided that directly facing the screen isn’t the most comfortable I’ve ever been, so for future vids I’m going more side-on. Hopefully it’ll be easier to forget the camera.
  22. TBH, I rather liked it, until I got to the close-ups......
  23. We’ve found this as well, but for us it was simply the phone and tablet speakers. Play through an amp via the headphone socket and the bass track previously conspicuous by its absence magically returns.........
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