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Everything posted by Baxlin

  1. I’m down - (successors to the Quarrymen)
  2. Haven’t been paid to play music in living memory, and as I’m retired, all that’s happened is that I’ve spent less. I even received £25 per car from Admiral in their ‘fewer claims so we refunded a bit’ offer. We have been helping our two daughters a bit, not because they lost jobs or were furloughed, but just because we could.
  3. So, going from Armed and Ready... People get Ready (the Impressions)
  4. Not gigging as such, but playing together live: I’m playing in a much stripped back church band (keys, bass, drum box, vocals) in our two services on Sunday morning, one with very few congregation, the band being socially distanced from each other and behind plastic screens, the second with no congregation, but streamed live online, all within the latest Covid rules. It’s very much a First for me, the live streaming at least. Apart from virtual at home recordings during lockdown, I’ve never seen video of my bass playing before!
  5. I agree to some extent with the OP on this, and if I’m going to ask a particular question which can’t be answered by rtfm, I’ll usually read/search first, before posting, as in the ‘read before posting’ thread. That’s OK when coming in ‘cold’, but if while reading a thread, if it prompts you to ask or comment, which, while being appropriate and related, might be a tad away from the core thread subject, then on this forum it doesn’t always work, for me at least. This is because I have my Favourites listing to default to Unread posts, and if I leave the thread to search the forum, when I come back to it, it’s no longer ‘Unread’, so it has disappeared, and has to be searched for again. On other forums, such as the Volvo OC, back means literally going back through the pages last visited, ie back to where you were. Having rambled through all that, it’s not really life changing either way: the way this forum is built has advantages others don’t, so I just take the rough with the smooth.
  6. Thanks CtB, as you see from my avatar pic, I’m into kit cars, but at the other end of the scale to the Cobra, mine’s a 3 wheeler tribute to the sporting 3 wheeler of the 1930s, powered by a Honda CX500 V-twin bike engine, and designed by John Ziemba at JZR in Lancs, UK. (sorry for the mini hijack of thread)
  7. Love the workmanship, but is that a flame coming out of the neck in the 5th picture? Also, did you build what I assume is a fake snake? (Apologies if it’s the real thing!!)
  8. How/where on earth did you find that? I was web searching for ages this morning, all I could find was that it was one or the other of them. Had it been a few years earlier, when he did some Stax sessions, I would have guessed at Duck Dunn.....
  9. My parents bought me my first drum kit (very much secondhand, but decent, previously owned by a ‘proper, professional’ drummer) for Christmas 1961. They allowed my ‘group’, as bands were called in those days, to practice in our front room, Dad even ferrying me to and from bookings (gigs) in his Ford Anglia until I was able to drive in 1964. And I was able to buy my 12-string guitar with their 21st present money a few years later. So I suppose yes, they did encourage me.......
  10. I like to use all of mine while at home practising, but thinking about it the one I seem to turn to most is an old Marlin Sidewinder. Its body/neck orientation gives it a comfortable balance. TBH, it doesn’t sound too bad, either, but I prefer my EB3 when it really matters.
  11. Couple of weeks ago, doing some remote recording to be stitched together for virtual band
  12. Thanks again chaps, I’ve borrowed a Behringer Xenyx QX1202 mixer and it does the job brilliantly.
  13. Seems to have been made in China, and as said above, mainly for the Oz and NZ market. Google searches seem to say they’re not bad, but all the pics I could find had either a serial number, or ‘genuine Fender product’ printed on the back of the headstock. From what can be seen, this one doesn’t seem to have either? So, nigh on five hundred quid? Plus postage.... could be £150 for the bass, £10 for the bag and lead, and the rest to give back to the bloke who gave him the bass.....
  14. Many thanks, I don’t have much in the way of kit, I’m a ‘bass and amp’ player, but the idea of a mixer interests me.
  15. Daft, or even naive question... I have acquired a new-to-me practice amp, which has one input. I like to play along with backing tracks, previously run through my old, deceased amp’s second input. Is there any way to play both through the one input? Balancing volumes isn’t a problem, as both have their own control. I have seen splitters (2 into 1) for headphone sockets, is it as simple as using one of these? Thanks
  16. For years I have used the scissors on my mini Swiss Army knife rather than clippers. I find I can use them with my left hand as well as my right. It lives on my key ring so always available.....
  17. Similar in the late 50s/early 60s. Mainly sat, head resting on arms on desk “listening” (ie dozing) to classical music on a scratchy gramophone. We did have manuscript books, but I can’t remember what we put in them. I gave up the subject after (iirc) the third form - year 9 in today’s money. But I was in a group, as bands were called then, behind the kit, from age 15-ish, with school mates, so all wasn’t wasted, maybe.
  18. No can opened, just confirming what others could be thinking.....
  19. Can you message him and ask straight out why?
  20. That’s a bit harsh, isn’t it? I think he should have given up years ago, yes, and he’s now maybe a caricature of himself, but many of us wouldn’t be playing at all if it hadn’t been for him and his ilk in the 60s. The list of musicians who admit/claim/acknowledge McC as a major influence seems to be rather long.
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