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Urban Bassman

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Everything posted by Urban Bassman

  1. Wait round long enough for some to recommend TC Electronics RH450 and assorted cabs...oh that'll be me then
  2. Whilst I don't consider myself to be a fretless player or expert on the subject. I have had two fretless basses in the past, the first was a StringRay5 fretless which was a great bass to play and more recently I had a Overwater Progress III 4 string fretless that was fabulous, didn't have it for long though because as I say I'm not a fretless player. However if I had the money and inclination I would go for a Wal. When I think of fretless playing I usually go back to Percy Jones and John Giblin and their Wal Basses in their Brand X days, that for me defined what fretless playing is about and how it should sound - in my opinion of course
  3. Black Country Communion ?? Their teaser track is pretty good. [url="http://www.bccommunion.com/"]http://www.bccommunion.com/[/url] Did enjoy Chickenfoot and Them Crooked Vultures as well though.
  4. +1 for Bass Guitar For Dummies, seems to cover all the bases (pardon the pun ) for a learner.
  5. Had a Mapleglo 4003 (circa 2005 build) and I had no issues with build quality, neck and it sounded fab. The body shape looks great but because there is no contouring where your picking/plucking arm comes over the top of the bass, I found that it got a bit uncomfortable after a while. Now that could be my crap technique....but it stopped it becoming my go to bass when I had it. As the other posts have suggested go try one or two and perhaps look at second-hand instrument that's in good nick to avoid paying the new price. If it fits then you then I'm sure you'll be pleased with what it can do. Here's a pick of me playing it back in 2006 [attachment=56960:b8d1_7.JPG] You can see where my left arm comes over the top of the bass...that's the bit that was a bit uncomfortable for me...hope that makes sense...
  6. Can't go wrong with a Streamer IMO, pretty much does it all. Nuff sed
  7. Having no idea how much my basses weighed so I thought I'd try and qualify things by actually weighing them, so here goes. Thumb BO 4 string is 7 3/4 lbs SS1 4 string is 9lbs $$ 5 string is 9 1/2 lbs and for comparison my P Bass weighs in at 8 3/4 lbs Not sure what any of that means since I don't have an issue with weight of any of the basses but include them for interest as much as anything else. Naturally the Thumb is noticeably lighter when you strap it on but after a while the difference is not really noticeable. The bottom line is I think my Warwicks are great
  8. [quote name='lee4' post='921593' date='Aug 11 2010, 01:46 PM']I owned a $$ and loved the neck shape,the brilliant pups and eq,but I found that the Just-a-nut cut my fingers,and the weight caused pain in my left shoulder. Despite fitting a Comfort strap,I had to sell it. If they were lighter and had a standard nut I would have another.[/quote] Oh yeah both the S$$ and SS1 are heavy beasts no doubt about it but for me that adds to the overall feel of the instruments. Something to grab hold of if you get my drift! Can't say I had any issues with adjust-a nuts other than those already made by Warwickhunt. My Thumb is much lighter than my SS1 so if it's lighter weight you need, go for a Thumb I guess.
  9. Can only echo some of the other comments, my Streamer S1, Streamer 5 $$ and Thumb BO are great instruments; they sound great, easy and comfortable to play. Can't fault them.
  10. [quote name='ezbass' post='919925' date='Aug 9 2010, 07:01 PM']I am reliably informed that my '63 P used to belong to Bruce Thomas of The Attractions. It's the one he bought to replace his stolen salmon pink P. It originally came to me with a retro fitted anodised gold p/g, I replaced it with a tort one to get the right vintage look. BT does talk about it on the Fender website but mistakenly dates it as a '64 [/quote] I don't think my P was owned by anyone famous but it looks uncannily like yours... [attachment=56197:61P_2.jpg]
  11. Couldn't be happier with my RH450, RS210 and RS212. Great sounds, not heavy. Suggest you look at the footswitch as well, a really useful accessory IMO. Go try one, you'll not be disapointed.
  12. ....ahh yes 1978 - was 17 then.... Here's a couple of photos of me with my first proper bass, sorry they're a bit small - I'll try and find the originals photo and re-scan them. The bass I'm holding is a 75/76 (I think) Fender P Bass. Can't now remember exactly how much I paid for it; £200-ish I guess, a small fortune in those days. I was earning £23 a week as an apprentice. The photo was taken in the Allan Gorden rehearsal rooms in Leyton. They were built into/underneath some railway arches. It might also be interesting to some chatters here that rehearsing next door to us that day was an unknown band called Iron Maiden... [attachment=53792:jw78b.jpg] [attachment=53793:jw78a.jpg]
  13. $$ Streamer 5 is a fab bass (Naturally I'm biased cos that's what I have)....however £500....suggest you keep saving a little bit longer.
  14. Lovin my Streamer $$ 5 string, couldn't be happier with it.
  15. My Streamer $$ 5er balances fine, I use a Levy's strap - no problems
  16. [quote name='99ster' post='855979' date='Jun 3 2010, 12:26 PM'][url="http://labs.echonest.com/SixDegrees/?start=steps&end=charles+mingus"]Steps > Mingus in 7[/url] [/quote] Me too, starting with Jon Hiseman whom I met on a couple of occasions.....a bit tenuous but hey here it is [url="http://labs.echonest.com/SixDegrees/?start=jon+hiseman&end=charles+mingus"]http://labs.echonest.com/SixDegrees/?start...=charles+mingus[/url]
  17. Nice one Not quite so many dinks as my 61 Enjoy it!
  18. [quote name='RussFM' post='848489' date='May 26 2010, 02:03 PM']Yes, but only for the first few months, and only because I had access to a guitar but not a bass. I still learnt Flea and Timmy C's bass lines on my guitar! I think learning guitar helps make a better bass player though, if you know the chord shapes your guitarist is playing, it helps you play along with them before your ear has developed.[/quote] +1 to that I started on bass wayyyyyyy back when I was 15, then for work and family reasons stopped playing when I was 20. Started learning guitar in 1998 and switched back to bass in 2001, never looked back. My time spent learning to play guitar gave me a real step up when started playing bass again and it's nice to strum a few chords now and then.
  19. [quote name='Musicman20' post='846757' date='May 24 2010, 06:58 PM']Vertically they sound massive due to the fact you can actually hear your notes correctly [/quote] +1 to that!
  20. [quote name='Dave_MuadDib' post='846695' date='May 24 2010, 05:43 PM']Hi folks! I'm on the hunt for a new cab to replace my dying peavy 4x10, and I've always loved the markbass 2x10 STD (but it's ouchies expensive) and I like the look of the Hartke 4x10s, but I've been recommended the TC Electronics RS210. They look excellent for the money, but has anyone actually got any experience with them? I'm looking for something reasonably light, nice and loud (for my markbass little mark ii 500watts) and punchy. Thanks guys! Dave[/quote] I'm sure you'll plenty of response to this question. I got one of these babies last year and they work really well, sound great and not heavy either. The newer finish is more robust I understand, I have the original finish which isn't very robust. Suggest you look at the covers as well seem good value for money. Would have no hesitation on recommending one - the RS212 is a great piece of kit too!
  21. [quote name='Shacky' post='846736' date='May 24 2010, 06:35 PM']Anyone tried one? I got a Blowtorch a little while ago, but it's not quite what I was after. The El Grande seems to be a bit more up my street. Anything to be aware of, etc?[/quote] I got one a couple of months ago...so far so good
  22. 18Khz through my laptop speakers - with my ear close to the speaker ) I'm 49 so not too bad I guess.
  23. Hi Ken Can vouch for Ken as a top man and bass connoisseur. Recently bought a 'wick Thumb B/O Bleach Blonde from him, great bass and great guy to deal. Be assured, no worries with dealing with Ken.
  24. [quote name='Musicman20' post='822071' date='Apr 28 2010, 04:01 PM']Hi guys. I'm VERY excited to be announcing this. Uffe Hansen at TC Electronic has invited 5 TalkBass users to particpate in a test group for the RH450 and an internal beta version of a PC application that allows the user to access internal settings on the Preamp. The connection between the RH450 to the PC is facilitated by a special USB-to-Midi cable that connects to the "Remote" port on the back panel of the RH450. The users who were invited are: KJung Vic Tom7 Musicman20 (me!) Eublet None of us are endorsers, but we have been very enthusiastic about the RH450 for a while now, and have rambled on at length in many threads here about these heads, the potential they provide, and how we would like to be able to adjust this or that under the hood. Uffe and TC have noticed this so they're going to let us give it a go. We have freedom to post our discussions here, and hopefully to get ideas for things to try from others. So please participate in the discussion with us. We can not however share the Tweaker PC application with anyone so please don't ask! I want to give a very special thanks to Uffe and TC Electronic for asking us to particpate and provide feedback. This is the kind of thing you want to see from a manufacturer as it shows they care about what their users are interested in. So many here have made suggestions and Uffe has noticed them. So here we go! HERE is a link the the Talkbass thread where the discussions are going to take place: [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=652395"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=652395[/url] Below is a partial cut and paste from an email Uffe sent us which explains a few things about what we're doing.[/quote] As a fellow RH450 enthusiast - would be very interested to be kept informed of any developments on this. Could a great amp about to be made even better...can't wait
  25. I think he has all his equipment set up details on his web site but for some reason I can't get on it - server trouble I think... Anyho I thought he used two Sunn Bass Amps in the early days and Marshall these days with each amp going through a 8 x 10 cab. if his web site comes back on line I'm sure you'll get all the answers there - www.chrissquire.com
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