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Ricky 4000

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Everything posted by Ricky 4000

  1. I refuse to be drawn further into your crazy world, robot. 🤖
  2. You're like the Bristol City FC of bass players. 😁 (or some other rubbish football team, as I know nowt about football)
  3. Just in case - A bass string is rather like an old fashioned washing line... in as much as it's usually secured at both ends, otherwise it would be uselessly saggy... very unlike a modern tumble dryer - which is nothing like a bass string. Hope this helps.
  4. We're on a bass forum discussing basses. Who in their right mind would think we need car analogies for that?? 😜
  5. So you're a leader not a follower... Dammit, why didn't I think of that. 🤖 Anyway, the P bass classic design is great, because it's just so "not high maintenance"... there's no sharp edges to dig in you. Two knobs that are quite difficult to get wrong. One place to put your thumb - which is right in the middle, so it's not too deep and not too boney... it's just perfectly quite nice. And you can personalize it with stickers. 👍 And, obviously, the whole 5 / 6 / 7 string 'flash in the pan' thing is firmly over now - Thank Gawd.
  6. Do you know how COMPLETELY unfashionable you actually are? 😁
  7. With the current fashion for playing above the 12th fret all (or most) of the time - all basses now sound exactly the same.
  8. Casting my mind back to being in a 3 piece originals 1980s band (in the mid 1990s) - one of the few covers we ever did in public was The Sex Pistols - New York. That was fun, and easy, and possibly the pistols' best song!?
  9. *Like* is not a strong enough word...
  10. Nice! I think it's about time Fender (and Squier), reissued the reissue of those MK1 P basses. 👍 Seems there are very few about. There was one Squier on fleabay this week (now sold), Buy in Now for ÂŖ260. (I should have bought it first). And I can't see any of the cheap faker-makers copying that model...? I rather like the Tele' style headstock...
  11. The question is, do the vintage ones have a pull switch for "modern" or "future"!?
  12. RIP Mr Davis. A funky m*****f***** for sure. 🤩
  13. If you wanna have fun - go buy a monkey. Eric Cartman
  14. My issue is similarish - the bridge goes low enough, but the G string is almost touching the factory PUP surround... what I need is a PUP surround made of pickguard or similar material, and without the bellmouth shape of the factory item.
  15. Yeah, remember you already have a 4003, so you just *want* a Standard as well... it's not like you worked down the pit from the age of 13 to buy the Hondo II that you polish every Sunday morning... and that you'll never afford another bass, because once you've put clothes on the kid's backs and food in their bellies, you've barely enough left for a pint of mild yourself, and a small guiness for the mrs... Mr "first world problems"... 😉 😁
  16. I noticed a 4004 Laredo in midnight blue just went through fleabay for under ÂŖ1000. (ÂŖ7. less than ÂŖ1000.)...
  17. It has a lot of factory-fitted octaves. 😁
  18. Lush. I think that blue colour goes nice with the reddish Ric' fretboard, which has shown well in the photographs. 😎 So are you saying it's comfortable because of the slightly rounded edges on the "S" body, vs the sharp edges of a bound body? It is very lovely... give me a shout if you decide to sell it. Local collection not a problem! 😜
  19. I'm rather liking Sting's bass. Or rather, his 1955 and 1957 Precision basses. They sound really good on recent-ish live recordings. Perhaps that's down to 30-odd amps, pedals and processors in the chain - I dunno. http://www.mixdownmag.com.au/gear-rundown-sting
  20. Saw this in the cinema when it came out. Amazed the full thing is on YT:
  21. I once searched YT for a bass cover, and the one I clicked on turned out to be me doing it. I'd forgotten I knew it already. None of that's true, but it would be funny if it was. đŸ˜Ŧ
  22. Oh don't. When I was a kid (late 1970s), my mum bought me a bass and practice amp from a lady over the road for ÂŖ30. I thought I was doing well to sell it a few years later for ÂŖ30 without the amp. Yup, it was a Musicmaster... a sunburst one... ☚ī¸ edit: Actually, I think it was ÂŖ40. and ÂŖ40. ... still > ☚ī¸
  23. I'm touched that you know my birthday's coming up! 😁 🤖 đŸ˜Ŧ If the seller had been wise enough to say that the bass has "the funk", you'd have been round there by now with ÂŖ20 in hand, I bet. 🤩
  24. Gordon Sting doesn't seem to know what to do with his left hand here: Might be to do with S. Wonder's bass player bossing the whole thing, including Roxanne!
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