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Ricky 4000

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Everything posted by Ricky 4000

  1. You know he' a chatbot, with pre-recorded voice messages? He's usually calling about PPI claims! Yes, it is. ๐Ÿ˜
  2. Sorry Dave. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ ๐Ÿค I suspect you received a PM from Teebs... ๐Ÿค–
  3. Don't you go getting me into more trouble with "the two Daves", now. ๐Ÿคจ
  4. Is "luthier" even a real thing? It seems like one of those modern awful-isms, like "artisan baker". In my day (etc), there was cake shops, guitar techs, people who fixed guitars, people who built guitars. The spotty lad who works in Timpsons definitely isn't a watch maker. And to be honest, I'm not much of a social influencer, although I could call myself one. So, luthier. Is there certain papers required before they can assume that title?
  5. Even I wouldn't buy that POS, and I'd buy almost anything if it was cheap. ๐Ÿ˜
  6. As the above posts ^^^^. Anxiety is like having a particularly sadistic and unpleasant interpreter in your ear. If the band leader says "Here's a huge list of all the songs we do / have done in the past - it's just to give you a feel for our style, and perhaps you might know some of them already". Anxiety is the sort of friend who translates that as "You should know how to play all of those perfectly, and more besides. You're really not very good, are you?". In other words - it's no friend at all.
  7. Oooft, that's another "I could do it boss, but I'd have to charge by the note" kinda song. This is why you have a gig with a probably great soul bad - and I definitely don't. ๐Ÿ˜
  8. If they play "What is hip", I suggest doing the set list alphabetically, and if it were me, I'd be hoping to never get to the Ws before closing time. ๐Ÿ˜
  9. My Abba tribute is called "Abba in Cardigans". Which is cool, because it also attracts unwitting Cardigans fans. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  10. Yeah, and I'd look like an old sack of spanners in a jumpsuit.
  11. I'm sure he's good for pulling something off...
  12. Any Hawaiian shirt would have done the trick... bloody musicians and their costumes. ๐Ÿ˜
  13. I think you're a really good musician, B. Though I don't really understand all that you're trying to say. ๐Ÿ‘
  14. Bands or business partnerships, I suppose they're similar relationships... The police seemed (from what I've seen / read, interviews etc), to be in the schoolmates / brothers -- "Brutal" sub category. Rather similar to the oasis brothers in some ways.
  15. Looks like one that could get bumped up by those who don't read the description. i.e. they'll take it as courier delivery / any kind of payment they like / includes the amp. Seller's done himself no favors in that regard. Either he's plain stupid, or he's stupid and thinks he's being clever.
  16. B.9.70. You Rock! I can't do the double slap yet... not yet anyway. My forbidden lover - that's a great line. I gotta learn it. ๐Ÿ‘
  17. Work in progress, brother Fleabag - work in progress. Is that drummer of yours playing the kick on the one? That's all I know about the funk.
  18. Ooo, you've reminded me about THIS!
  19. Is that the world's first fully ambidextrous bass? ๐Ÿ˜
  20. Call me "Fricky" if you like. ๐Ÿ‘ I'm sure I could spare you the history lesson - but I'm not going to ๐Ÿ˜ ... The year was nineteen hundred and whatever, Rickenbacker had produced the first electric guitar, and were busy designing and refining their instruments... then Leo F. designed the first electric bass guitar, and began selling it through Mr Hall's company... Leo's excellent bolt-on neck design was cheap and easy to manufacture, and players liked it because they could swap necks at home, or change it if it got damaged. Mr Hall decided that his electric bass would stick with their tried and tested neck through body construction design. It was an excellent decision. Rickenbacker's neck-through was more expensive, but offered improved sound and sustain over a bolt-on design. And rather than directly competing with the Fender, the two philosophies could sell alongside each other, and offer the customer more choice. So, 70 years later - what's changed? There are bolt-ons (Fender), and neck-throughs (Ric), and not much else. Popular colours are wood (natural or burst), black, or white-ish. HTH. ๐Ÿ˜
  21. All basses are Fender, or Fender copies. ๐Ÿ‘ (exception = Rickenbacker basses)
  22. Oh, I have loads of material! You know they say that the Queen thinks the world smells of paint? Because wherever she visits, there's a team of decorators 30 feet in front of her, giving the place a freshen-up... Well the police (the band), think the world has dysentery. Bear with me on this - One afternoon, the police arrive at a venue ready for soundcheck before a gig that night. A member of the venue staff happens to be outside having a smoke, so he calls towards the doors "Ayup, the police have arrived!" Cue a stampede into the ladies and gents toilets, with much door slamming and flushing going on... the "boys in blanc" stride in, to witness the whole staff filling out of the toilets, looking pale and ashen... Next day, the three lads have won an auction for a bicycle on eBay. It's "collection only", so they plan to call by and collect it from a woman's house on the way to some media commitment... the band find the house, and while Sting is getting the rear doors open on the van, Andy and Stuart go up to the door, with a knock, and call out "Hi, it's the police!". There's a muffled scream from inside, followed by 'thump thump thump' (stairs). 'slam' (bathroom door) 'flush' (toilet) - then a distant voice calls out "Hold on, I'll be down in a minute"... Door finally opens, and Stuart says "Hello! We're the police! - do you want a selfie? We've won the auction for your bike!" Woman: Jesus Christ. Stuart: Are you OK, love? You don't look well? Woman mutters: No, I just lost about 60 pound as it goes... the bike is round by the back door - help yourselves... So now it's the following day, and our intrepid band have to visit the big smoke for a management meeting... they set off early, and on the way, they realise that they have to travel fairly close to the elderly Mrs Summers' house (Andy's mum's), so they reckon they can make a short surprise visit on the way through... they pull up on the driveway, and while Andy is making a fuss of the family's golden retriever outside, Sting joggs up to the front door, and for a laugh, he goes *knock knock knock* "Open up Mrs Summers, it's the police". *muffled squeak from inside* - 'thump thump thump' (stairs) - 'slam' (bathroom door) - etc etc....
  23. Compare our "hive mind" to Fender's top selling colours: https://shop.fender.com/en-GB/best-selling-finishes/?rl=en_US Just goes to show that "we" are such a conservative world (with a small "c"). I'll have a deluxe Jazz bass in the natural finish, with the black scratchplate, please Mr Fender. Unless you do it in beige, maybe...? :: rollseyes :: No freakin' way, you stuffed suits! - I'll take a purple (or paisley) '70s P bass with Bootsy style star fret markers fitted instead of dots. Then I'll fit a big Parliament/Funkadelic sticker on the front.... the one with the chick wearing a big afro and her knees yay far apart. โœŒ๏ธ And that funky brown '70s Jazz from up this thread... I'd just have to add a tiger stripe scratchplate, and maybe some fur trim... ๐Ÿ‘Š I could ride to gigs on a Raleigh Chopper MK1. ๐Ÿ‘
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