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Ricky 4000

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Everything posted by Ricky 4000

  1. Not wanting to open any cans of worms, but she also seems to think she played bass on The Four Tops - Bernadette. Although to be fair, she doesn't exactly state that she's talking about the 1967 hit single version! ...
  2. I'll listen to it with renewed interest. ๐Ÿ‘ I had the album in the car, you know, back in the day, when it was almost funny how whizzed off she was!
  3. I did not know this. ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  4. Carol thinks she did come up with her own lines on a lot of the hits she played on.
  5. Haha... I don't listen directly to the Beatles much either, but I agree that they were by far the most important composers of the 20th century. Taking just Macca, and just the single dimension of Macca as a bass player - He's just as 'right up there' IMHO. ๐Ÿ‘
  6. I've not seen the latest HBO thing, but going by Martin Bashir's interviews - Living With Michael Jackson (all 1.5 hours of it), I tend to agree with @bubinga5 above.
  7. Well, when a mummy and a daddy antelope love eachother very much... or actually, in these modern times, it could be two mummy antelopes... or... oh hold on, I think that's my phone ringing... Ask your mother. ๐Ÿ‘
  8. Nice, thanks Tim. I've learned that ^^^, and to be fair its sounding pretty good to my ears, using my R-4000 with flats. What a sweet little bassline that is. ๐Ÿ˜Ž Found this one too, really nice tune, and fun to play along sympathetically on the electric bass. ๐Ÿ‘ I'll get the J bass back out and persevere with it a bit more...
  9. I see what you mean - that fella has a nice sound going on there. I'll give it a go now I've clipped my plucking finger nails (I needed a clicky sound while I was finishing some overdubs on an antelope porn music project - all done now). I will, Bless ya. ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  10. Hah... There's some good replies on this thread, and some great links to follow... Thanks bredren. ๐Ÿ˜Ž I'm looking up Flabba Holt, Lloyd Parks, Atkinson, etc... lots of stuff connected with Channel One - Steelie, Clevie... The entertainment section of the 'Jamaica Observer' is also rather good... ๐Ÿ‘ This Vintage brand J bass of mine definately doesn't work for reggae though (YMMV). It's way too much of a toppy clangy fret noisy thing, with baggy rounds on... it's much more of a slappy funk machine (except when played with the thumb, but I've explained that, regarding the stupid knobs position vs my completely normal fingers). This is probably why "Pros use a P bass"! ๐Ÿ˜„
  11. Maybe... For the 'tragically white' among us (you!), check Devon Bradshaw out here: https://youtu.be/zmyplWLwIKA (and what bass is he playing there?) Also what is Robbie playing here with the neck pickup so far forward? Surely a special 'reggae bass'?? https://youtu.be/lKDlhewmwDg Finally, anybody know who were the rhythm section with General Saint & Clint Eastwood? I love that ^^^ Lyrics still just relevant as they were in 1980!
  12. Thanks for your rig rundown, Fleabag. ๐Ÿ‘ Unfortunately I don't smoke the old 'dub cabbage'. Was thinking more like a cuppa tea and two paracetamol. ๐Ÿ™‚
  13. Is the J bass good for reggae? Well not for me it isn't. Playing with my thumb, around the sweet spot where it's not too deep but not too boney - the backs of my fingers / knuckles keep messing with the volume controls. What are the secret reggae basses that most folks don't know about? These should [probably] be certain models of fairly obscure yet inexpensive basses, with that special 'Kingston Mojo' that "we" done want the old and rich square people finding out about. Because they'll just buy them all up to play covers of UB40 covers [badly] in their beige painted drawing rooms. ๐Ÿ˜•
  14. Yes, fwoaar... I wonder if one will be almost indescribably better than the other - like in the past when F1 teams had two cars per driver, the drivers always had a favorite chassis although they were supposed to be identical. Teebs likes car analogies when we're talking about basses. ๐Ÿ˜€
  15. At least one of Teebs' straps appears in Spinal Tap. ๐Ÿ˜„
  16. Ah-hah! Listening to the same (Arcam) hifi amp (moderate level), but with my Studiospares M2000 mastering headphones instead of speakers - I can now easily hear from the beginning of the test (20Hz), and there's no weird ups and downs in the level. Now its smooth up and down to 13K when I hear - nothing! This proves: a) I'm getting old. b) My speakers (two pairs of them) (which I trusted), are a bit cr*p.
  17. Hrm, great thread. ๐Ÿ˜Ž I can hear up to 13k via hifi speakers at lowish levels. Can't hear anything much below 40Hz without turning it way up... is that normal? It really kick out at 45Hz... is that right?? ๐Ÿ˜ฌ 90 - 100Hz makes me feel like I'm going mad in the head... ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
  18. Fleabay? I'm insulted. That's where you might buy untrained Chinese ones, like the relicing factories use. You'll soon find out if those cheap worms can follow an engineering drawing, and more importantly, one that's drawn in English! Four for a tenner.
  19. I have some trained woodworms for sale @ ยฃ3 each if anybody's interested? ๐Ÿ‘
  20. Right, enough is enough (is enough). He's been a megastar of basschat for long enough. Look here (below). Showing off, enyoying himself, AND taking his hand off the neck! Time to shoot the mutha down... ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
  21. When I called you and Teebs "Prog Artists" it was meant as a compliment! ๐Ÿ˜‰
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