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Everything posted by BreadBin

  1. I had an exchange of messages with him too, he seemed to think that the E and A set of strings were arranged in the correct order but to me it seems like it should be the D and G sets that are right. I wonder if one side could be swapped around - a new nut is needed anyway. What is the bridge spacing like btw? It appears to have separate saddles for the single low and high pair, which is nice! Were you thinking of going for it? I don't inhabit aliexpress - I'm bad enough with eBay and Gumtree!
  2. Yeah I bet it did This is really looking good now, wonky tuner notwithstanding...
  3. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F202343051608 I might be thinking of having a cheeky bid, if it weren't the tuners being wrongly arranged.
  4. I got given a t-shirt for my birthday with 'Relax, the bass player's here' on it.
  5. So am I. Shame I'm 46 though...
  6. There's an unmodified one on eBay atm - no bids and under £40
  7. Shortest Blues song ever - 'I didn't wake up this morning!'
  8. Agreed, the very point of a fretless is that it sounds different to one with frets. It's the slips and slides that give it the magic.
  9. Isn't this what you need? https://g-gotoh.com/international/product/gb640.html
  10. I visited an old friend yesterday - he has a Thunder 1A which weighed quite a bit. It did nothing to change my opinion - solid construction and a reasonable sound but certainly nothing special. His was picked up out of a skip though so he is quite happy with it!
  11. I didn't know I was going to play it?
  12. Something with a lined fingerboard, it's easier to see where to put your fingers.
  13. Turn the tone down on the bass?
  14. @josie is spot on - the plectrum thread has been genuinely enlightening, with some really interesting connections between singing and playing amongst other things.
  15. It gives you a separate master volume as the pedal volume knob is the gain control. Better explained here... http://www.musicgarage.fi/mods-repairs/bass-big-muff-volume-mod/
  16. I have a Big Muff Pi with master volume mod you can have for £40, if it helps?
  17. I have a 4-string version with Steinberger detuner bridge, it matches this one almost perfectly! Quality instruments 👍
  18. Got a link? I couldn't find it..
  19. I looked up Loureiro pickups - surprisingly cheap 👍
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