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Everything posted by Owen

  1. There is talk of chipping in to compensate the buyer. I am all for that. If Mr Fretmeister is given his head then I suggest we all chip in to the court fees instead. I was ripped off on another forum once and it totally sucks.
  2. When I started looking for a micro head the GK thing was kind of off the radar, but I noticed them and got one. The Fusion is an exceptionally nice piece of kit, and for the record while driving a cab that is less than super efficient it had empirically more grunt than the Aguilar TH500.
  3. [quote name='nottswarwick' timestamp='1327074669' post='1506100'] As per my "other" tentative thread about my EBS gear, I am tempted to ditch the HD350, possibly the cab, and go all GK. [/quote] If it works with the EBS cab, don't change it.
  4. I don't know the ins and outs of construction, but the Rockabillys always feel lower tension to me. Tragically their plastic wrap makes getting decent arco tone impossible.
  5. You mean I could have researched that myself? Now there is a concept! Why do I have this insatiable itch to try new things all the time? I am happy with my Innovation Honeys but prefered the lower tension on the Innovation Rockabillys but they bow like ...... Ugh. Could anyone put any context on comparative tensions? Obv they will be gone by the time I decide anything
  6. Someone on here bought it cos the bass minus the pre was up for sale fairly recently. Cannot remember who or where but I clocked it.
  7. It's great. You get to play half the notes and make double the impact. You will find it very physical indeed.
  8. >Never needed to push it volume-wise but my small nudges at the early stages indicate it might be very loud :-) It goes very loud If I did not have an obsession with rack pre-amps which is crippling me, I would not have flogged it.
  9. http://www.jamhub.com/ Cheaper to buy a cheap electric kit (I have one for sale possibly) and everyone else DI than do bucketloads of building. Also nicer for your ears. Not as much fun as thrashing along at 120dB, but that is expensive to contain. My son's band practice in the room next door to the living room. We know that they are there, but it is not a huge issue.
  10. I am not commenting on anything to do with Japan or Mick Karn or the whole royalty thing for that particular band. However, rest assured that whoever registers the writing credit (melody and words) gets the £. It does not matter if the song contains the greatest drum fill in the history of the world or the most fabulous guitar solo ever. The £ goes to the registered writer of the melody and words. End of. How they choose to move the money around is legally their decision. You can bet that a lot of lawyers have made a lot of money arguing the minutiae in court (don't they always), but it is melody and words and nothing else. Is this artistically correct? Probably not. Does this recognise the contribution the whole band make to the whole band? No. Does it seem fair? No. Is it how it is? Yes. There are really good reasons for people being involved with the MU. If you are a member then any contracts you sign are vetted by very expensive lawyers on an MU retainer. For nothing. We are beyond naive if we think the music industry is fair. Why do Led Zep not get it together? Page and Plant are still fighting about money (allegedly). The industry is not about talent, it is about knowing how to milk the income streams. That is obviously not what music is about for a lot of us, but it is PRECISELY what the Music Industry is about. We owe it to the younger generation to make that clear at all possible opportunities. I wish I knew this when I was 16. U2 split their royalties 5 ways (20% for their manager). That seems fair. To veer back onto topic, Mick Karn had lush tone. Grant, how anyone can use the words "Bryan Ferry" and "singing" in the same sentence is beyond me
  11. The reality is I have an IP310. I am IP'd to the max
  12. There are all sorts of 1x12" cabs around. Nothing does what these do. They are the bomb.
  13. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1326060915' post='1491860'] Its part cos I'm still a bit rubbish on DB and part cos I'm used to 'on the fly' fingering! But seriously, what fingering do you use for playing say G sharp, A, F, E sharp on the G/D strings - is that all sliding your first/fore finger up and down the board or does your second/middle finger come into play at any point - its the semi-tone shifts I am not sure about [/quote] 1 on G#, 2 on A, 3 on F and 2 on E. 1 finger per "fret". Job done.
  14. Not particularly thinking about it for myself, just kind of opening up possibilities. Not that I understand that inside basses electrickery stuff.
  15. Who would make preamp which would be gain only? I used to have a Lane Poor circuit that did that ages ago.
  16. So this would need a preamp stage before it to make it all cushty?
  17. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1325859306' post='1488898'] I've been on the hunt for a Sunburst PJ with block markers, tort guard, P profile neck, 70s logo. So, when I saw this [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fender_Roscoe_Beck_Bass"]Roscoe Beck IV[/url], which has virtually none of those attributes, I just had to buy it. [/quote] I resemble that remark! I had one of those bridges on a bass once and the saddles started to shatter/crumble for no apparent reason. It's poss that I just had duff castings or something, but it was a real surprise and a pain in the butt.
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