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Everything posted by Owen

  1. I needed a small cab because I was fed up of carrying my big cab. I looked at all the likely 12" candidates and decided to go with an ACME. I have always fancied trying one as I like his honesty and general attitude to speakers. It is light and well constructed. It has a port on the front. It has massively satisfying low frequency extension. My other cab is a Berg IP310 which goes ALL THE WAY down. The ACME does the same. There is no obvious sonic weakening as I slide down the B string. It fills the room with chocolatey goodness. I have been trying different amps with it. GK MB Fusion, Markbass something (LMII?) and Aguilar TH500. The ACME is not a super efficient cab and the Aguilar gave up before the other 2. This is not to say that it is not a fine amp, it is just not a good match for the ACME. The Markbass worked nicely, but for me the GK was the one which did the bizz. It drove the cab easily and seemed to have plenty in reserve. So I sold it. I could not justify keeping it and the Demeter pre I have but prefered the Demeter to the GK. So I bought a Peavey IPR1600 power amp which is super light and that drives it very nicely thank you. I had a Berg AE212 in for a short period at the same time to see if it could do instead of the ACME and the IP310. It could not. It was a fine cab and obviously louder than the ACME (2x12" innit) but for me the ACME is just a little bit more complete in the wrapping you in luscious LF. It kind of provides an LF pillow to sit on. I am toying with the idea of getting another and flogging the IP, but I do not KNOW if two are going to make me as happy as the IP does (when I am not carrying it). I also got a 4 Ohm one and this would suggest another 4 Ohm which presents an awkward load to drive if I went back to a micro amp. I do love the Demeter, but I also love the idea of carrying less. A bit of an odd review, more a stream of consciousness about my amp situation really, but I thought I would put this up here so that people knew there was one around and could ask questions if they wanted.
  2. I tried one and really wanted to like it. I found that the volute protruding into where my thumb lurks was kind of in the way.
  3. >The guy from Aguilar says that the power module used in the 350 is the same as the one in the GK MB500. I have owned a GK MB Fusion and an Aguilar TH500 at the same time. The power module in the GK kept going after the Aguilar gave up. No idea what was going on inside etc etc, but for actual volume the GK did more.
  4. Innovation Honey or Rockabilly. They are kind of like gut and have a decent thud. I'm sure someone else will be along with other suggestions in a mo'.
  5. Shockingly I cannot even remember what I bought two posts ago. Needless to say this time was fabulous as well.
  6. They look lush and they are light. Epifani have been around long enough to not put rubbish out so I am excited to see more.
  7. [quote name='owen' timestamp='1330989054' post='1566072'] The uberhorn body is well fit! It is not often I see a "new" shape and think "that works". I fell in love with the uberhorn the first time I saw it. I owned a 33" 5 (with low for a time (waiting on a body to mate with a neck I already have) and it was just superb. You will love it. I discussed the 33" scale thing here [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/130240-shuker-uberhorn/page__hl__uberhorn__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.u...__fromsearch__1[/url] if it helps. [/quote] Odd - obviously the "low " was meant to be "low B".
  8. The uberhorn body is well fit! It is not often I see a "new" shape and think "that works". I fell in love with the uberhorn the first time I saw it. I owned a 33" 5 (with low for a time (waiting on a body to mate with a neck I already have) and it was just superb. You will love it. I discussed the 33" scale thing here http://basschat.co.uk/topic/130240-shuker-uberhorn/page__hl__uberhorn__fromsearch__1 if it helps.
  9. Phew. Just as well they do not do a 5 string in this aesthetic otherwise there is no way I could stop myself. I struggled with not buying this one!
  10. I am also stalled on a Pops Foster book. I am not doing very well.
  11. There is a Scott La Farro book out already. Jade Visions? I am half way through it but have stalled. If I could be bothered to get off the sofa I could confirm the title.
  12. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1330636493' post='1560919'] NHOP!!! Didn't think of him!! [/quote] Shocking behaviour! I bet it would make a fascinating read. Put me down for a copy.
  13. Mark I is now on ebay. The bunching of strings Pete talks about is not a huge deal, but he is something of a perfectionist. I would buy it, but he is making me Mark II. It needs a bridge and pick up and finishing, but it is a lot of instrument for the money. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/280836415043?_trksid=p5197.c0.m619
  15. Bump just cos I love reading "can be picked up from Bangor, North Wales."
  16. >it might be possible to rout out the internal cavity, glue the pickups in before reducing the thickness from the outside. Now that makes sense. I could see that working as the installed gubbins would actually give the wood the support needed. The veneer idea is interesting but not really what I am after. I love to follow grain patterns in wood. Nice grain as attractive as figured stuff for me. It is like the movement of birds flying in flocks and stuff. I have just installed a 13 foot piece of 2" solid Oak as a windowsill. I can happily sit there just idly following the grain patterns. What I was thinking was that I (!!!!!)) could create the pickup cover from the wood in a way that would use the grain that was there and it would be a sort of continuation or development of the original grain patterns. The guy who is going to help me is building me a Bass Electric Uke at the moment and is using a 4mm Burr Elm top so I am guessing that this is technically do-able, even though the initial cut might be pretty scary. Thanks for letting me bounce ideas around.
  17. [quote name='velvetkevorkian' timestamp='1330227310' post='1554389'] Could you mount the pickups from the rear and therefore not take any wood out the top at all? I'm sure I've seen this done but I have no idea where or by whom This would work especially well if you could have the neck sit lower on the body than on a normal bass (because you don't need to clear the pickups). [/quote] I guess that means the whole of the body could be like a ramp then! Tragically it looks like Dom's reply suggests that the wood would not be stable enough to take down to the thinness needed. But you never know until you ask I am not too worried about the difficulty of the woodworking becuase the luhier who will be doing the tricky stuff can treat wood like paper and do bonkers things with it. I guess it will be a large pickup housing then, like the Enfield (?) basses Simms make. I can live with that.
  18. OK. I seem to have sourced some wood, but just trying to get some measurements together. What I fancy doing it cutting the pickup cover from the wood of the body so that the grain will be kind of unbroken. I would route the inside of the extracted block to make a housing. Obviously I use the words "I" here in a non-literal sense. I am thinking of having a mahoosive 2 x J + 1 x P pick up set in one housing so that it is all a kind of pretty large ramp set up. How difficult would it be to cut the wood out to do this? I am thinking of going neck through which will mean that I can dig out bits of the back without worrying about getting it super tidy on the back of the instrument. I cannot see how I could lift wood out of the front, but I see basses with pick-up covers which are obviously continuations of the body wood. Is this just exotic top stuff that is easier to do or could I do it with a solid piece of wood. It might be possible but, as I have already mentioned, I am a woodworking numpty and cannot see how it would work.
  19. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1328705997' post='1531382'] I can photograph my Bolin 4 controls and see if it helps you spot the potential problem. Just out of interest is this bass the one that Owen had (formerly mine)... just like keeping track of it. [/quote] Daf Lewis has that now and it is fretless.
  20. I would also look at the Reunion Blues. They are incredibly light and just right if you are carrying it. It will not protect like one of the semi-rigid ones, but is light and well balanced. It is the one I reach for if I am walking.
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