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Everything posted by Owen

  1. I cannot speak for the quality of this, but it looks to be made to the same pattern as my RB bag. http://www.thomann.de/gb/concord_pv502_kontrabasstasche_34.htm
  2. The last time my DB bag fell apart I bought a Reunion Blues. This was 23 years ago. It is still virtually as good as new. It cost a lot, but I am guessing I will retire before it does. I cannot speak highly enough of it. Long term it is not expensive.
  3. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1333376907' post='1600779'] TBH I wedge a slice or two of mouse mat under the strings and it does the same job for approx. £2, not found a compelling reason to spend £85 for a lever and a spring. [/quote] So have I and it worked, thanks for reminding me. The way of GAS is magnetic and compelling. Just save £85. Score!
  4. Pretty obvious when you think about it! Thanks. I shall have one when the time is right.
  5. What was the name of the mute thing he is using? I just cannot remember.
  6. If some of us (I include myself here) added up what we had spent on backline over the years then our present rigs (which are the culmination of years of research) would be very expensive indeed!
  7. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1333219212' post='1598948'] Remember seeing Miles at the festival hall a few years ago, when he did 'Human Nature' and 'Time after Time'. A gig that was just something else, with Darryl Jones on Bass, John Scofield and Bob Berg. Garry [/quote] I was at that gig as well. Nearly everything has has paled beside it. I have never witnessed such a groove.
  8. I have a Gio which I am actually yet to use. The functionality of having it act as a stomp box controller with Mainstage is going to open up all sorts of possibilities with my Macbook. However, if it is your only interface, not having a mic in will be super limiting. Even if you just want it for bass now, a time will come when chucking a mic in will be useful.
  9. That is an awful lot of cab right there. That is an awful lot of cab for really not much money. Right there. If I was remotely in the market this would be sold by now.
  10. I have had a few enquieries about splitting and I would be happy to do that Aguilar £450 Peavey £150 SKB £30 I would trade for a high powered AI head (+£ from me)
  11. I bought 2. Don't ask. This is yours for nowt as long as you give a decent bit of change to BC
  12. A place to post good xtranormal films if I was really clever I could embed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ol0tFSl50VU&feature=related
  13. Bump for selling it for real now. The Peavey IPR 1600 boasts 800 watts per channel at 2 ohms and is under 7lbs. Featuring 2 channel independent fourth order Linkwitz-Riley crossovers, a variable-speed fan housed in a lightweight aluminum chassis, DDT speaker protection, and the revolutionary new IPR class D topology. Thanks
  14. Owen


    [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1332949292' post='1595371'] what happend? Full story? I saw pics of something 'finished' now your only just getting it??? [/quote] There is no "exciting" story (sadly). The 'finished' pics are of the neck being used on the body it was mated with before.
  15. Owen


    Word has it that it is done and only needs to be posted now.
  16. Got to try them all. The only ones I have not managed (apart from super esoteric ones) are the Alembic ones. The irony is I am trying to downsize and am aching to go micro!
  17. [quote name='Platypus' timestamp='1332787662' post='1593150'] What are like Owen - I can remember you selling one of these not too long ago! Come to think of it, that's the sort of thing I'd do. [/quote] What can I say? I have issues. I might even flog it again, but of everything I have tried so far it has been my fave and I want to try it again.
  18. I realise it will be an AI cos they have no fans, but how about the rest? I have tried the MB Fusion, Aguilar TH500 and a LM II which were all OK, but I do like a REALLY quiet amp.
  19. OUT OF THE WAY EVERYONE! I will take this if it is still here. PM'd you have been.
  20. Not that I want to diss them in any way. It was a fine axe, just not for me. I can totally see why people love them.
  21. Owen


    So then I did a review. Well, sort of. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/171596-acme-single-12-fullrange/page__pid__1588746#entry1588746
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