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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1373970876' post='2143640'] It has 1 bid. So someone made a bid. If it was himself, then it'd be stupid as it would cost him a hefty chunk in ebay fees. [/quote] Nah, he can get the fees back easy enough.
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  4. Might be a WDM neck http://www.wdmusic.co.uk/jazz-bass-maple-neck-unfinished-black-block-inlays-and-binding-8147-p.asp
  5. OK chaps - thanks for the advice. I'll avoid. Just have to run one channel on its own
  6. Just wondering if its ok to use both channels of my Peavey IPR 1600 into one cab. I'd have to make up a 2 into 1 speakon cable ( IPR 1600 is not bridgeable according ing to Peavey ) Cab is single 15" 500 watt 8 ohm. IPR 1600 ratings appear to be 300w into 8ohm, 530w into 4 ohm per channel
  7. Having previously used and gigged with active Mackie SRM's, i can vouch for them. We used the 450's and they were exceptional, clear and punchy, though now it appears there's a V2, and ours were the original version. They're selling some V2 B Stock in the link below with free delivery, a little bit over your budget, but they're worth it [url="http://www.whybuynew.co.uk/mackie-srm450v2-version-2-active-black.htm"]http://www.whybuynew...ctive-black.htm[/url]
  8. Hi Tim - you could be right about just taking the Jack. Might experiment at the next gig ! I dont think my amp does 2 ohms, but then its a 2 channel output so it matters not a jot that i have a 15 500 watt 8 ohm cab on one channel, and a 2x10 500 watt 4 ohm cab on the other
  9. Probably the definitive answer there Foxy. I'll struggle on with this until I can get me another 2x10 Jack, as i really like 'em
  10. Yep its a Jack The 2x10 is way narrower and shallower than the 1x15, but slightly taller. I tried the 2x10 on top this evening after reading the posts, but the sound went a bit naughty. Vol, and bottom slightly disappeared. But then one cab, the 15, is 8 ohm and the Jack is 4 ohm, but i've already been told there wouldnt be much audible vol difference. But, as i keep making changes this evening, i'm starting to get a better sound, and though it will never be ideal due to the cab setup, its certainly improved, and i'm getting to the point where its more acceptable, ( to me ) bar finding another Jack, which is what i really want. One will turn up at some point i expect
  11. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1356297278' post='1909003'] This will likely be quite a labour... so small adjustments all going the same way... rather than random cuts and boosts..as thta just confuses where you are with it all... especially as you will probably have to open a menu or sorts to recall where you set everything.. I had a variable pre like this insid a bass...was a nightmare to get to grips with...!! Have to say, dials are easier..even 4 band para's which this seems modelled on. [/quote] Couldnt agree more. I think the suggestion to buy a cheap behringer as the EQ section is looking more succulent ! I have just found that i can fully defeat the EQ section, which i was sure i couldnt before. I did this and heard next to no difference. How weird
  12. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1356296124' post='1908986'] See if cutting as much as it can is audible at 31 hz, cutting stuff your cabs aren't making sound is always going to be a win. Use the sweep to find when the cut becomes audible. [/quote] Tried that Foxy. cut to -15 at 31hz, and then varied the cut from -15 to zero, and didnt really hear a difference. Next notch up from 31hz is 34hz, then 37hz, then 40hz, then 43hz, then 47hz and so on. Doesnt seem to have much effect till we get into the 40's
  13. Foxy, the low as it will go is 31hz, so cut at that freq as a starter ? The low section covers 31hz - 80hz At mo, the Low freq is set at 45hz, and is cut -1
  14. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1356291278' post='1908901'] Buy a behringer bass graphic equaliser for £20 on the internet. It will give you a lot more EQ options than you have now. [/quote] I could, but then i wouldnt run the behringer preamp and the BP8 preamp together, but i would lose all my FX. There isnt the option to defeat all EQ on the BP8
  15. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1356289736' post='1908875'] This, plus I would trry stacking the 2x10 vertically ontop of the 1x15. See if the sound clears up. [/quote] I did try that last night at a gig, and it didnt sound that good, but then i hadnt got the advice here, so with the current advice, i might try stacking again
  16. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1356287935' post='1908848'] Work on the assumption the cabs aren't giving you anything below about 45hz, so pulling down the lows will give you a tone more headroom. [/quote] I can certainly set the low shelf to 45hz, and cut at that freq.
  17. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1356287288' post='1908842'] I'd work on one cab... the 210, and centre those 4 controls... I wouldn't bother whether this 'true' flat or not... it is where I would start getting the sound.. and it becomes the reference point. I assume you don't have any other filter type controls to confuse things..?? The twang to me, seems to point to a mid hole..which you don't seem to fancy. I think the bass at about 11, and the 2 mids around about 1 o'clock with the intention of filling that hole. I can't hear how the mid controls will fill that hole though. Treble wouldn't be more that 1 either, depending how you hear you sound. A lot depends on how effective the EQ stage actually is. Can you dilute the grind with less gain..?? [/quote] JT , the EQ are not knobs. The only EQ is in the menu system, which are freqs that have to be set. EG on the low shelf which has a minimum of 31hz, i can set that at anything between 31-80hz, and can boost or cut On the mid 1 which has a minimum of 80hz, i can set it anything between 80-250hz and boost or cut. On the mid 2 which has a minimum of 250hz i can set that at anything between 250-1000hz and boost or cut. On the high which has a minimum of 1000hz, i can that at anything between 1000 and beyond to boost or cut. There no other EQ adjustments I backed off the input gain a tad, and this softened the grind a bit, then boosted the output to the power amp,
  18. Very possible its not helping JT, and cabs are not matched, but anyways - i've logged the freq for the shelving This is how they look. Low ---- lowest freq possible is 31hz Mid 1 ----------------------- ----is 80hz Mid 2 -------------------------- is 250hz High ---------------------------- is 1000hz Crossover minimum is 80hz and above ... max is 500hz and above
  19. I'm more partial to the BFM 2x10 !! But the BP8 has a crossover on its 2 outputs, so this can be enabled, if that makes a difference
  20. My amp/speaker/bass sound is not ideal ( for me ) and i'm looking for some help to squeeze out a tone thats suits me. Currently, the sound i get is too twangy, a smidgeon too gritty, with little in the way of low end oomph . I use a 2 x10 and 1x15, though not the setup i desire, its all i have. Preamp ( and FX ) is a Digitech BP8, and instead of the bass mid treble on regualr preamps, I got shelving EQ. ( bit confusing ) If any more info is required to make the suggestions, go ahead and i will post back Cheers
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  22. I have the ART X-11 Midi foot controller. I dont use it anymore, as i've moved from the Nightbass to a BP8, so i'd be happy to sell it on if you're interested [IMG]http://i47.tinypic.com/aemjbb.jpg[/IMG]
  23. I'll give you some feedback after next Friday - cheers Phil !!
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