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Everything posted by fleabag

  1. Leaving threads about bad workmanship, pathetic time delays ( read TB's SGD threads - they're mind boggling ) and other shenanningans is only right. This is meant to be a community, and communities generally like to look after each other. By all means remove trolling posts and openly slanderous ( or is it libel - i get the 2 mixed up ) but in the main, genuine grievances should stay as a warning to the community. As per mr Wave's thread. So i guess internet feedback specifically posted on close communities is a good thing, and long may it continue. As long as what anybody posts is true, and can be proved if being legally questioned, then there is no issue, legally or morally Bad workmanship or business practices should be highlighted in every walk of life, whether it be basses, carpenters, builders, plumbers et al
  2. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1380627983' post='2228002'] Is that the penny dropping? [/quote] [quote name='Shockwave' timestamp='1380628341' post='2228009'] My first custom built basses ever, I searched on here and there was nothing to suggest any major problems with time keeping at Lettsbass in peoples reviews beforehand. So there seemed to be no problems, it's just unfortunate I am one who seems to have been taken advantage of. Hence why this thread exists because I never had the advantage of reading up on possible negatives before putting in an order (If they existed). Maybe you could "Drop" the condescending attitude and baiting behavior? Which of course you'll deny and possibly say "I was only trying to help, what a terrible thing for a moderator to say". Reading between the lines it seems like you are saying I am a fool for thinking the best of people. Thanks for that, it's really appreciated. Maybe I am a fool for doing that, but I don't need you implying that. Of course, you would deny that as well. Well all these posts are in a personal capacity anyway. [/quote] THAT ^ So, is the penny dropping ?
  3. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1380553411' post='2226977'] Reasons I've never gone custom: 5 - I'm never sure if I'll 'get on' with the builder. Not that I'm an arsehole or anything but because of stories like this. [/quote] And thats peoples points here, that put up or shut up is dumb. How the hell does anyone know what a builder is like, if disgruntled customers didnt post their experiences? If you go to a custom luthier for the first time, you take him on face value, or you look for reports on his work ethic from others that have experienced that builder. Its not acceptable - not in the least. I certainly wouldnt order any bass from those named and shamed here, and thats thanks to the people who expose their shoddy work ethic.
  4. Ah the good ole days of fusion / jazz rock Anyone notice the weeeeeeeeeeeird and wonderful North drums Cobham had as part of his kit ?
  5. Amen May as well be debating who likes the colour blue and who likes the colour red. Its personal - there's no real answer accept whatever tickles yer buns
  6. [quote name='bluejail' timestamp='1380320260' post='2223925'] Probably Columbus made by Matsumoku in 70's [/quote] Columbus were made by both Matsumoko and Tombo, both Japanese of course. The weird oblong enclosed tuners were very Columbus, but then other old basses from that era could well have used those, but your best guess of Columbus is probably right The woods look poor enough to be a Columbus, which weren't the best quality, unlike Guyatone or Tokai of the same era, which were much better built
  7. What Neep said .. for me , comfortable/fast = thin. Whatever floats yer kayak
  8. Old model Aria Pro SB series - my SB600 single pup passive had a 16.5mm string spacing at the bridge, though IIRC, maybe 1or2 mm wider than a jazz at the nut. Most Peaveys - my RS Sig is jazz size
  9. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  10. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  11. The bridge pups on the Yamaha & Pedulla were terrific,
  12. No probs LN - word of note, this beefy ( and excellent ) speaker weighs 17kg without packaging.
  13. Just a thought - you are better off selling the speaker driver on its own on Ebay. A speaker supplier told me that, and he was right. I got £60 for mine, and it helps to post. In fact its essential you post it. As long as it's one of the cast chassis models 350 watt RMS. You can then sell the empty cab for whatever, as you would already have got the money you're asking for here, even if you only got £50
  14. Bassbunny might be able to tell us, but i think he also used a P bass and a Vigier at some point. Montreaux is a great live DVD, but i'd also try and track down the live DVD at Hammersmith. Its a killer. Gets a nice sound out of his Kramer fretless too
  15. It certainly is Paul Webb's bass. Top player ! Live, used an MM Ray at Montreaux and Athens, and a Kramer at Rocknight http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRn_pKdKwkU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQ9i15f5jXU
  16. For the hard of thinking ( me ) it would be marvfabulous if an experienced vid guru actually video'd him/herself actually recording the vid track and sound track, through the whole process, with camera work looking at the PC as well, to see whats going on. Probably too much work in the end, but would be soooooo beneficial
  17. Freddy - hows about junking the neck, keeping the body, and see if you can a find a cheap non Satellite P neck on Evilbay or perhaps on here? I've also got a bag of pots you could use, free gratis. I only live a few miles from you, too
  18. Satellites were known for warping necks, and are basically firewood, but at the price paid, no real damage done to the wallet. In my limited knowledge, they were built by Kawai Teisco, who built loads of nasty cheap basses for others who put their own names on the headstock. I had a neck thru Satellite P Bass, and would you believe it, that had a warped neck too. They were 80's i think The neck thru P ( exactly the same as my ex ) on ebay in the link below has been on sale there for ages now, as the seller thinks cos its old, some mug is gonna pay his outrageous price. The fact that its been on there for months means that folk may not be the suckers the seller thinks they are [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Satellite-original-fretless-bass-guitar-very-rare-and-with-hardcase-/290829725240?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item43b6cd6e38"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item43b6cd6e38[/url]
  19. The pup covers are likely to be genuine ebony. I had a single pup 80's Over, and that was genuine Ebony, and bloody excellent axe
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