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Doctor J

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Everything posted by Doctor J

  1. It'll be full of Gibson branded tat, it's not about selling guitars at all, anymore. They're trying to position themselves as a "lifestyle brand" like Hard Rock Cafe, Harley Davidson or any other business you see dopes paying crazy money for the privilege of advertising and associating themselves with the logo. It'll be clothes, umbrellas, stools, fridges, ashtrays and any other overpriced crap you can stencil a label on. Bleed authentic, as that creepy guy said in the video. Coming soon, for all your overpriced merch needs, the Warwick Wigwam, the Orange Outhouse, the Marshall Mausoleum and the Fender Fold-up Bed. Buy, buy, buy!
  2. To show the needless silliness of it all, there was a very nice ACG (is there any other kind?) for sale in Greece and advertised here, shortly after it all came into effect. I was very interested in it, but beaten to having the cash to buy it by a few days. A few months later, it showed up here again in an ad placed by the buyer who was in the UK. He was selling at a very fair price, given what he had paid plus shipping and had paid import duty and VAT too, but the prospect of paying tax and import duty again on top of all that, to get it back out of the UK, on a bass which hadn't changed a bit in the few months, brought a nicely priced instrument into the realms of completely uncompetitively priced, and it was all just in additional taxes.
  3. Each player's finger gunk would result in a different composition of bio-crud which, surely, would result in different tonal characteristics?
  4. It has killed the FS section, for me, to the extent that I rarely bother looking anymore. Aside from adding 25% to the price of everything, I think often sellers are less inclined to go through the paperwork hassle, too, and ship outside the UK. I think there's validity in a section in FS for EU-based ads but perhaps not an appetite to create another sub-section in there?
  5. My friend went to Talkbass and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.
  6. GHS also have red silk ends, as I recall.
  7. For the type of music he plays, he's the final End of Level Boss. The funk bassists listed, fantastic as they are, would not do as good a job in Rush as Geddy did, just as Geddy would probably not flourish in their respective genres of employment. He's the right man for that Rush job in particular, but maybe people just don't like the job. Hate the game, not the player, brahs. As for his vocals, I couldn't stand them until that Rush in Rio DVD came out. Based on a mate's recommendation, I thought I'd give it a try and, finally, Rush and their divisive music and vocals all clicked for me. Love the band now, from beginning to end. They're the best Rush-style band there has ever been and he's the best bassist they could ever have gotten for the music they ended up playing.
  8. Only if one holds it upside-down.
  9. I know a guy called Gerry Lee who also doesn't like Rush.
  10. This might suit your needs? https://www.delisleguitar.com/shop/de-lisle-amp-speaker-selector-v2/ I bought one of these, three amps to one speaker. Not cheap, but I'd rather not take chances with the amps or anything else. I'm very happy with it.
  11. 2. The lack of symmetry to the Hipshot rubs me up the wrong way.
  12. It's not something exclusive to guitarists. I've been in bands with drummers who did it, even bassists who did it. In my last band, the singer always took ages to get to the next song due to the insuffereable jiiba-jabba. Look-at-me syndrome, the curse of our age. You can't purge it from someone's personality. Best thing to do is structure your setlist so you go straight from one song to the next. We would do three songs back to back, everything in clusters. Bang bang bang. Gap. Bang bang bang. Keep them busy so their idle mind can't wander to the point they need to feel people are looking at them thinking how wonderful they are. Get disciplined, get your setlist together and get tight and you can cut this crap right down.
  13. For me, if you're the one setting up a band, you need to have the vision and know what you're aiming for. This just smacks of desperation, trying to appeal to everyone. It's the ad of someone who doesn't know what it is they want to play. I'd avoid, personally. There'll be a long march ahead before you arrive at a cohesive set with a stable lineup. Too much time will be wasted finding the true direction.
  14. He plays Jerry's fretless from about 45 minutes in
  15. I prefer Spock's Bass Lessons. Logically.
  16. That might have been the guy who did it in the first place, Sick Steve.
  17. I've seen the "You must log into Facebook" screen loads of times. I'm still not going to sign up 😁
  18. They look great, hearing them is the problem.
  19. He was playing John Birch's basses in the mid to late 70's, then BC Rich, then Spector, then Vigier, then Lakland, that I know of. The famous Rickenbacker from the Never Say Die video was a loner and he hated it.
  20. Hopefully they're offering it in yellow, too. I have an irrational lust for a yellow Ironbird since seeing Johnny Rod wield one with WASP a long, long time ago. I don't think I need that haircut, though 😁
  21. I couldn't shake off the feckin Street Lightning idea so tried to make it work. Conspiracy theorists wearing tinfoil hats and attracting sky-based electrocution was the best I could do. Yeah, I know. There's always next month. The technical stuff: Yamaha drums heard by thomann mics and behringer preamps, as always. Bass is L2k, guitars are a Gretsch 12 string and an Ibanez RG. Some of it has wah, fuzz, univibe, delay and probably more fuzz and more delay for extra zap using a real Fryette amp DI'd into a Palmer speaker simulator. Organ is a free Avid thing. All smooshed together in protools.
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