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Doctor J

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Everything posted by Doctor J

  1. There are no short cuts to finger dexterity. Chromatic exercises, one finger per fret, will get you there, but you've got to do it and stick to doing it correctly. Keep your thumb in the middle of the neck, not hanging over the top. E 1-2-3-4 A 1-2-3-4 D 1-2-3-4 G 1-2-3-4 D 1-2-3-4 A 1-2-3-4 Repeat, repeat, repeat E 4-3-2-1 A 4-3-2-1 D 4-3-2-1 G 4-3-2-1 D 4-3-2-1 A 4-3-2-1 Repeat, repeat, repeat E 1-3-2-4 A 4-2-3-1 D 1-3-2-4 G 4-2-3-1 etc etc etc These are also great for getting your right hand fingering/plectrum strokes in shape. All downstrokes, no up, down, up, down, etc. Also, if you find it hard to have one finger per fret, perhaps cast a glance at your left wrist. It should be fairly straight, not contorted into a right angle. Adjust your strap length as necessary so your wrist, hand and fingers are all quite straight when fretting.
  2. A guy used to come to our gigs and scream for 'Hammer Smashed Face' every time. We never did covers but I was at other gigs he attended and seems he wanted every band to to play it. He must have really, really liked that song.
  3. 34" scale, graphite, 12" radius, Jazz-sized, 4-string neck with 24 small frets. Downsized J body made from a fancy looking, light coloured wood with 2x G&L MFD pickups. L2000 electronics with the active bit removed and a blend pot instead of the 3-way switch. A bridge made of metal. Sadowsky knobs. Elixir stainless steel 105-45 strings. Maybe the body is trans emerald green stain. Or purple. Or Orange. That'll do, pig, that'll do.
  4. I gigged with only one string before. You're all bourgeois swine.
  5. S8 serial is anywhere from 78 to early 80's. The hole the bridge pickup is sitting in is not original, so I wouldn't get too caught up in returning it to original state. That ship has sailed. If it were me, the neck dot situation would do my head in, so I'd be looking at getting the fretboard replaced, a new one fretted so the original dots are in the right place, get them refilled with black dots and I'd keep the bridge and the EMGs. They're better than what it left the factory with, IMO of course ๐Ÿ™‚
  6. Often the free shipping ones are listed multiple times with different prices, some where shipping is not free. Look out for this, always check the seller's other items.
  7. I've bought from Japan plenty of times, never had a problem. "Bought from ebay" doesn't really mean anything, it's just a means to put you in touch with private sellers and every one is different. Look at the seller, check their feedback and pay with paypal so you have protection, then prepare to pay the postie an extra 25% before they deliver.
  8. Playing music I don't like or believe in sounds like a chore, to be honest, and not something which interests me at all. Playing originals is likely to cost you money and it's that passion for the music which keeps you going in the times where you're tired, have played to three disinterest punters and have another long drive home in the dark ahead of you. There won't be too much cash in hand to shut up the voice inside you. That you've asked the question suggests the voice is quite loud already.
  9. https://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/Chicago-Bass-Guitar-by-Gear4music-Black-Nearly-New/37WC
  10. Terry Butler and Bill Andrews leaving Death, which allowed them to reform Massacre with Rick Rozz and Kam Lee, resulting in the fantastic From Beyond album. As for Death, Sean Reinert and Paul Masvidal came in from Cynic, along with Steve DiGiorgio from Sadus and they changed what death metal could be with Human.
  11. I'd drown him out with thunderous slapping and popping and learn him, learn him real good.
  12. According to Mick, he's not playing anything at all ๐Ÿ˜‚
  13. Can you get the sound you're after by EQing on your amp?
  14. 20+ years and still going strong. For the first decade and a bit, I just used to tune by ear ๐Ÿ˜‚
  15. Why not escape brand slavery and try other brands who do make 32" P basses?
  16. I'd go with different pickups first. Your pre is just colouring what it gets from the pickups and, depending on how much you're adding or taking away, may or may not be doing much colouring at all. The fundamental sound is always the pickups. The bass should sound good with everything flat, the pre just tweaks it to taste.
  17. As opposed to "I don't like this, they should quit"?
  18. Imagine how this guy feels, then, every gig is a Duff gig
  19. I'll need to get "Street lightning, go street lighting" to the tune of that song from Grease out of my head before I can dosomething useful ๐Ÿ˜ฉ
  20. If there are aftermarket manufacturers for it, there will be propaganda for it. If it can be used for one-upmanship, there will be propaganda for it. If there are bedroom players who only ever play in isolation and can obsess over microscopic perceived changes in tone when nobody can really hear it because the only part of this whole circus which actually matters in the end is the music these tools make, there will be propaganda for it.
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