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Everything posted by LewisK1975

  1. Dread to think what would happen if I ever went in there. I love Precisions and if you do too, have a look at these 2 he's got: [url="http://andybaxterbass.com/details.php?id=1014"]http://andybaxterbas...ils.php?id=1014[/url] [url="http://andybaxterbass.com/details.php?id=953"]http://andybaxterbas...ails.php?id=953[/url] Just Wow.
  2. I've been GAS'ing for an RH750 for some time now......The feature set is amazing and from what I've heard, they sound pretty darn good!
  3. Plenty of love on here for them - including me! I've got the 50's precision in sunburst and it's one of the best Basses I've got. Nitro finish, reverse tuners, anodized pickguard, feels solid as a rock. Don't believe the pickups are anything different, but I could be wrong, sounded just fine to me before I changed them (I changed mine for SPB-3's anyway, coz I like 'em!, not because the pickups in it were bad) There is a rumour that they are 'finished' in the US, but I've never seen that documented anywhere officially...
  4. [quote name='vmaxblues' timestamp='1453361592' post='2958679'] and I did a mates party recently with my other band and me and the drummer who were mates with him took no fee but the others had their full rate. [/quote] Seems to me you've answered your own question here!
  5. It's difficult when it's a friend of the band (even if not a friend of all the band members) - Your theory of pub price = pub performance kind of holds water, but the guys in the band who are his mates might want to give a little more...I'd say a compromise somewhere between the 2 should please everyone. What's the alternative? Would you rather do you the guys party where you should be guaranteed a receptive 'up for it' crowd, or a different standard pub gig for £200ish, or sit in the house? FWIW - in my band we have a rule where each of us can have one gig every year for families and friends etc, where we only charge fuel etc - seems to be working so far.
  6. Only ever used Roqsolid - great covers and no hassle!
  7. Yeah I've got it and I've watched it twice. Excellently made film which gives just about as much insight as you need into his life. drT above is right - I wanted to pick my bass up right away whilst watching it.. I'd also say, if you haven't had the time / inclination to get into Jaco before now, it's a great place to start and really does give a good insight into why he is held in such high esteem by so many...
  8. LewisK1975

    Bristol Bash

    [quote name='cocco' timestamp='1452763613' post='2953139'] depending on what day it ends up being I'd be interested in this. I'm the other side of the bridge though [/quote] Me too Cocco - Perhaps if all works out and we're both able to go, we could share transport, depends how much gear we want to take I suppose!
  9. Hi Matt, if you do decide to sell separately drop me a PM, I'd be interested in the head and footswitch. Cheers bud.
  10. I can vouch for the Yamaha Attitude's punch and growl - as previously said it's like a P-Bass on Steroids, which is kind of what you sound like you're after. You can get the pickups that they have separately too. Maybe something to think about. [url="http://www.dimarzio.com/pickups/bass/standard-bass/will-power-middle"]http://www.dimarzio....ll-power-middle[/url]
  11. My 2p, [b]in no particular order[/b]: 1 - Being registered for tax as a self-employed musician, or being signed to a record company contract. 2 - Having RELIABLE gear (doesn't need to be expensive, but needs to work consistently, and should be well maintained, and maybe PAT tested?) 3 - Turning up on time, dressed suitably for the gig / session. 4 - Being of an ability where you can perform the material required of you, consistently. All I can think of right now.
  12. I think the Yamaha Attitude deserves a shout as a prime example of this - It's been manufactured for 25 years now and as far as I'd imagine would only be on the radar for Sheehan fans, if he stopped playing them, I'd imagine sales of it would plummet, if not actually stop... For the record, I'm a sucker for a signature Bass.
  13. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1452452905' post='2950084'] Try it in the passive input, if it's too hot, move it to the active [/quote] Yup.
  14. [quote name='jonsmith' timestamp='1452437470' post='2949902'] I'm pretty sure it's JT, even if it gets scrappy towards the end. Most of these isolated bass parts reveal scrappy or out of time playing - even the ones from the likes of Geddy Lee. That's part of where the energy in performance comes from in my opinion (as opposed to the trend amongst some to quantise everything until it loses all sense of feeling). When deciding to go with a take, you'd listen in context with the other instruments (drums especially) rather than how the bassline sat on its own. The fact that so many untidy performances both in sound and execution have ended up on very successful recordings demonstrates that the part doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to fit in a pleasing way. [/quote] ^This - There's always loads of debate on youtube comments for these isolated bass tracks. Quote 'Thats not Steve Harris / Geddy / etc etc, he would never be that sloppy' - People always forget that they're listening to the bass track in isolation, and that would never happen during the recording process..
  15. [quote name='funkgod' timestamp='1452374416' post='2949440'] Years ago a friend had a rock band and used a dildo with a thin condensor mic in it. when ever anyone guested he would make them use that, great prop for your niknak box next time give him that and start the song ...Have i told you lately that i love you [/quote] Genius.
  16. [quote name='markmcclelland' timestamp='1452305627' post='2948810'] Bloody hell Lewis. I just read day 13 back again for the first time since I wrote it. I had a few genuine shocks and a couple of laughs too. Guess I'd deleted parts of it from the memory bank. Day fourteen and Costa Blanca comes to a climax with Madrid looming large. [/quote] Yeah I bet you did Mark - looking forward to part 2!
  17. [quote name='dudewheresmybass' timestamp='1451839486' post='2943875'] Bottom, for me, is the quintessential physical comedy show, and is the logical conclusion of the ideas put in motion in the young ones. I love Rik and Ade's comedy, so regularly enjoy these and more [/quote] Hear Hear!! I can remember being 16 and watching that first series - it was all me and my mates talked about in school...
  18. I'd just write it off - I know it's a ball ache when you've done groundwork and finally got in somewhere you wanted to play - but what would happen if you went back there? Same guy wanting to play with you again..
  19. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1452246661' post='2947933'] Make some time to read this thread - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/205633-in-ear-monitors-help-needed/"]http://basschat.co.u...rs-help-needed/[/url] It will tell you everything that you need to know and a lot more. Well worth the time. [/quote] Thanks!
  20. Top stuff! Love the singer's voice - can't quite put my finger on who he sounds like - a bit Mark King / Chris Barron (spin doctors)?
  21. [quote name='Blink' timestamp='1452174484' post='2947262'] Mackie do a conversion kit to change the 30 pin dock to the Lightning dock. Not sure how much but all you need is a screwdriver. B [/quote] £36 from thomann.. http://www.thomann.de/gb/mackie_dl_lightning_dock_service_kit.htm
  22. Had a few issues recently with my band members complaining about onstage volume. I'm all for having a manageable onstage volume but there have been times that I've had to turn my amp down so low, that I know all I'm hearing of myself is what's coming out of the PA. So I've been thinking about in-ear monitors.. We run a full FOH (bins and tops) and most of my tone shaping is done by a Sansamp Paradriver so I've no concerns about the sound out front being bad, it's just about being able to hear myself properly on stage whilst keeping the other band members happy (which I do believe is important, so please no suggestions of telling them to just f**k off). Questions I have: How have you guys who've made the change to in-ears found it? Do you go for a full band mix with yourself pushed a little? Does it only really work if everyone switches to in-ears? Wired in ears vs. Wireless? I'm sure there'll be more questions too!! Thanks in advance for any responses!!
  23. There's a 15watt version of those Ashdown CTM's? Sounds perfect for what your after if you ask me... http://www.pmtonline.co.uk/ashdown-ctm-15-valve-bass-head
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