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Everything posted by LewisK1975

  1. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Hi Paul,[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I posted this in the 'Amps and Cabs' section - Whats your opinion? I guess the real question is do the RH amps sound like a sansamp I suppose?[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Just trying to gather some opinions from RH750 (or RH450, guess it sounds the same??) users...[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Currently using a Tecamp PUMA 500 (all set flat) with all the tone shaping done by a sansamp paradriver (like the bass driver but has semi-parametric mid control).[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]From listening to youtube videos (I know, I know), it seems like the RH would have a similar sound straight out the box - plus have the added benefits of the built in tuner, compressor etc..[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Thoughts?[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Or if anyone in the South Wales area would be kind enough to let me try their RH with my cab(s) (BF super compacts), that would be even better![/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Cheers!! [/font][/color]
  2. Hi all, Just trying to gather some opinions from RH750 (or RH450, guess it sounds the same??) users... Currently using a Tecamp PUMA 500 (all set flat) with all the tone shaping done by a sansamp paradriver (like the bass driver but has semi-parametric mid control). From listening to youtube videos (I know, I know), it seems like the RH would have a similar sound straight out the box - plus have the added benefits of the built in tuner, compressor etc.. Thoughts? Or if anyone in the South Wales area would be kind enough to let me try their RH with my cab(s) (BF super compacts), that would be even better! Cheers!!
  3. Cant help but notice that the OP hasn't commented since to explain in any way how he reached his conclusion??
  4. My 2p. I've had many cabs over the years (gigging for 25years and counting), Trace / Laney / H&H / Orange / Peavey / Ashdown / Marshall etc all the usual suspects. I've heard nothing that's as good as my Barefaced super compacts. They are certainly not lacking in heft in any way. YMMV.
  5. Think someone wanted to start an argument maybe?
  6. Agree - Nice touch from a nice guy, one of most down to earth 'famous' people I've ever met. Love my ATT II ltd - although I have been considering flipping it for the version 3 - hmmmmmm.
  7. Thanks Karl for the extra info! It is indeed a great Bass! Just surplus to my requirements at the moment!
  8. 1990's Yamaha Attitude Special in Seafoam Green. £300 sale / £325 trade value. Also signed on the back of the headstock by Billy Sheehan! AFAIK these weren't made for very long and were only around during the early years of the Attitude. This is not to be confused with the Attitude Ltd model which is the full on Sheehan signature model!! This model has a single output with volumes for each pickup which you blend to your taste. Volume only for the split P pickup, volume/tone for the neck pickup. It also does [b]not [/b]have a hipshot d-tuner. It has a standard 4-bolt neck joint. Neck is slimmer than the ltd model, more a Jazz type size/feel.. It does not have scalloped upper frets on the D and G strings. It has yamaha pickups, not dimarzio. A lot of these have been converted to dual output etc to try and copy the ltd model, this one is untouched! Located in Bridgend area of South Wales, but can travel! Think that's everything - any questions please ask!! Trade-wise I'd be ideally looking for a Maple fingerboard Jazz Bass - but try me, you never know! [attachment=206986:att spl hs.jpeg][attachment=206987:att spl.jpg]
  9. Wobble. MUST - NOT - LOOK!!!! Stunning Bass, tried one in PMT Cardiff the other day.
  10. [quote name='Dazed' timestamp='1449666289' post='2925729'] Careful on that cool and classic site. It's littered with Limelights, and they're awesome!!! [/quote] Wow just went on the Classic and Cool website - he's got some nice stuff there! Shame it's in Devon - I reckon I could spend a good few hours there!....
  11. There's also a famous quote (allegedly) from Paul McCartney which goes when asked why he played a Rickenbacker he apparently said - 'Because they gave it to me for free'.
  12. [quote name='Highfox' timestamp='1449667455' post='2925748'] I tell you what, give the Roadworns a try as well.. [/quote] Have to agree here - I've got one of the sunburst Roadworn Precisions, and it is a fantastic bass. Only change I made was to put an SPB-3 in it. Nothing wrong with the standard pickup, I just like the duncans.
  13. Agree with all of the above - you HAVE to try one. I'd played Fenders for ever - Took a trip to that London a few years ago and went for a look in the Gallery in Camden. There was a s/h mapleglo 4003 on the wall, started me dribbling. Asked politely if they would remove the pickup cover (which they did)and played it for near enough an hour in the shop (sitting on a stool) and decided that was it - I was having it. Off I skipped - gagging for the weekend's gigs to show of my new toy - Did one gig with it and sold it. Now I have to say - It was and still is undoubtedly the best looking bass I've ever worn - and it sounded pretty good too - but it was SO uncomfortable to play when standing up I couldn't believe it - Gutted wasn't the word. No arm chamfer = Pain when you're use to Basses that have them (they're there for a reason!). Also some songs were played with a pick and I kept catching my pick on the pickup surround which is MASSIVE and stands proud of the body. With hindsight I could have probably persevered with it and maybe I could have found a way to adapt my playing style to suit the guitar, but at the time I really didn't think I should have to do that. So to summarize form my experience - Find any one to start with and make sure you play it on a strap and whilst standing up - Then if you get on with them, I would go and try a few others to find the one that's suits you the best..HTH.
  14. Tried one in PMT Cardiff yesterday - gutted when I handed it back to the sales guy....Very nice indeed.
  15. Considered this as well - The sunburst Geddy Lee looks great without the plate, I thought about just getting some kind of cool sticker to cover the hole up..
  16. [quote name='Lw.' timestamp='1448979802' post='2919750'] You could just buy a P neck & put it on your jazz - I'm thinking of doing this at the moment because when I flick back to the jazz from my (chunky-necked) Warwick it's just too thin for comfort. [/quote] Yeah I did think of that - my Jazz is a sunburst Geddy Lee mexican made. Very nice indeed and great sound, just wish the neck was a bit bigger! Do like the maple with black block inlays tho, very nice!
  17. Just reading another post that the new-ish USA Geddy Lee Jazz has a thicker profile, but still 1.5" at the nut, might be worth a look....
  18. Anyone know of any Basses made like that? I know there are Precisions which have more Jazz type necks, but what about the other way round? I really like the sound of a Jazz, but I played P-Basses for so long that it's just what feels comfortable to me... Any suggestions??
  19. [quote name='Subthumper' timestamp='1448919702' post='2919267'] Appears they only deal with warranties. But they did give me the number of Surrey Amps. Anyone had any experience of these guys? [/quote] Their website is either http://www.surreyamps.co.uk/ or [url="http://www.amphospital.co.uk/"]http://www.amphospital.co.uk/[/url] - both of which seem to be Surrey Amps. No experience of them at all sorry but the site reads like they know what they're on about!! YMMV!
  20. Love my VM-5, cracking basses and at this price it really shouldn't still be for sale! have a bump on me.
  21. Actually used one of those behringer combos in an emergency once - Setup to play and my amp was dead - knew a guy nearby and he offered me a lend of his behringer combo - nothing wrong with it and the DI worked fine, but yep was quite heavy.
  22. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1448276918' post='2914035'] Can't quite see from those pics, but it looks like a GK amp head? Just wondered which model that is? [/quote] It's a GenzBenz Streamliner - 900 watt version I think..
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