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Everything posted by Geek99

  1. Isn't Stuart Clayton a member here ? Try a pm
  2. Minor issue, is that guy pictured not playing a weedy six string thing and there no bass player in sight ?
  3. I have one in my zoom b2.1 - its set quite subtle and it's always on
  4. [quote name='markstuk' timestamp='1498383638' post='3324168'] After years of trouble free service I've had a set of hand/arm problems over the past year or so that I've been able to work around but it is slightly worrying 1. Mallet fracture of my right middle finger 2. Trigger thumb in my left hand 3. Problems with my left hand little finger (very sore) Luckily these have mostly got better - however I've just been diagnosed with Tennis elbow in my right arm and am having a steroid shot in early July.. Anyone else been through this, and any hints on how to cope? [/quote] I got it and also had the steroid shot- choosing the right doctor is critical as you're only allowed three in any one area in your lifetime I got my first from a surgeon in my wrist and it was spot on. Second in my elbow was from a visiting trainee GP - not encouraging you'd think - she was nervous but absolutely nailed it Don't rest it, keep working it gently
  5. I think it's been de-skilled a bit by the easy availability of in person tuition and on-demand learning materials; it's a lot less /mystical/ than it was. No one is spray painting "ed Sheehan is god" on walls like they did with Eric Clapton I'm not convinced at all that it's to do with manufacturing or quality
  6. I usually buy or listen to (thanks Apple) the latest u2 album but generally aside from an occasional gem (crystal ballroom) it's a bit meh these days Not really beaten atomic bomb but I'm sure they need my money
  7. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1498045804' post='3322179'] I'm going to be doing a gig with a Country and Western band soon! There may be waistcoats and cowboy hats, and there will definitely be a banjo Really looking forward to it. Any tips for getting an authentic C&W vibe? [/quote] Get used to playing two notes per bar, on a precision bass. Remember there are two kinds : country AND western (see the blues brothers movie)
  8. And then the GAS and peer pressure took over ...
  9. What if one gets stolen ? Surely then you would need a spare
  10. I would take a spare if I gigged
  11. Just listening to the Eagles for the first time in years; "I cant tell you why" at this precise moment; and if I recall correctly he wrote and sang this too. Wow, is his bass playing [i][b]tasteful[/b][/i].
  12. what colour is the pickguard ? why not stick some same-coloured tape under the guard, so that you cant see the body colour grinning through
  13. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1497517768' post='3318757'] This is one of those occasions I was taught about as a child where if you can't say something nice it's better to say nothing at all... [/quote] Yeah but this is basschat
  14. I don't like the colours, the apparently poor ergonomics, the agricultural looks, the huge price tag, the skinny necks
  15. Are you reacting to the metal of the strings ?
  16. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1497379405' post='3317723'] It's the one bass I have no desire to own. Don't like anything about it. [/quote] yep me also
  17. [quote name='Mickyk' timestamp='1497391031' post='3317856'] So come guys get recommending,i'm finding myself wanting to play funk a lot ,so i guess my Yamaha BB424 came from the factory sporting roundwounds although this i'm not totally sure about ,unless someone can enlighten me. Any way if that be the case then i'm in the market for some Flats,so can you recommend me some,but bear in mind i have short arms but long pockets . [/quote] There's always folk selling flats they didn't like on the "other items" forum, just pick some up from there and try them for peanuts.
  18. This comes up a lot Fender flats get my vote for cheap cheerful and quite good enough to test the water
  19. damn, I was looking for one of these a while back.
  20. Geek99

    Jazz question

    I never found it to be a problem If it gets in your way just lower it
  21. i found him very inspirational. At the time I was slowly realising that the six string was not for me and his bass was the first I really noticed.
  22. Staff kept telling them, they ignored staff Bankers
  23. Back home now after an eight hour oddesey Huge thanks to the builders at premiere inn for making my disabled child run the gauntlet of all their noise despite me asking them repeatedly to stop just long enough for us to enter the building without her being in obvious distress And they used all the disabled spaces as well. everyday
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