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Everything posted by supabock

  1. Why arent you selling the case with it, why is it an extra??
  2. Nice one Mike, What version of Band in a Box are you using and what packs do you have? Do you primarily use it for rehearsing your lines/ Jamming etc. and do you find it and intuitive easy package to use?? Steve
  3. [quote name='oldslapper' post='1073234' date='Dec 30 2010, 10:38 PM']Mike, sorry to "cut in" on this thread, but are you interested in a sale? If so, could you drop me a Pm please? Cheers, John[/quote] Hey John You'll have to get behind me in the queue im afraid oldslapper Steve
  4. Thanks for your valuable comments....... I will be considering the EA as i will be using a double bass along with electric bass. I also have a fishman plat pro that will see the light of day i am sure when the upright does also. I guess in a way i have such great EQ on my basses that whatever amp i use i generally use flat and control all the colour and tones from the bass end. Somewhat a waste of an HD 350 really. Not sure what the EA Doubler will sound like through the ebs cabs, but they will have to do for the moment..... Anymore thoughts, just jot them down for me it’s much appreciated
  5. Hi All, I know its all subjective and all that, but does anyone own one, or tried one of these amps, or can give me an opinion on them?? Thanks, Steve
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  11. So how do i get a gig with Ellie then??
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  14. [quote name='Duckyincarnate' post='1046111' date='Dec 3 2010, 10:48 AM']Not to derail this thread, but if your goal is to progress to the acoustic double bass you might be best served just going for it right away, and study with a teacher. In order to play the EUB you will still double bass technique, or you will get into bad habits which will take much work to unlearn later on. While it is a cool instrument in its own right, I don't think it is a 'stepping stone' to the DB.[/quote] I disagree.... They are good instruments in their own right and some on the market are like acoustics to play in the first instance. The difference can be in sound reproduction obviously depending upon the context they are being played in. I think each to their own as there are advantages to be had by both aoustic and EUB. However i do agree with the need for good tuition to get started on either.
  15. [quote name='JustaBass' post='1041508' date='Nov 29 2010, 07:00 PM']Hi Gentlemen, Have any of you got any information on this beautiful 5 string Sei jazz bass currently on E-Bay looks absolutely gorgeous. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=190472552997&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...e=STRK:MEWAX:IT[/url][/quote] Well there is no doubt as to the quality of these basses. I have two so could be a little biased. The seller refers to it as being ultra rare, but i think its only ultra rare as it would take Martin some months, more like a year to produce one to your spec, if thats what you want. I think they are worth every penny, but do feel this seller is asking for max price on this one. All subjective i know and it depends if someone wants to buy it at that price or wait for a new one at an equivalent price to what he is asking for. Steve
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  17. Oh and then there was mine......Just couldn't resist it
  18. I think they should rename the scheme as "Please have it now".... That said i sold my Ashdown and had the dilemma of settling up in one hit, but decided to let it run interest free as it was a smaller drain on the finances which freed up some cash to outright buy the next lot... Lets face it as players we are all going to be "so last week" at some stage....
  19. This is a great opportunity for people who have limited budget to be able to afford something generally outside of their budget. I bought an Ashdown Rig when they and this scheme first came out a couple of years ago. You can work out your budget and if it is exceeded and you cant meet the payments then don't do the scheme, its simple really.... Even places like Thwaites are doing the scheme and that makes much more pricy instruments a little more accessible to those without the large disposable income. Yes you have the usual credit checks, but lets face it, its the norm for today even if you want a basic mobile phone that may cost you £20 or so a month..... Its not a scam nor does it have a hidden agenda, I just think its trying to make musical gear a little more accessible to those who wouldn't normally be able to afford it, and at the same time giving the resellers the opportunity to stay in business by moving stock, so everyone's a winner really
  20. My Mate is the drummer, so I'll ask him what the plot is Steve [quote name='barry021574' post='1022205' date='Nov 13 2010, 09:45 AM']Thanks, Gareth. I've had no reply, so that's probably true. Barry[/quote]
  21. supabock

    GB guitars

    [quote name='bubinga5' post='1022803' date='Nov 13 2010, 07:19 PM']There are two sides to this...GB and a 74 Jazz.. different beasts..personaly i would take the Fender...yes im envious...on another note, i remember that KS jazz you had and remember loving the tone in the Railway.been gassing for one...was it a fiver? did it have an EBS pre.? they can you go for peanuts now and there killer basses....GF what did you think of yours?[/quote] Sorry to hijack the thread yet again, but you should have kept the Sei Andrew.... My bass of choice now, the others dont get a look in and that includes the Wals.....
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