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Everything posted by Woodinblack

  1. Unless they are sequenced, it is pretty well impossible for most original bands too Also, not being Johnny Cash would have caused exactly the same lack of success. Ask an orchestra, they seem to like it. And the art of playing things, the fun of playing things and playing live motivates a lot of people more than coming up with something new. Some people prefer playing music to a 100 people who are all dancing and having a good time rather than their mum saying 'thats nice dear'.
  2. I should be getting a fretless tomorrow, and I have a gig on saturday. Seems like the ideal oportunity to find out if it is a good idea
  3. Is there a crossover of things on bandcamp and other streaming services?
  4. I have mine in a roqsolid cover and it has been fine
  5. Hard to tell isn't it, there are always going to be people better than you and people worse than you. Some people think they are great and they really aren't, but they can't hear what makes them worse than someone else. Some people can hear the subtlety of the difference between them and someone else so think they are terrible - the dunning kruger effect I guess. Without people having a standard to measure themselves to, there isn't much way to compare
  6. Indeed - Opera without the singing (and in fact death metal without the honey monster singing) are fine, have no problem with that.
  7. I would imagine that they would actually just assume you are lazy! I arrive, get all the stuff from the car, set up the PA, do the gig, break down the PA, load the car. If the drummer is there, I help him with the drum kit from the car and back to the car and he helps with the PA. The singer also carries stuff from the car and back, and does a little of the PA setup. The guitarist does FA. Because he is lazy. He stands around chatting.
  8. Is this wireless? My bongo can't be used on a 2.4ghz wireless directly plugged in without getting a high pitched wine, but can if you connect it via a short wire. Either that or some sort of electrical inteference in the house, TV / Wifi etc.
  9. Fair enough - I think the Scott one is worth commenting on as it is a different sort of album, the stones album.. well, its a stones album, so if you like them you will like it and if you don't I guess you won't!
  10. I noticed booking with parcelforce today on their own website, they mention their billing is handled by parcel2go
  11. Yes, you would have to cut and rewire the circuit tracks to do that.
  12. The waza airs are the boss wireless link, not bluetooth. They have bluetooth for audio in from a music source and for app control.
  13. I guess that is what she meant, but hard to get the whole story as it wasn't from her, it was from her friend who was kind of taking the p out of her. She was pretty impressed with the bass though!
  14. Bluetooth headphones themselves not great for playing bass through, you get quite a delay, but connecting your music via bluetooth with some other headphones, that is an easy enough thing to do
  15. Sounds very much like a stones album, which is I guess what you would expect. So yes, they are in their 70s/80s doing music which is good, and if you like the stones I would imagine you would like that. I suspect if you pick the right AI and tell it to write a stones album it would come up with something similar, but what would you expect the stones to do - not really a time to change style now is it. Not sure of its relevance to this thread though. eta - unless you mean that people that like this wouldn't like that? I don't think that is true, you can like wildly different music types, just that I was never a particular fan of the stones, don't hate them, just they never did anything for me.
  16. Was last week, on the friday. We started practicing in a new venue, one that we had played a new years on about 6 years ago and had been through managers since then. They said it sounded like their sort of music so gave us a gig there. Set up easily enough, not very crowded. Were supposed to start at 8:30, which is early for us but the landlord said it was up to us, the place was generally dead until 11 when the floods came in from the other closed venues in the town so we could start later if we wanted a bigger crowd. we opted for later and a longer break. There was a woman at the bar who was amazed the drum kit was seethrough and had lights in it, and asked if it was supposed to be like that (not sure what she meant, did it accidently have lights in it?) so was pretty blown away when I got my acrylic bass out, which I have now changed the blue lights in the body for green, and looks better. There was a buzz in the PA which was driving the singer mad but I couldn't hear (which is odd, I passed my hearing tests a year or so back), but we had 5 minutes trying to stop that, and then it just went, so I suspect it was a dodgy PA lead, will have to buzz them out again. first half went well, small but appreciative audience, no major issues. Second half quite a few people had come in which coincides with our more party / fun half (first half a bit rock and blues, second half more ska /. disco and pop) and that went down well. Sure enough at 11, there was a flood of younger people in, and it really picked up again. Could have done a few more songs in the end but as usual our guitarist decided we had to stop there, so we did. Still, better to go leaving them wanting more.
  17. Probably are still dogs but are now considered valuable dogs. Once the cost thing gets into your head it starts changing how you perceive things and I guess it has the advantage if you know that if you want to change it, you can get more money than you bought it for it can be worth trying . Sure there are some good 70s ones, but I don't think it matters as much now they have value.
  18. I quite like the first couple of minutes of game theory. Then it gets a bit too random for me. Certainly listenable but I can't imagine going back to it much. I will give the whole album a listen though.
  19. Its a national average of what was spent, not what was received.
  20. I want my speaker to do as little colouring as it can and just put out what the amp gives out. if I want muffled I will do that at the amp.
  21. Had the 305 and there was something special about that pickup, great sound, just couldn't get on with the neck. Good live bass though, great sound and built like a tank!
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