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Everything posted by Woodinblack

  1. You edit the first post and that lets you change the title and add a price if you want
  2. Hmm - I had been looking at that from another thread, hadn't noticed its length
  3. and Wham (several times)
  4. Hi, I am after a gig bag that I can put any of my basses in, which includes my MM Bongo - unfortunately the bongo is longer than most at 121cm, whereas most gig bags are 119cm. So they sort of fit in if you take the straps off it and bend the edges a bit but it is not ideal. My old gig bag fitted but it is falling apart now, so I need something else.
  5. if you edit your first post and add the word sold at the end, it will auto lock
  6. Depends - in chinas case they subsidise their car makers, so it is already unfair on our domestic car workers, same as their aluminium
  7. Drummers have surnames as well? Well, there is something I didn't know!
  8. Pff.. I can hardly name all of my group and there are only 4 of us
  9. I don't think there is any need for hate or arguments, but as someone who also does UIs for a living, I do make a point of ensuring that, within bounds, the user can access all of the user interface functionality whatever the resolution of their screen. If it is too small to display, put a scroll - its an ugly work around but at least it enables functionality on a reduced screen. The resolution is not 'too high', it goes up way higher than that, and some people have bad eyesight or high res screens (my work laptop is set to 250% but it is a 4k screen) but if it is a problem not being able to see the user interface, it might be worth mentioning in the manual or support documentation that the screen has to show a minimum size to be able to see the current UI, so people aren't asking how to get it to work on a completely unrelated forum. But you say it was made with QT and I have had to work with QT, older QT so I know the issues. As an aside, the UI for the 12 step works for me, but then it is not something I go back to often as the 12 step works pretty well the way I set it up,
  10. https://theshovel.com.au/2020/06/04/nra-accidentally-forgets-to-rise-up-against-tyrannical-government/
  11. Thats the same with me, however I do know I am not going to like it enough to use it at all pretty much straight away. Most of my basses that have been favourites have been unseen though, most of the basses I gig I didn't play before buying, although one of the was made for me with a copy of an ibanez neck.
  12. My wife is a huge fan of glass beams since she saw them at my daughters just before christmas.
  13. Not a very good AI then!
  14. so any reason you picked a deliberate pop song from 15 years ago rather than her newer, older stuff? I mean she is certainly more sucessful while alive than Beethoven was when he was alive. I would also say that Symphony number 9 might be long but it only contains a few different motifs that get returned to a lot. And seeing as they are different styles of music I am not sure there is a comparison.
  15. Well, in the 60s, most music was manufactured boy bands as that is what people wanted. Before that it was solo singers with hits written by songwriters, or in the states, sanitised rock/blues music. The singles charts was always about what sold, it has never been different, just what sells is different. There are still loads of groups, go on whatever your music service is and you will find them. Album charts are a bit less mainstream based - ie, in the top 30 as I look today there are 2 fleetwood mac albums, abba, linkin park, Oasis (proving that tastes are no better than they used to be), arctic monkeys. nah - stuff is the same
  16. I really don't see why?
  17. I think we can pretty well assume that she isn't trying to fool herself.
  18. Seems very much that you have your desktop scaling set to something higher than 100%, windows is a bit shit with that sort of thing. Temporarily put it to 100% in the display control panel, and I guess it will probably work.
  19. Take a little detour onto Youtube and do a search for Tori Holub - maybe weve only just begun.
  20. This - I was not sure what to expect, I didn't expect this
  21. Oh I think it is worth having (and under £5 does it even matter). Just for me it is an emergency backup. In general when I am playing live it is only the EQ I set up with the iPad, I use a physical surface to change levels, just easy to grab when you are playing. But 100s of gigs in, it has never let me down or caused any trouble, one of the most reliable bits of equipment I have used
  22. Me too, and with both. Think it was £7 last time I saw them with ozzy.
  23. There certainly is, its on the front on the right, opposite the jack and conveniently obvious enough to occasionaly plug in accidently!
  24. Favoured by some, I never got on with it. I have it as a backup as it works on the phone which XAir doesn't. but I always did prefer XAir to set it up.
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