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Left Foot

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Everything posted by Left Foot

  1. Would/could you guys enforce this with originals? Tough break though, honesty is the best!
  2. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1381277922' post='2236980'] [size=4]surely no-one will be so dumb as to think a fender neck looks like that?[/size] [/quote] Hi Rick, Im not dumb but I wouldn't know the first thing about fender necks. How about sharing your knowledge so its more 'common' and I can feel less dumb. thanks.
  3. Tuner, never thought of that, d'oh!
  4. DiMarco - I enjoyed that vid and music, parts of it sounded like power rangers though. They need some spandex and script writers. mirthkon and panzerballet are both great examples of heavy basslines that force the issue and have a lion share of the mix.
  5. Good topic. My two cents (probably a penny short): As technology changes the culture and understanding of music has changed with it creating sounds we never expected in previous generations. The problem here is that what was once a rebellious and aggressive art form, metal is now a exponent of 'traditional' instruments. For traditional music the instruments all have their part to play and the music maker, producer and consumer have clearly defined and understood expectations and parameters that these instruments should meet. Hence why Sneap is selling the actual instrument tones, to reinforce the tradition. But, metal needs to stay sharp, aggressive and relevant today to fill the quota of 'rebellion'. Unfortunately it has does this through numerous 'cut your noise off to spite your own face' type exercises. The music maker, producer and even consumer are all slightly tired of it, its reached a plateau of expression and so after we're saturated with the metal image and tattoo's, long hair and ggrrrrrrr (what?) there's only one chance to re-invent rebellion, that's by mocking the tradition (which shows the lack of ambition in the plateau). I always thought that metal, punk and grunge where always about fighting against established forms of thought, yet its now compounding them to suit its own aesthetic. ...but whatever right? rant off.
  6. I was wondering about the commitment side to this as well, it seems like most updateable hard/software that it enjoys a decent launch, ok mid term development and then is unsupported from year 3 onwards. You know what would be amazing for this pedal, if they encourage developer support so that third parties can create template patches/models, and sell them on. Digitech could be the hardware, image if a famous player uploaded the exact same digital effects they used, would almost negate build inconsistences. Anyway, I'm sure they have thought of this. Either way, a few Christmas presents sorted!
  7. Great idea! are the patches or effects all free now then? actually tempted!
  8. I need headphones! the tiny 10 w amp sits on my solid wood desk and transmits all the lovely sound through the floor to the girl down stairs. She slams doors a lot and reading this thread I think I need to be more considerate.
  9. So Dan, what you think of the 66 knightfall? Just placed an order for a Fix'd fuzz DLX clone with extra filter, really excited for it. This is my first custom build and I'm really impressed with the detail Tom is willing to accommodate.
  10. As far as I can tell, Akai don't have any other highly desirable 'leading' pedals or effects out, I just don't understand why they don't reintroduce this pedal to establish a leading product. They could still sell it for £400 and maintain their integrity. I wouldn't be buying one but it seems like a very profitable venture with a cultivated audience.
  11. Yeah sorry, I don't know how to un ebay it. I think you could get it cheaper on their at the moment anyway, cheers Bob.
  12. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1378581101' post='2202170'] Just get the, as yet unreleased, Knightfall 66 Si [/quote] I've emailed about release dates and price, like a Fizz'd fuzz for bass, or is that an over simplification?
  13. Its annoying when you haven't got the right tool for the job.
  14. [quote name='Dramatis Persona' timestamp='1379534053' post='2213937'] You can find an old HOG for cheap now. [/quote] Where? I have seen some with patch switch pedal and expression pedals on ebay but they got for £250.
  15. [quote name='operative451' timestamp='1379520333' post='2213650'] Also, do i detect a note of elitest snobbery? [/quote] It reads like you wantonly inferred it as such. The majority of people, who are interested enough to read and post in this effects forum and who have tried earlier Zoom products and 'proper pedals', would agree without bias that the differences in sound/noise is a matter of quality not snobbery. The zoom 708 was my first pedal too, it was very much a toy.
  16. If you have a pedal posted by or simply want to offer a trade then let me know, both pedals have been packed and unused for a couple of weeks already, both too good to not be used.
  17. EDQ Disaster Transport Sold! Ghost Echo and BM still available, give 'em a good home! Seems like our very own Protium did the handy mod's to the BM!
  18. Theres two fuzz boxes that are fantastic in my opinion: Firstly the Maleko B:assmaster - which can go from smooth to full on gritty rasp or dial in some saturation and boost in between. No bottom end loss at all, blend, responsive to your actual playing, works well anywhere in your signal chain. Secondly - The Blackout Effectors Fix'd Fuzz - I had a great clone that I moved on which I really regret, has a boost and two channels of fuzz with filters that means you can balance bottom end perfectly with high mid range, its so versatile, really had the scope to go from harsh powerful grit to thick saturated dense growl. Definitely look into both of these as I use an Ibenez ECD710. Tell us what you get and how it is for you.
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