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Everything posted by Clarky

  1. OK, I will send the bass to mainland Europe. Delivery cost: UPS charge just over £50 economy while DPD charge about half that (but I don't think they are as reliable as UPS). Total cost: I would want £999 net of all bank charges for the bass, plus delivery at cost (agreed with the buyer as above). Approx. £1,050 net assuming UPS is the courier. Also, I realise Brexit means the buyer would be charged import/duty on the declared value but I am afraid I will not bend the rules to save the buyer money. What I get paid is what I will declare on the customs forms.
  2. Lots of interest but noone has pulled the trigger as yet. If not sold in the coming days, I will open this up to mainland Europe where there are a couple of potential buyers
  3. I was asked for some pics of the solid, functional but far from pretty hard case. Here you go
  4. * Cough * this series was announced in October 2022 and has been discussed on BC since .... https://www.premierguitar.com/gear/fender-american-vintage-ii
  5. Tough audience. Final price drop to £999 plus post if needed. I have never seen an AVRI priced this low.
  6. Bump for the lowest price AVRI bass available anywhere (Reverb, eBay,etc). Any interest folks?
  7. Nice Fullerton era 62RI Precision at Andy Baxter's. £3k price seems a bit rich but what do I know, vintage Fender prices seem to have gone up hugely in past year. https://www.andybaxterbass.com/products/1983-fender-precision-bass-fullerton-vintage-58
  8. Cut to £1050 plus delivery at cost. Doubt you will see an AVRI 62J any cheaper
  9. Its really quite muddy, no matter the tone setting, in my view. I am hugely biased as a Serek owner but I think the Midwestern both looks better and sounds much more defined
  10. Reminds me of Gibson DC Junior bass in body shape and pickup placement
  11. I had front row seat at Hammersmith Odeon on British Steel tour. Touched Rob's leather boot ... oooo err
  12. For full disclosure,the truss rod nut is quite recessed. However, it turns fine as far as I can tell. Its currently nearly maxed anticlockwise due to low tension TI Flats (I tightened it clockwise to check it turns and then returned it back to close-to-max anticlockwise)
  13. Last price adjustment before it goes back in case: £1350 now including UK delivery or £1325 collected
  14. For a reasonable price too https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/195594111499?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=ydtvbm3ot0o&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=eqlPJw_SSty&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  15. This is what I do. I have also seen recommendations for carefully bending each string along the length over your fingers, which presumably stretches and loosens the windings - although I would be nervous about causing damage
  16. Sign of the times. Despite being the lowest priced AVRI 62 Jazz I have seen on eBay and fully £600 (33%) cheaper than the other listed AVRI 62 Jazz, it didn't sell. Oh well. That means its still available to you lovely BC folks!
  17. Reopened and price cut to £1350 plus delivery cost. Sorry, no trades
  18. Thanks Andy. Its also on eBay (at a price that reflects eBay fees). The auction finishes this evening and there's 21 watchers. I would rather this stayed in the BC community, however, as its a lovely bass in all respects bar (for me) the weight!
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