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Everything posted by xgsjx

  1. Are you worried incase you take all the strings off & it warps the neck? I know some acoustic guitars are suspect to this. Taking them all off shouldn't affect your bass' neck, but if you wanna play it safe, change one at a time. Changing strings should have no effect on the warranty as I'm sure there's players who replace the strings with flats as soon as they get a new bass.
  2. I'm gonna suggest (surprise surprise) a Markbass combo. Light, loud & ticks all your boxes. I spent ages looking for a combo & ended up with the 2x10 but the 1x12 may be a more portable option for her.
  3. I changed from DR peacocks to TI Jazz flats & there was no noticeable change in volume. It might be the Roto's tho.
  4. Guitarist that "think" they can play bass (not to be confused with guitarists that can play bass).
  5. I can't remember what that site was called. As BottomEndian says tho, EHX do have god vids. Also YouTube is good for finding demos of just about any pedal you could think of.
  6. I saw a list of effects somewhere, will try & find it & post a link for you.
  7. I'll chuck the Markbass combos into the mix. I've never had any trouble being heard, usually the opposite.
  8. You do realise you could pop 2 of those 15" cabs under your 4x10 & run the lot off your amp*. * provided both 15s are 8 ohm & your 4x10 is 4 ohm.
  9. Planning on selling the 4 ohm & building up a collection of 8ohm cabs?
  10. I think you should play about & see what position you like it in. Putting it somewhere that you wouldn't expect might surprise you.
  11. Welcome aboard. Get yourself across to the Amps section & you'll find lots of advice to suit your budget. If you're looking for lightweight & quality then there's plenty to be had from the likes of MarkBass, Genz Benz, TC Electronic & many others. Have fun!
  12. Beaten to the Baby Blue. A fellow bassist from 5 or so years ago said it was the best combo he'd played thru in a studio. I was tempted too til I got the MB.
  13. I was about to post this topic too. It's really a list of music radar readers favourite band's bassists rather than best bassists if you ask me.
  14. Sorry, I never read everything correctly in previous posts & never made myself clear on what I actually meant (I'm good at doing that! ). What I had meant was in relation to talking about a scale I haven't heard anyone say "it's in the key of Gb or A#", I didn't mean as written on score (that tends to keep all notes written as # or b & not mix them).
  15. Funny thing theory. Just when you think you have it sussed, more theories come along! I guess that's why it's called theory. Incedently I've never known Db, D#, Gb, G# or A# to be in any scales other than in humour situations.
  16. [quote name='ahpook' post='962500' date='Sep 20 2010, 06:18 PM']don't use the word 'retard' - it's not nice. use a grown-up british word like 'shithead' or 'f**kwit"[/quote] The correct phrase for those types is Mong (or Mongs if there is more than one).
  17. Queen, Simple Minds, U2, Marillion, Prince, RHCP, Sugar Cubes,Bob Marley, Guns n Roses. Surely these aren't forgettable bands?
  18. Why not use your 2x10 sat on top of your 4x10? This would pull the full power from your amp and increase the speaker height, meaning you'd hear yourself clearer as well.
  19. If that doesn't work then maybe a booster pedal would be your answer.
  20. Too far away for me to make, but would love to be there. Have it in Perth!
  21. If I had the funds just now, I would buy it! Anyone wanna buy a nice big flat in Perth? Big garden for playing in
  22. I can only reiterate what's been said, don't set up the music stand & play by ear. If you lose where you are then look at another band member for what chord/note they're playing (stop looking at the drummer for help ). Learning how to utilise ghost/dead notes, harmonics & slides (and sometimes rests) can become useful in those situations where you go "Oh no, what comes next". The only time I use score is to learn a song to start with & only ever use a chord chart live when playing guitar (but I try not to if I know the song). Go & have some fun, it's better than standing reading at a gig.
  23. I really want one of these. I was hoping to get one when it came out, but nowadays I'm short of pennies I'll save & maybe get one in a few mumphs.
  24. No points for guessing what pedal I'm gonna suggest. There's many good pedals out there, depends on how much you wanna spend.
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