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Everything posted by xgsjx

  1. It isn't just about how many watts goes into a cab, it's about how much air is being moved. 500 watts moving 2 4x10 cabs is gonna move just short of twice as much air as 500 watts going into 1 4x10 thus being a whole load louder & retain the sound that you would expect to get from your existing rig. The old "full output from the head into one cab will give you max volume" is a myth. If you put 2 8 ohm 4x10 cabs on your amp (getting about 300w out your head), it would more than likely be louder than the full whack into one 2 ohm 4x10 because you're moving a larger mass of air with the extra speakers. Hope this helps.
  2. xgsjx


    From the sound of what you're looking for, it might be what you're after. You can take a CV or click from your drum machine to sync it up & the envelope control will allow the sound to go from short ckicky staccato to reverse sounding notes & everything in-between. It also has stereo outputs which you might find useful. Teaming it up with any of the moog pedals or any other pedal with CV out will allow for further experimenting & weird/wonderful sounds, but isn't a must need for good results.
  3. Very good Q. You could rewire a 4x10 to run at 2 ohms.
  4. have a look at getting a MarkBass LMII & a decent seperate cab all s/h, should come at @ budget.
  5. xgsjx


    Depends on what you want the pedal to do & the type of music you play. I think it's a brilliant pedal & have a review of it with sound clips in the reviews section on here (I'd link, but it's a pain to do on the phone). Drummers can have trouble trying to keep tempo with it but if they play to a click then you can send a pulse into the tap tempo in from the click. I have the footswitch in the tap tempo but often take an out from the mf-101 into the rate for some strange effects as it starts fast & slows down. I don't use the sequencer side of it as much as it was meant for & find I use it as a flashy eq with a wobble on it & often use the B channel for the lfo effect & sometimes just as an overdrive. If you wanna know more about it, let me know.
  6. [quote name='senmen' post='949717' date='Sep 8 2010, 06:23 PM']I am also willing to trade in something partially......[/quote] I'm tempted to let you trade it in towards my Ibanez but the sentimental value is too high. I was admiring this bass on the Ritter website last month & trying to work out what/who I could sell. Best of luck with the sale.
  7. Well Nigel, are you gonna be doing some improvising at the next gig? Just a total random bass solo in the middle of a ballad perhaps???
  8. [quote name='cocco' post='949348' date='Sep 8 2010, 12:34 PM']I am also not a fan of bass players who whibble around the fret board. Keep it simple. If it ain't broke don't fix it. An old lecturer of mine had a theory that an audience member will hear the bass line they want to hear no matter what it is you play so you might aswell stick to root notes. But then again he wore a tweed jacket with elbow patches and ridiculous dahli inspired waist coats.[/quote] I take it your old lecturer knew not much about bass or music? I agree that most of the audience wont be able to identify the bassline, but I think they'd know something was wrong if you just played root notes for "Hit me with your rhythm stick" or anything else that was bassline driven.
  9. My answer was in regards to a live situation & does depend on the song & how things are going, it's a feeling thing. When a song is being improvised, the bass could be improvising on many roles... It could be a dynamics thing where the improvisation is to play less or even stop completely & do incidentals (normally found during a later verse, bridge or chorus), it could be how the bassline actually goes in the song that has parts improvised or it could be doing a solo. If done right it sounds good. The only recordings that I can think of that are on the web to compare would be here... [url="http://www.myspace.com/jellyrollmusic"]http://www.myspace.com/jellyrollmusic[/url] Compare All The Rushes & Rushes, both the same song but played slightly differently to suit the set we was playing at the time.
  10. Our (BigRoom) songs have a structure that we tend to stick to but often have fully improvised parts in a set chord sequence. We could play the songs the same every time, but we think that's a bit clinical sounding for our style of music. Improv isn't restricted to jazz & we even did it in our rock band (Frigorifico).
  11. I've been thru that phase (no, not the ampeg one!) & you'll come back to bass later. I did when I was asked to join a band after having a short break from playing anything (was writing music on computer tho). Just now I am playing more guitar than bass, but that's only because the church asks it of me. I'm not getting as much playing as I want to tho!
  12. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='948435' date='Sep 7 2010, 04:10 PM']B5R head runs at 300watts 4ohmes, 500watt 2ohmes. my cab runs at 400watts 4ohmes. adding a 2nd 4 ohme cab takes the head to 2ohmes and gives 500watts. Im not sure where your getting your numbers from.[/quote] Sorry, I misread an earlier post where you said the 4x10 was 400w @ 4ohm & mistook it for the head (problem with trying to read at work! lol). You're quite right with your figures (I didn't know that your amp went to 2 ohms).
  13. Erm, I'm not getting this. If your B5r runs 400w at 4 ohm & you have a 4 ohm, 500w cab, you're only gonna get 400w into it. Adding a 2nd 4ohm cab won't give you 1000w, but is more likely to blow your amp up.
  14. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='947917' date='Sep 7 2010, 08:15 AM']I just think it may save my time in telling me if an ext. cab would be required for maximum output of an amp,,,,,,simple[/quote] I think the safest option would be to treat a combo as if it was an amp capable of running at 4 ohms & comes with an 8 ohm cab as there are only a handful that put out full power without an ext cab.
  15. I get where you're coming from, but I always do a little research into anything that I'm interested in. I knew before buying my combo that it ran at @ 300w on it's own or 500w if I add an 8 ohm cab. I also knew that the speakers have 21mm of travel, I'm not sure if this would move any more air than a driver that moves 18mm but I do think it greatly reduce the chances of me popping it. Most combos (not all tho, such as Vox & other cheapo ones) will require an ext cab to get the full wattage unless you decided to rewire or replace the drivers, but I don't see the point in this as running 500w @4 ohm into 2 10's is not gonna increase in volume compared to the 300w @ 8ohm into 2 10s & running an extra 2x10 (having a 4x10) would move more air (more air = more volume/noisiness). I know most manufacturers tend to put the 8 ohm & 4 ohm wattage ratings on their websites for their amps, sometimes it's under tech specs.
  16. [quote name='velvetkevorkian' post='946812' date='Sep 6 2010, 12:10 AM'] Om nom nom nom.[/quote] Looks like a bummer for bar chords tho!
  17. [quote name='Beedster' post='944742' date='Sep 3 2010, 05:17 PM']Sorry guys, but this thread has lost something since Dave stopped posting ):[/quote] Well get logged back in as him & we'll get this to page 30! TBH I like the sound of Ampeg valve gear, it just doesn't have the sort of sound that I want for my bass & wouldn't suit my band's sound. Same reason I don't have a Fender, it just doesn't have the sound that I want (tho I'm still tempted to get a Jazz).
  18. If I could afford £10-£15k or more for a bass I'd be getting one of those Ritter Roya Royal concepts with the infinite fretboard. Or maybe even the Zephyr
  19. Sounds Very Tempting? Nope... Serious Vertebrae Trouble (from lifting perhaps).
  20. [quote name='Beedster' post='942965' date='Sep 2 2010, 07:59 AM']Jeez, what a thread, I'll never get those 15 minutes back! Did I miss something? Is Dave a legitimate member having a bad day, or a clown who came on to wind everyone up? Did he have an angle I completely missed? Confused of Canterbury[/quote] I actually think it was you using a different log in to wind folk up & give us a laugh. Especially as you've not been logged on the same time as "Dave", Dave Beedster!
  21. I know a drummer who has a belter of a Roland kit & has one of those Bose portable PA systems. Sounds immense. A drum player (not a drummer) that I sometimes have to play with bought a cheapo e kit for £200 off eBay (despite being told not to) & it's gantin. Plays it thru a wee fender practice combo! [quote name='dood' post='942865' date='Sep 2 2010, 12:00 AM']I'd liken having an electronic kit behind me to playing with in-ear-monitoring. Something 'feels' lost without the amps roaring behind you if you see what I mean?[/quote] I hope that's an Ampeg rig behind you now!
  22. I've been reading this all day & it's been excellent! I'm just in from putting a silver cloth grill on my combo & painting the head black with some silver lettering. I've also fitted a smoke machine inside it & bolted the whole lot to my house (to make it weighty of course). I really just wanted to get a post in before the day's out!
  23. As I read thru your post my thoughts was and are the same as many of the answers. Start your own band with your preferred singer. Guitarists are 10 a penny & the minimum you're gonna get is a trio (could do rock acoustic style but with electrics & no drums).
  24. I moved to flats 7 months ago & wish I'd done so sooner. I went with the TI Jazz flats & had no trouble switching from the DR Strings rounds that I was used to & the tension differences that people note from rounds appear to be very minimal (doesn't affect my playing). So yeah, go for it. I'll be sticking with rounds & may try the La Bella Deep Talkings on my next bass (or if for some strange reason I snap a few of the TIs!).
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