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Everything posted by tonyquipment

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  2. Dorset is lovely place ! Nice drive area What's wrong with that?
  3. It will soon diminish... You will get GAS again... It's part of the bass package
  4. [url="http://www.last.fm/music/Thrice/The+Artist+In+The+Ambulance"]http://www.last.fm/m...n+The+Ambulance[/url]
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  7. Boss CEB3 it's got a blend pot and cutoff threshold pot as well so it can target treble strings or the full range. Great chorus pedal. Does exactly what a bass chorus is supposed to do. And it does it well.
  8. Silly violin bass and animated eyebrow aside, I really like McCartney bass playing. Shame much of what he was playing in the early 60s is lost in crappy fidelity recordings. You don't fully get to hear it. Especially on the live stuff. The studio remasters are good but I want LIVE.
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1365629723' post='2042200'] I don't particularly mind relics, but only if they're done well. The biggest mistake these people seem to make is to distress the bodywork (badly), then leave the hardware pristine and shiny. Shows a lack of imagination and attention to detail in my opinion... [/quote] This. And the 'pristine' fretboard as well hah!
  10. Yeah the enhance thing on it only makes the signal sound 'brighter' Then again, yes. If your signal sounds sh*t then yes it will make it more apparent ! Hah!
  11. Just EQ it on the recording. Like Peter hook once said.. You can't polish a turd.
  12. Love the LMB3. Makes tracking issues a thing of the past. Also maintains signal strength so there are no spikes in volume. Very under rated pedal. Squash the hell out of the signal!!!
  13. Now if boss made a mini TU2 with TU3 accuracy...
  14. Bass typically is mono for more punch but hey stereo could be cool too! Just two mono signals I guess!
  15. Keep cool. Talcum powder the hands if you are to shake his and take some Imodium if all else fails hah!
  16. Chromatic I have one in the key of C I think ... Great fun. Annoys people !
  17. I think my trace will probably outlive me Hah!
  18. Truss rod need adjusting? Shouldn't keep going out if tune like that unless the strings are slipping for whatever reason...
  19. Yeah I would keep it. You'll miss it when it's gone!
  20. Not sure about the Marshall stuff but trace Elliot gear is built like brickshit house and will live for donkeys years. The Roland amps are good though. I got a little cube amp and they punch well above their weight. The second hand market is definitely your friend! Try gumtree and the marketplace here. Bargains to be had!
  21. Get one of them Roland bass cube amps. They have built in effects and are quite punchy so I've heard
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