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Everything posted by tonyquipment

  1. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1368297578' post='2075477'] The Wife [/quote] Trade me for yours then! Hah! Then I guess I can have GASSS again
  2. hah! glad to hear it. for me, i cannot justify spending 4 grand on a bass, it wont sound that much different to a cheap 50 quid precison jobby off gumtree, yeah aesthetically the 4 grander would look much nicer but it doesnt necessarily mean that it will play like its worth! i've had a go in the music shop on a couple of 'expensive' guitars, fenders/gibsons/rickenbackers etc however they didnt play and sound half as good as my 40 quid encore strat which i've had kicking around since my teens. the liquid smooth fretboard, slightly worn frets, foam light body, pitch perfect intonation (i was bored one day and decided to tweak the bridge) all from a 40 quid argos jobby!! the sound, for me, boils down to effects board and amplification. if either or are cheap, it will sound crap. flame me, i dont care, im drunk.
  3. take the bugger apart and have a good ol nose around in there... probably needs some soldering love
  4. 8x10 too much low end? what about 8x15? now thats low end!
  5. why do people like the 'worn' look? its like going to a job interview for CEO of apple in a really sh*tty crap looking rusty volvo from like 1970 people cant take you seriously i mean, if i was to buy an instrument which looks like a pile of sh*t, i'd ask for a discount because of the piss poor condition its in!!
  6. i bought one of these flanger preppy style-f1 headphone amps to practice with, just noodling around and stuff.. i got it off ebay for like 13 quid odd delivered. i figured, if it turned out to be crap i wouldnt cry about it seeing as it was pretty cheap. its actually not too bad. the tone control doesnt really do anything and the overdrive is a bit farty. BUT on clean, it sounds alright! its got a built in battery which is charged via USB, fairly long life..x so many hours so i am told. meh whatever... auxiliary in, to jam along to your tracks, like that feature. thats about it. pretty simple device but overall, it does what its supposed to do and ACTUALLY sounds okay. what about you? have you guys bought some cheap looking things which actually turned out to be alright?
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  8. I forget to mention its the old TE stuff lol you know the stuff which weighs like a house. But in its defence it sounds good. Clothes wise I don't think I am chav. I don't really wear sports gear. Oh actually. I have a sub in my car. Now that's chavvy!! Yeah. What? I like bass.
  9. I guess I qualify for this club. I play cheap bass into TE rig.
  10. Usually the rattles come from the machine heads... I had an acoustic which did exactly as you mentioned. Blue tack sorted that out pdq.
  11. Sometimes it is easier to play an open A rather than a fretted one... Like when I am doing Ds and A walks etc Depends really whether I require to fret the note to make the run to the next note easier, most of the time I'm lazy and have sloppy playing... Might use open notes or fretted ones...
  12. If my LMB3 Stopped working then I would play guitar I guess...
  13. Oh.. Well in that case then if you can't find anything on the Internet then it probably isn't worth buying!
  14. Sold nos please remove thanks!!
  15. Open it up and see of there are tubes in there...
  16. Nah, it's only worth a tenner. I'll take it off your hands!
  17. [quote name='BigBeatNut' timestamp='1368084880' post='2072884'] Yeah, wish I had an octave in the 1590A format, then I could squeeze in the Green Mile too. [/quote] Have u had a look at the mooer octave?
  18. Joy division is okay... I dunno about the rest though.. Bat-core rock-core gunge etc..!?
  19. I had a look at the spec of a couple of older ones and they do but what they don't have is a gain or level knob to match the instrument but that doesn't really matter as you can turn the vol up or down on the aux source...
  20. Revisiting this ... The io2 doesn't work stand alone... I'm looking at line 6 pod... Is that any good???
  21. I'm not actually going to buy it but thought I would chip in and say it does look nice a nice tidy bit of kit!
  22. Recorded this morning.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?nomobile=1&v=-JKtoDfUX3s Shows all my gear too in silly subtitles !! Added bonus!
  23. Sold now Please can someone lock and or delete? Thanks!
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