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Everything posted by Roger2611

  1. I will take it if I can shift my Stingray
  2. Price drop to £900 as I have seen another bass on here that I would like
  3. What actually constitutes relicing? As another post mentions the horrible poly finishes applied these days are never going to age gracefully in to a lovely 50's Precision....I have flatted the shine off my classic vibe precision because I disliked the overly shiny finish, I think it looks far better for it and if someone so desired it could easily be polished back up to it's former "glory" So have I committed the cardinal sin and reliced a bass or have I just made it look more like I wanted it to?
  4. I am surprised no one else has heard of this one but according to radio 2 at some point there was an Irish rapper doing the rounds as Duff Paddy! quite simply the best tribute name possible
  5. Roger2611


    Ricky brought my TC Electronic rig, top bloke to deal with Rog
  6. Ok, I have tried everything to love this bass but sadly it is just not happening, yesterday was the final attempt, I have restrung it with a brand new set of EB cobalt's, I gigged it last night and although I do think it sounds better that naughty little P Bass Lyte just keeps winking at me and saying "I'm the one aren't I?" it seems to have the edge both playing and sound wise. So the Stingray is out preferably for trade but if nothing suitable is offered it would be for sale. It is a 2008 3eq H/S model in excellent condition with no significant or photographable dings or dents (I have removed the sticker already) The case is in decent condition but has been cracked and repaired in the past, it is fine and quite stable. Trade wise, what do I want.....a very good question...definitely no 5's or 6's bass wise, whatever it is weight wise it must be under 10 lbs. I am definitely more a P Bass man than a Jazz man, I would certainly consider another P Bass Lyte (preferably in the Pearl White or Candy Apple Red)I also really like the top end Bass Collection bases or on a real tangent I love the Gretsch White Falcon Guitar (with a cash adjustment your way of course) Sorry if I seem rather vague but since acquiring the P Bass Lyte everything else seems just a back up instrument. Anyway images are below and sale value I guess would be £995 which is exactly what I paid for it late last year Cheers Rog [attachment=138530:001.JPG][attachment=138532:002.JPG][attachment=138533:003.JPG][attachment=138534:004.JPG][attachment=138535:006.JPG][attachment=138536:007.JPG][attachment=138537:008.JPG][attachment=138537:008.JPG][attachment=138538:009.JPG][attachment=138539:010.JPG][attachment=138540:011.JPG][attachment=138541:012.JPG]
  7. It's all down to the acoustics of the room and the way the PA is set up, I bet if you play the same venue in a couple of weeks you probably won't experience the same issue again. Yesterday morning at rehearsal I demo'ed my new 1x15 bass cab and at times it felt like the building was going to crumble (turned out the drummer had turned his vocal mike to face the wall, as soon as he moved it back the problem went away) Then at last nights gig the bass was all top and clack yet every time I played a low B I was moving glasses on tables. Played a festival this lunchtime, same set up, same bass and it all sounded perfect. A lot of the time the root cause will lie in the pa set up and from experience often monitor levels or graphic settings for the monitors sometimes it will just be the acoustics of the room and there is not a great deal you can do about it
  8. Anyone Out There (Pop, Punk, Indie covers) Babysitter (Pop, Indie covers) Yodaclub (original material) That's about it really!
  9. Well he does say the electrics may need attention....I have a fretless one which doesn't come with built in distortion strangely! I would have been severely tempted but for the weight of them
  10. You may be nervous before hand but to be honest you only ever really see the first few rows of people, after that they become a blur, get someone to video your set, it's great to watch it back and hear a big crowd singing along to your playing, the worst part is the return to normality afterwards. Enjoy, it's a great feeling
  11. I practice the set for the next gig every week without fail, I then like to pick out a song I have never played before and just see what it does...keeps the interest up from the monotony of practicing a set I already know off by heart....still as they say "practice makes perfect"
  12. The Clash The Ramones Stiff Little Fingers The Cult The Chameleons Lords of the New Church New Model Army The Mission Motorhead and maybe a bit of Durutti Column just to chill out to after the above mayhem
  13. I take it you have tried flat wounds? I have just brought a couple of sets of Fender strings and am amazed at how bright they actually are, I have a set ready and waiting to go onto my fretless
  14. Respect to the band for posting such a warning....now I am sure there is a reason they are still my favourite band!
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  16. My first band was "Private Party" as that was the most common listing in the gig section of the much missed Melody Maker magazine, someone older and wiser did point out that no one would actually know where you were playing! After that the names became far more sensible "Kipper Trench" and "By Order of the Seven Fat Pigs" were two all too brief encounters
  17. I think taking your fans for granted, refusing to meet competition winners after a show, sodding off before the encore, being rude to the organisers and generally being a total d**k is one of the biggest sins. Especially when your last big hit was more than 20 years ago...... yes you may have written one of the biggest songs of all time but remember it was us that brought the bloody thing! Naming no names but of the two I definately prefer Bob Geldof and I have never met him!
  18. Bump, still looking for a trade if possible
  19. Hi guys, I would like to trade if possible but will sell if need be. I decided I wanted to try the TC Electronic bass gear and fancied some heavier bottom end so I brought this pair from PMT in Northampton, I have used both only once, they sound great with plenty of punch but to be honest the 2x12 cab is too heavy for me to lift comfortably and I just prefer the sound of my Mark Bass kit. So with that in mind I would like to offer a trade that would include a Mark Bass traveller 1x15 cab and a suitable Mark Bass head (I have a little Mark 3 at the moment)I would prefer covers with the stuff if possible but it's not a deal breaker, I am most interested in trading the cab and will quite happily keep hold of the head as a back up....as many people have said in the past "I am easy!" I can put up pictures if so desired but the kit is exactly as the TC Electronic site, the head will come with the original box in addition to the TC Electronic carry bag, the cab only comes with the TC Electronic cover I will also include the PMT receipt. Message me if you are interested Cheers Rog
  20. Chic are a long way from my comfort zone musically, but I thought the performance was fantastic, Mrs 2611 and I were really impressed, she freely admits that sometimes she struggles to pick out the bass line in a song but even she commented on how good the bass player sounded last night....believe me that was praise indeed!
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