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Everything posted by Len_derby

  1. I reckon everyone who’s seen it would have it Stew! It’s a beauty.
  2. The bass is now with @andyonbass and nestled securely in his cab 😊
  3. This is pretty much what I use mine for. I have short scale Stagg acoustic bass and I find it perfect and hassle-free for learning new material or composing. For me, they’re well worth having even if they never leave the house.
  4. The current plan is that I will pass the bass over to @andyonbass tomorrow near Burton on Trent and he will be taking it down to Swindon. Many thanks to @T-Bay for his offer of a stop-over in Tamworth but the amended plan should move things along quicker.
  5. Yes, that’s fine. Shall I contact @andyonbass ?
  6. Ok, here’s the latest update. All being well, I shall be handing over the bass to @T-Bay on the outskirts of Tamworth on Wednesday morning.
  7. Right. It’s now in my house in Derby. I’ll liaise with @T-Bay about a Tamworth drop-off in the next couple of days.
  8. Assuming the sniff test is inconclusive, who has the best availability? The best musician in the world is a p.i.t.a. If they can’t or won’t commit to gigs and rehearsals. So, you may have to do some investigation on job, family and other band situations.
  9. Assuming I can receive the bass from @DaytonaRik sometime over the weekend I’m happy to deliver it to Tamworth next week.
  10. I’m in North Wales until Saturday 8th but happy to help out from Notts/Derby southwards after that.
  11. Good idea for a thread @wateroftyne. It’ll be interesting to hear how it is from the audience point-of-view also.
  12. @stewblack, it might help if you put up the current location of the bass. Sheffield is quite a sprawl, so suburb or village name might help.
  13. If anybody can take it out of Sheffield to somewhere on or near the M1 corridor going south I can pick it up and pass on south/south west bound in the Midlands.
  14. Indeed. There’s an interesting interview with Steve Cropper in the current issue of Mojo. He says ‘(Booker) ..wasn’t able to get along with Lewie Steinberg very well.’ Sounds like there’s an intriguing back-story there!
  15. Darned right I have - it might have been me who provided the smell. The last time I played live there was at The King of Prussia. Complete with the experiences that only the Notts-Derbys borderlands seem to provide 😉
  16. Welcome to Basschat Thundr. I’m sure there will be plenty of recommendations. I think it’ll help us advise you if you let us know if you have any musical background already. Do you have any knowledge of musical theory already? Played any other instrument? It may sound uninspiring but learning even just a little about it will pay dividends, believe me.
  17. I generally agree, but it might be balanced off by fewer venues surviving. If we want to continue playing to an audience I think we’re going to have to adapt; certainly temporarily, maybe permanently. Live music won’t die, although it sometimes might smell like it. 😉
  18. Hats worn indoors look cool. Not just bass(player) related, but it’s a delusion common amongst them.
  19. A mini-keg plus glass to drink out of from a local micro-brewery. Being a parent, it’s the best job on the world (but not the easiest). It takes the challenge of being a human being up to the next level. Have a great day all you dads! Just wish mine was still around....
  20. Haha yes, been to that one. Surviving their ‘hospitality’ was good preparation for trips into the desert.
  21. I’ve still got my first guitar. I paid £4 for it, second-hand, in 1972. It’s quite hideous but it got me started and we used it on our first DIY punk recordings. Once I’d saved enough to buy something better from the Bells Catalogue I passed it on to my younger brother. He did the paint job. Once I’d got a family he passed it back to me - one daughter is now a drummer the other a guitarist/singer so it still has a bit of magic in it.
  22. I’ve just received a beautiful mandolin bought from Brian. It’s exactly as he described it and was very well packed for delivery. A fine Basschater who you can do business with in confidence.
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  24. Interesting. Conversely, I’ve felt that a couple of bands I’ve been in over the years have been spoiled by some members insisting on playing all the time on every song. Leading to a total loss of dynamics and an overall stodgy sound. There was one particular case of a second guitarist who scrubbed away on chords on all 6 strings all the time in every song. I had a discrete word with the band leader about how I thought we could be even better if we...(trying to be a diplomat). The answer I got was - you can’t expect people to pay all that money on gear, practice etc. and stand around not playing. 😳
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