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Everything posted by Horizontalste

  1. [quote name='T-Bay' timestamp='1486400136' post='3231469'] Is it possible to swap back to the original setup and see if that works ok? [/quote] I'm not really sure I can remember how it came apart, the switch was a bit useless to be honest so I didn't pay much attention taking it out knowing I wouldn't be putting it in. I could really do with it for rehearsal tomorrow & jam night on Wednesday :-/
  2. I have been tinkering again (always a bad idea) & have somehow managed to kill the output on my bass. The story so far, swapped the pickup selector switch on my Yamaha Bb for a volume pot, I used a fender schematic & at first managed to get the tone pot acting as a volume, then doing nothing & completely closed & now it's wide open & doing nothing & the output is real low! I'm sure I've got an earth somewhere I shouldn't have but it's doing my nut in. Is it possible I've burnt out the Cap? Suggestions most welcome.
  3. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1486304841' post='3230691'] Here is the Sledge.... [/quote] Jeez that is a beaut! Cheers for posting, look forward to the centrefold spread :-)
  4. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1486162423' post='3229843'] [/quote] I think you may have wanted to post this in the "MUSICMAN SOFT PORN THREAD", this thread is for hardcore open case action only. (Would quite like to see that Sledge)
  5. https://www.seventhstring.com Transcribe! It's not free but it will transform the way you practice/learn songs.
  6. Can I play devil's advocate for a moment :-/ is there a reason you can't get back to basics with the five string? If it's not broken why not just spend the money on a set of new strings & things that'll make practicing easier, like an audio interface, transcribe software & some new headphones. Just an idea. P.s Yamaha all the way! :-)
  7. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1481644829' post='3193983'] I saw him last week. He sorted out the wiring on my new Geddy Lee Jazz bass and made it a lovely tort plate He was definitely on good form [/quote] Glad to hear he's on good form now after ripping so many basschat member's (myself included) off!
  8. Humans are rhythmic creatures, our hearts beat to a rhythm & we breath rhythmically so you do have a sense of rhythm/time inbuilt. To put it into a musical context all you have to do is work on it, as already said can you tap to the beat of a song? Why do you think you have no rhythm? Is it because you can't dance? Your sense of time is definitely something that can be improved, even after years of playing music.
  9. Saw them at The Slade Rooms in Wolverhampton, we wore daft beaver hats & they came & drank with us after. Don't think I've ever been so peshed! Definitely worth seeing whatever you're into.
  10. I thought I'd start a thread for the basses that are a little bit arty, I'll start with my Bb.
  11. Jon Shuker did an awesome job on mine, removed all the oil, lacquered & re-fretted with stainless frets. He's in the peak district. *edit, sorry thought you said re-finish, it's been a long day :-/
  12. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1476635653' post='3155830'] As an add on to this, does anyone have a headphone case, or just put them in a bag loose? [/quote] I case mine (audio technica) when they aren't in use, mostly because I don't have a room dedicated to music so they live with my laptop tucked away in the corner.
  13. [quote name='bigsmokebass' timestamp='1476614099' post='3155589'] where did you get this done or how? looks amazing!! [/quote] Cheers, it's hydro-graphics & it was done by a company in Western Super Mare called Hydrodip Designs. The neck was lacquered locally by J.Davey Guitars.
  14. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1476558228' post='3155248'] That looks ace! There needs to be more white cover rays around. [/quote] Cheers Pete, there probably would be more if the covers weren't so hard to get :-/
  15. Mine came with D'addarios, do you have coloured ball ends?
  16. [attachment=229769:DSC_0575.JPG] [attachment=229770:DSC_0576.JPG] A little different.
  17. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1475082545' post='3142931'] Hurt my back trying to do it in the 'traditional' method 😂 Sybil was meant to be in the pic too but the little raggermuffin jumped down milliseconds before the pic. She has a skill for doing that. Anyway that's her blanket! [/quote] So this is what the Gaffa looks like! We salute you sir.
  18. Cheers for the heads up Pete, you can never have too many of these things.
  19. Laptop & interface works for me, I highly recommend transcribe too. Alternatively you could use a small mixer & your phone/mp3 player, I prefer the laptop option as transcribe gives me the slow down and loop options.
  20. [attachment=227292:DSC_0559.JPG] Haven't decided if I like the white yet.......
  21. I've added a couple dood, (610*c) one of them might include the mighty Pino :-p
  22. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1472900737' post='3125183'] Before buying a Alesis SR16 I used to use Wikiloops - free and you get to choose which instruments play on the track. User friendly too. [/quote] Another vote for wikiloops, there's some surprisingly good music on there & you can download the tracks to create your own lines for it then upload it back onto the site & share your creation with the world. Great if you don't currently have an outlet for your playing.
  23. I think with the Sub you'd know where you stand in terms of parts & build quality, not saying that the 34 is a bad choice (I've never seen/heard/played one). Full sugar Stingrays in the used market are a bargain in my opinion, if you could save a few extra pennies I'd definitely recommend looking.
  24. How long does it take to get from Wolverhampton to Milwaukee on a Sunday afternoon? :-) Joking aside, I've answered a couple of similar ads locally & nothing has ever clicked with the advertisers. It's hard being the new guy, especially if they are all mates.
  25. http://www.wikiloops.com/backingtrack.php
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