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Everything posted by d-basser

  1. thanks Alan, it is going to be a squeeze but a lot less than I though, thing the East knobs just look uber chunky. Better start saving for a pre
  2. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='374395' date='Jan 8 2009, 08:16 PM']It's a beautiful bass and would complement the ACG pre well methinks. If you go for an ACG pre I'd hang fire on the pups and see if you need to replace them. Peter[/quote] thats my plan, the current pre is damaged yet the current pickups are just a bit disappointing so pre then pups is the obvious order
  3. [quote name='yorick' post='374158' date='Jan 8 2009, 03:50 PM']Delano?! As used by yours trully......[/quote] were is the best place to get Delano's in the uk?
  4. Thanks Alan, that would be great, was very impressed with the EQ in your basses so this is the next best think till I can afford (and justify) an ACG.
  5. Hello fine folks, bit of input required: Got a second hand Sei bass last month, love her, so easy to play and a real beaut but the sound ain't quite there. there isnt the punch and power of my Dingwall, this is to be expected since much of this is the scale of the Dingy but I am considering upgrading the pickups and pre on the Sei and would appreciate some advice or thoughts. The current Bartolini pups don't do her justice i believe and the pre will need attention at some point as it has clearly taken a bash in the past and the pots are a little dodgy. Pup wise I want something powerful and punch in a 6 string humbucker/soapbar stylee. Nothing too aggressive but something with thump and character. I predominantly play rock and metal. I like the look of Nordstrand dual coils but £300 is a bit steep. Pre wise there are currently 5 holes in the top so it will have to be something to fit that. Love the idea of an ACG 02 as the sound from Alans basses is nothing short of incredible and the preamps are so versatile. My concern is that the pots on my sei are very close together and that the concentric knobs on the pre maybe to tightly packed to be used easily. do you think this is a realistic problem? is there somewhere you can buy skinny concentric knobs? any other suggestions for preamps? I aint looking to purchase stuff right away but ideas will help fuel my GAS and decisions here is a picture of the bass in question [attachment=18315:DSC00187.JPG] thanks in advance for any help
  6. prob B but i would thin out the top horn, bit too chunky
  7. argh more dingwall dissing the extreme fanning isnt to look pretty it is to give optimum tension as I assume you know. Nothing quite matches a 37" B, i can see why visually it might aesthetically off putting though This bass is looking great, I am getting single cut cravings
  8. SUPERIOR TO A DINGWALL!?! nothing is superior to a 37" B! that build looks awesome though, lovely piece of work
  9. EBS will do 2ohm as well. worth considering. the idea of a 2460D with my fafner is a tempting option
  10. [quote name='alexclaber' post='360693' date='Dec 22 2008, 08:59 AM']My current intention is for the cloth to be fixed onto the metal grill so you get the best of both worlds! Alex[/quote] Awesome, i'll save up ma pennies when I have paid off the Sei
  11. Asking the opposite of Bigwan: would be possible to get a retro but with a metal grill, think your well built, high sensitivity 2x15 would go well with my Fafner, not sure I want the risk of a cloth front though. Not looking for anything in the near future just assessing the possibilities I have. thanks
  12. [quote name='ARGH' post='358685' date='Dec 19 2008, 11:50 AM']HURRY UP! IM BORED WAITING!!!!!!!![/quote] It is worth the wait believe me I saw it
  13. same year I got my Dingwall for £640 and my Fafner for £500, year of the gear
  14. of course dude, come round for a beer and a play at some point
  15. yeah, some other bloke tried it the day before me and didn't take it!!! more the fool him
  16. one on glasgow gumtree being sold in the westend. couldnt resist
  17. it is mine pre amp is a tad battered but far from unusable, probably need replaced somewhere down the line. such a good bass for the money
  18. aye got it few hours ago, tis so lovely
  19. bulb doesnt do anything as you say, Mine isnt much of a christmas present as I got it in february. My christmas present to my self was the Sei bass I bought couple of hours ago
  20. can I join your elite club: [attachment=17397:DSC00202.JPG] [attachment=17398:DSC00192.JPG] [attachment=17399:DSC00187.JPG] [attachment=17402:DSC00189.JPG] [excuse the camera phone pics the bass deserves more]
  21. [quote name='Delberthot' post='356595' date='Dec 17 2008, 01:47 AM']Sounds like a bargain. If you need a lift through let me know. All I need is petrol money, a strong coffee and a shot of your Dingwall[/quote] wish I had seen this earlier, gonna get a taxi. If you want to ever come try my Dingwall and Sei then just bring your Schroeder and I will get the coffee on the go
  22. someone is viewing it tonight but if it aint bought it is mine!!! mwahahaha (oops got carried away )
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