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Everything posted by d-basser

  1. Posting would be involved but would a peavey G-Bass tickle your fancy, it isnt aesthetically perfect cause the previous owner tried to mod it but the playability is perfect, 35" carbon fibre neck, red sparkle finish and 18V three band Peavey electronics. these are pretty rare as they arent made any more, kinda like a Peavey Flea bass but the p'up is more of a precision placement ooo and a hard case
  2. to be honest I dont really need it but I dont use the compressor currently, might just sell the compressor, sorry to get you hopes of a trade up
  3. black or if not ice blue, personally i would go for black with a matching head stock and a red or black tort guard
  4. i didn't realise there was a bass version, think I will leave it, I use a sixer tuned to low A sometimes so i think the guitar pitched one wouldn't be suitable
  5. how good is the GE7 for bass? I've got a CS-3 I dont want anymore.
  6. I like mine, tight as hell as mentioned, feel weird but not bad and I think they sounded pretty good
  7. if you want all fruit go buy chocolate raisins! if that does not suffice melt them together and call it a chocolate bar I am watching this build with much interest and amusement, looks a good laugh
  8. Fafner full stop and you are moaning??? mine still makes me smile when I turn it on, plus I love the runes . were are you based dude and as said, what the resistance on the cab?
  9. man wish i was more skilled and didnt have silly things like uni getting in the way
  10. Damn I thought Hobgoblin ale were doing basses now
  11. very very very nice, not sure bout he control arrangement but other than that sexual bass you have constructed
  12. the cheap one looks damn fine actually, I am now persuading myself i need a 5 string , nice black burst...oops i made a mess
  13. damn do I have to stay away from schools now
  14. I got mine on the 'bay, just sat and had a wee bid war in the last 2 minutes, I bid upto £650 in the last second of the auction and won, I am one lucky (and now broke) fellow. It is mint condition to, I have seen brand new basses in shop in half as good nick as this 4 year old beauty (wow only time you can say 4 year old beauty with out being a perv and added to a "list")
  15. would you kill me if you knew how little I paid for mine a few months back?... [i]...£640...[/i]
  16. i currently have an EBS Fafner through a Peavey 15" black widow and I gives good lows, aint gigged this set up. Loudest I have had it was a studio band practice with Fafner and an Ampeg 810 which had the punchiest lows ever, no trouble with farting out or the like glass comment, is that not a Pratchett quote?
  17. my 6er Ding has a drop A tuner and I love it, 37" scale low A could demolish things if you arent careful about volume If you are ever in Scotland (esp Glasgow) give me a shout and you can try mine
  18. All peaveys I have played (i have owned 4) have had thin playable necks. I started bass at 13 and even now a 19 i have small hands and aint very tall (when i say small hands I have compared with 5' tall girls and they have longer fingers) They also start cheap and dont look girly, check out the Milestones (J and P stylings)
  19. Ah if I win the lottery and/or sell my Family i will own a ritter
  20. DINGWALL!!! that low B will make you cry it is so good, makes every other bass feel like a toy. Fanned frets are so easy to get used to, it just feels natural, honestly you dont notice. All you think is "damn the tension and tone of these strings rock!" If you ever get to bonny Scotland you can try my Afterburner (open offer to anyone wanting to sample fanned frets)
  21. careful with carpet of you have long hair, mine gathers my shed hairs like nobody's business. needs a hoover once in a while
  22. you cant go wrong with a Fafner, they are fan-bloody-tastic
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