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Everything posted by BassJase

  1. You bugger, and there's me thinking that there's nothing to really interest me in the wonderful world of bass at the moment..... Whats the string spacing like at the bridge? It looks kinda narrow, but maaaaaaan i'm tempted.....
  2. Trevs a great guy to deal with and this is one super sweet bass, it really plays itself and sounds suuuuuuuuperb.
  3. Happy-New-Years' Bump, and a few more piccys for y'all......
  4. CHEEERS FOR THE INTEREST, BUT THIS IS NOW SOLD!! Roll up, roll up, for sale here we have my Peavey T-Maxx bass amp head..... I've had it for the last year or so and its been absolutely amazing, sounds fantastic with the choice of tube or solid-state pre-amps (or a combination of both) plus all the usual EQ, boosts, cuts, and all other magnificent Peavey technical wizardry. Its a ma-hussive 500 wattts into 2ohms, or 350 watts into 4 ohms, and these things are built like bloody tanks (which is reflected in their weight...) I bought this as part of a 2x10 combo but i've since racked it into a metal/wood flightcase thingy. The case was originally a mixer case I think, so its a funny size of about 3-and-a-half-U, but it works fine and is also built like a bloody tank. I'll get pictures up of it as soon as I get home after chrimbo, but here's it as it was in the combo.... I'm offering it for the fair price of £210, including the flight/rack case thing. Collection would have to be from myself in North London, or I might possibly be able to deliver it to Essex/Suffolk/Norfolk for petrol cash. I might also be tempted into trades for new cab/cabs, let me know whatcha got...
  5. After a recent deal with the lovely Matty when I bought his GrooveBass head, I now have a 3U ABS full-depth rack case in damn good nick, but i'd much prefer a shallow case thats either 3U or 4U. If anyone's interested I could post a picture, but i'm only really after a straight swap (or maybe some cash from me if yours is better or metal or whatever...) If not then i'll obviously keep it as its doing its job fine, but a shallow one would suit my needs much better. Any takers? Cheers y'all.....
  6. I'll have the metallica album if you still have it matey, just gimme your paypal addy and i'll do it later on tonight. Cheers brudda!
  7. I AM NOW THE GODZILLA OF BASS, SEE CITIES CRUMBLE AROUND ME....! Cheers Matty, it sounds pretty f*&^%$£ awesome. }
  8. I used to go out with a girl in Leicester, is the shed still open and smelling like a public toilet? And I used to go watch live jazz bands on a sunday afternoon in the theatre cafe, aaaahh happy days.....
  9. Oh yes sir, a couple of pics would be nice......
  10. Is the amp rack-mountable, or does is it non-removable from the case thing? Cheers matey.
  11. Sorry, another question; Can you put the amp into a rack (i'm guessing it might be around 3U?) or has it got to stay in its carpet-covered case thing?
  12. Sorry for being thick dude, but I can't actually see a price for it...... Possibly interested though.
  13. Top banana bloke, flogged him a fretless 5-er and he paid instantly and was generally a reat dude all round. Cheers brudda! And enjoy the fretless. }
  14. Well here's my new 'board, it looks pretty tame to a few of the ones on here but it pretty much does all I want it to. I might add an Octave pedal instead of using the BassSynthWah for that, and it means I can get shot of the Behringer multi (even tough its actually pretty ok for what it is.
  15. I used one and it was pretty good for the money, but for that money you're much better off looking for one of the Ibanez bass-synth Tone-lok pedals. They got for anything around £25-£40 mark, and sound soooooooooo much better mate.
  16. Is the rack tray the sliding-drawer type, or just the usual flat shelf type? If its the sliding-drawer type then i'd have the bugger off you mate! Just let me know amigo... Cheers!
  17. Cheers for the help and advice mate, and yeah I made sure it was in the right input socket. I've scanned the internet and apparently there are a few batches with niggles and i'm guessing that this is just one of those unfortunately. I'm gonna drop it off to a tech as soon as I can find one who might be able to help me out, and find out whats the best course of advice what to do next. I really don't hope I have to bin it, but what will be will be....
  18. I plugged it into a mains 9v power supply and it made a crackle then smoke came out of it and it stank the room out. I'd nevere tried it mains before, just usually used the battery, but I wanted to put it on my pedal board and use a powerbank. Before I plugged it in I checked the polarity and stuff and it seemed fine to use, but apparently not. I've just now read the tech gumf more thoroughly, and the adaptor says "AC adaptor. Output DC 9.0v, 300mA." But the back of the Peterson says "9v nom. 7-12VDC@85mA Max." Just wondering if anyone has any idea whats the next course of action for it, i.e pay for it to be fixed (if its at all fixable) or bin it and buy another pedal tuner. Any help/advice/sympathy would be much appreciated..... Cheers y'all.
  19. Whereabouts are you all based matey? And any further info on the band/gigs would be great if you could.... Cheers!
  20. I quite like Hartke bass amps, but never enough to really buy one. I was initially interested in the new LH500 but it does 500w at 4ohms, and i'm a 2ohm guy. My first rig (bloody hell, 15 years ago!!) was a Peavey Mk VI with a massive 1810 cab, and it was the absolute monkeys chuff. I now own a Peavey T-Maxx and love it to bits, probably the most versatile sounding amp i've ever tried. Shame it weighs as much as a bloody estate car though.....! But yeah, I say Peavey every time. They last forever, sound great for the price, and you can pick up a Tour 450, a Firebass or Session bass head for about £250 these days, absolute bargains.
  21. Yeah no problem mate, i've just got a bass-sized shipping box that would fit it. I'm guessing postage would be around £15. Cheers fella!
  22. Bumpage for a great bargain bass......
  23. I've managed to get hold of a bass shipping box thing now, so will ship it if needs be. Guessing it'll be around £15. I'm A-OK for a chorus pedal now, but i'm still after a pedalboard power bank or an octave pedal, or good old hard cash.... }
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