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Everything posted by Zenitram

  1. I expect we'll end up going our separate ways due to musical differences....
  2. If you need a not really very local drummer with no kit (well, electronic) and no transport, I'm yer man.
  3. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1381919976' post='2245359'] Where do I go from here? [/quote] What do you want to be able to do?
  4. I was just wondering about that, if you could get a really really short song up on Spotify, say only a few seconds long, whether it would be profitable to pay a tenner a month and just have it play over and over again, all day every day... I assume it wouldn't be.
  5. Zenitram


    I couldn't get over him wearing a hat indoors.
  6. A good opportunity to post this then: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1kDd6yBQZ4
  7. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1381593456' post='2241176'] illegally downloading music[/quote] Downloading music isn't illegal; uploading it is. Apparently.
  8. I worked it out. Click the bottom left button of the track, the button that has an envelope style shape and the word TRIM, and all the parameters appear.
  9. Can someone point out how to automate the movement of a knob on a VST FX thingie in Reaper? I have one track of audio, with a VST EQ and compressor on it. I want to record the movement of one of the EQ knobs, so there's movement of that paremeter during the track. I can't get my head round the way to do it in Reaper. Do I create a new track? And then what? Any help? Many thanks!
  10. At a guess: http://www.cruztools.com/products/mitools.html
  11. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1381156270' post='2235071'] The range of sounds basses can produce is vast [/quote] But still all sound the same!
  12. I've solved my copyright issues so there'll be a track coming from me.
  13. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1380796084' post='2230603'] [i]Now if you'd just let me add a drum'n'bass beat beneath that bassline, maybe get a rapper involved, and...[/i] [/quote] I was thinking the same thing -- get an amen break going all over that...
  14. Just to clarify, does Basschat not even tolerate posting a link to a track on Soundcloud that contains copyrighted material?
  15. Thanks. Doesn't look like I'll be entering now though, as the track does contain copyrighted material, and that means it's automatically uneligible, whether it's recognisable or not. Never mind. Thanks for the info.
  16. I don't mangle them so that no one would know; I mangle them to produce interesting results. I think I'll avoid any of that sort of thing for anything I happen to post here. Thanks
  17. How strict is rule 2? I sample all sorts of things, and you can tell they're samples, but you'd never recognise the original recording once I've mangled them. No one would know, but they [i]are[/i] copyrighted.
  18. If you're struggling to find work I would contact the resident bassist on London's Rock of Ages for dep work, if you haven't already. That might help to get your foot in the door for more West End theatre work.
  19. This strikes me as a good deal: http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/m-audio-focusrite-protools-audio-interface/1033396953#photo-content
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