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Everything posted by Zenitram

  1. Or anywhere in SE London? Penge/Crystal Palace/Forest Hill/Lewisham/Brockley/Norwood/Catford etc.
  2. Zenitram

    Yamaha BBs

    It's a BB404, but not as you know it! (I can't take the credit or blame for the work done; I bought it like that.)
  3. "Lee first used it for a couple songs on enormously successful..." I understand that omitting 'of' after 'couple' is a standard colloquial idiom in North America, but to end up in print like that is awful. Poor show, Fender.
  4. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1377689863' post='2190345'] Would Rush or Deep Purple qualify? [/quote] Dunno, would they? I know Rush, but find anything of theirs thing but their Exit Stage Left record really airless and stilted (and so haven't explored much) Deep Purple brings back memories of muddy, cheerless, desperate sadness.
  5. [quote name='Damonjames' timestamp='1377642687' post='2189923'] Now me being a hard rock/metal kinda guy I never really got into pop music and was rather dubious about her claims, so she put on "rio" and lo, there it was, a down right groovy little bass line! [/quote] Do you have any examples of groovy bass lines in hard rock/metal? It's a type of music I know nothing about.
  6. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1371484289' post='2114426'] My advice as always would be to look at the Nord Lead.... it also has a fantastic MIDI spec that asigns every knob and switch on the front panel to a MIDI CC for ultimate sequencer control. If I could only have one synth, this would be it. [/quote] Other synths do this as well.
  7. And just to be clear, it sounded better with the short cable, right?
  8. My girlfriend plays a lead role in a sell-out West End musical. She can be on the train coming home sitting next to people who have just watched her on stage, listen to them talking about the show, and not be recognised. She doesn't play bass though. That might explain it.
  9. Mine were melted down to build a Spitfire during the war.
  10. http://www.vinylrecorder.com/index-e.html
  11. Is disco any good for metal, that's what I want to know. RIGHT NOW.
  12. What's happening with disco right now? As in RIGHT NOW.
  13. You can associate a credit card with your PayPal account, and buy things and send money specifying that you want to do it with that card. I just sent someone in the States 350 quid using PayPal with my credit card. It cost me a tenner more than if I had done it from my bank account.
  14. It really cuts through the bloody mix doesn't it.
  15. Ahh, the lovely and phenomenomenomenally talented Anne Dudley there.
  16. This is still available if anyone wants it. I also have a broken and beat-up Roland MC-500 hardware sequencer if anyone wants that as well. It was working all right, and then, well, it wasn't.
  17. The diet coke didn't do much, so I rubbed the tops of the screws on some sandpaper, which did the trick.
  18. I know my way round Logic, Reason, Reaper, ProTools, FruityLoops and even a bit of Atari back in the day, but when I tried Ableton (some years ago now) it completely flummoxed me. I couldn't understand what it was doing, or how it was designed, or how to even start using it. It made no sense to me. So I left it well alone. Then these big boxes start appearing with 64 little pads that all light up in different colours, but never say what they actually do, and I'm even more confused. I don't even know what it is about it that confuses me; I wish I knew. That box looks very well made. It even has words on it. I want one.
  19. This is about the one music theory thing that I understand. edit: Except my explanation was whack!
  20. Your index finger and your forefinger are the same finger.
  21. I'm keeping it myself for the time being.
  22. Yeah, I have to say that I won't be too bothered if this doesn't sell.
  23. Yes it's gone now. Sorry folks. Thanks for the interest.
  24. I do enjoy a good screw rub with a kitchen scourer. It really hits the spot.
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