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Everything posted by Zenitram

  1. Yes exactly. I'm a drummer more than a bassist (though I'm not much of a drummer), and goodness me, who ever wants to listen to a drum solo? Not bloody me. My girlfriend is an actress in musical theatre, and she gets hacked off at people doing their wailing around the note of a lyric in an effort to impress with their riffing. "Sing the note!" she shouts. It's a bit like that. Sort of. Except it's not, for some people. Whereas for others it is. A bit. Ish.
  2. Well I just listened to the Joni Mitchell Des Moines track that someone recommended. The bass was quite good. As were the drums, the horns, the singing, all good. I didn't get worked up about it either way. So, er, I'm on the fence.
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  4. Is there anything like a definitive Pastorius song? One to make me go... ahhh, wow, yes, that's good. One with, well, you know, a tune. None of the ones here seem to be doing it -- and I don't mind a bit of fusion (though the less guitar the better). Did he write Birdland? I think he played on it, didn't he.
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  6. It's all about the beat, isn't it. And the vocals.
  7. I'm idly curious about the money side of it. How much declarable income would you like/hope/expect to make out of those hundred gigs a year?
  8. [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1367323532' post='2064124'] Just make your own, it's so easy (and cheap)! I used Van Damme cable and Neutrik jacks from studiospares. [/quote] Orchid Electronics will do them cheaper than buying the bits yourself. At least that's what they told me. They buy Neutrik jacks and Van Damme cable in bulk and pass the savings on.
  9. By way of example, a three-metre Orchid lead with Neutrik connectors and Van Damme "Pro Grade" cabling cost me nine pounds delivered.
  10. Ask John at Orchid Electronics to make you one. Very, very reasonably priced (I'd go as far as "inexpensive" bordering on "cheap"), and use top-quality parts and cable and all that. They'll do any length, various colours. I very strongly doubt you'll find cheaper for such top-notch quality. http://www.orchid-electronics.co.uk/
  11. That looks really nice. I used to work in Otley. Strange, strange place.
  12. Well, actually, he admits to being incapable of recommending the chap to any sufficient extent. Damned by faint praise, really.
  13. A year and a half seems like quite a long time to make a bass guitar.
  14. And what are you doing that's so fiddly at the moment? How would you like to be doing it?
  15. What do you do on the iPad that you can't do on the actual computer?
  16. Right, so spraying is probably not the best option, given the whole death thing. Stripping back to the wood it is, then. Probably. When I get round to it. Thanks people.
  17. Thanks for that thorough reply Grangur. So I need to sand until smooth, but not sand until all paint removed, right? The reason I'm thinking of respraying is that I though it would be easier than going down to bare wood (which I would prefer, to be honest, even on the ply bass). I live in a flat with no workshop or garage, and no sanding tool or heat gun or anything. And I'm a cheapskate. Maybe it's not such a great idea. Hmm. Or buy a heat gun and go at the bodies with that and a load of sandpaper, then finish with Danish oil. I will think on.
  18. As in this stuff: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/White-Appliance-Gloss-Spray-Paint-250ml-No-CFCs-Interior-Exterior-Quick-567459-/150850865647?pt=UK_DIY_Material_Paint_Varnish_MJ&hash=item231f6989ef I have a couple of cheap basses that I am going to sort out, one is ply and has a nasty cheap sunburst finish, and the other is solid wood but has a fairly crappily applied purple coat of paint (you can see brush strokes). The poundland shop down the road sells this spray paint for a quid a can, and I was wondering if it might work on these bodies. I imagine it'd need lacquer or something on top to finish it. What do you think? Is there any reason it won't work? Or any reason it will work? Stupid idea? Will my basses look like shiny new washing machines afterwards?
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