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Everything posted by Zenitram

  1. Man, I always tinker around with my synths and think up little noodles on these monthly themes, and just as I'm about to sort of be ready, in a way, to lay something proper down, ish, the month comes to an end. I'm still playing a piano riff I came up with for February's landscape one, which I'm sure I could develop into something nice, maybe for around July.
  2. Orchid Electronics use Neutrik connectors and Van Damme "Pro Grade Classic XKE" instrument cable (i.e. really really good), for about the same price as the Snap Jack ones you mention. Different colours at no extra charge, right angle jacks, free postage, generally next day delivery, etc. You have to email them to explain what you want, and they'll quote you a price, but you get outstanding value, service and communication. http://www.orchid-electronics.co.uk/
  3. I love that green finish. Seriously. How did you do it?
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  5. It's even more for sale now than it was before, which is absurd, because it was already 100 per cent for sale previously.
  6. I meant sunburst finish on the front of the neck. No one looks at the back.
  7. Sunburst music sounds cool as anything, actually. It's a genre waiting to be invented. Hmm. A google search reveals that, predictably, I am not the first person to dream up such a concept. Arse.
  8. Playing sunburst music? Is that what you want? Is it? Well is it?
  9. So... sunburst basses should have... sunburst necks?
  10. Orchid Electronics! Seriously, get a quote from John. Great prices, and the best quality.
  11. Orchid Electronics for cables. Very cheap and so so very very good.
  12. Although either of those should work, I'd be wary myself (though perhaps without good reason), and would be happier using something like this: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Midi-interface-2x2-Midiman-UBS-/160989135395?pt=UK_Musical_AudioMIDI_Interfaces&hash=item257bb34223 or this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Roland-UM-2-USB-MIDI-Interface-2in-2out-/171007075128?pt=UK_Musical_AudioMIDI_Interfaces&hash=item27d0d0e338 that you can get drivers for.
  13. Do you ever find yourself in London? I'll 'ave it if you do.
  14. I am actually translating a piece about Angola at the moment. Well, it has Angola in it. But I don't own a Fender.
  15. I bought a Westfield P bass a couple of days ago for £30. It's a plywood body, and the electrics are a bit shaky, but it sounds great. Thirty quid!
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  17. http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/peavey-24-track-mixing-desk/1012271052 Strikes me as a bargain, if you were the sort of person looking for that sort of thing. Sort of.
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