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Everything posted by SpaceChick

  1. [quote name='BobVbass' timestamp='1388655746' post='2324345'] 100% right - most keyboardists seem to be at least 80% assh*le but he sounds like he's graduated with first class chocolate tea towel holder honours Haven't done a gig like that but went for an audition last year with a band who sounded a really good laugh - I arranged to just come along for an impromptu jam to see how we got along, the morning after a particularly late gig as well just to suit them - everyone was fine except for the guitarist who played at a volume that would have made the back row of Wembley wince; stopped various songs (bearing in mind this was a "shall we have a bash at this song" type jam) to tell people (me, keyboardist, drummer) they played bits wrong and then proceeded to run up and down his fretboard in some obscure scale while saying "feel the burn baby" between numbers while staring at me - I left after that [/quote] Reminds me of an audition I went to where the keys player was a complete and utter egotist. he suggested songs, then stopped half way through to say how we were all doing it wrong, not just me, but the drummer and the rhythm guitarist. The lead guitarist was just as bad and thought he was gods gift to Fender.... he was dreadful. Ironically, I rang afterwards to turn them down only to be told "well you werent right for us anyway, but keep it up and practising helps experience, so don't give up" I don't think I laughed so much when I came off the phone!! They really did have over inflated opinions of their own abilities! My current keys player is a complete sweetheart and I adore him. He works hard, has a light touch with his left hand and is a real sweetiepie.
  2. I've done a few charity multi band gigs. A key issue in every one has been gear..... do each band supply their own, does everyone use the headlining bands, is sufficient time built in for change overs. I think this is something you will need to have established when booking the bands. I've done ones where the headlining act provide the gear, whilst the simpliest there are "trust" issues and then additional concerns such as specific effects. I've also done ones where each band provides their own, but then you need to allow a good 30 mins to allow for removal and re-set up. I would certainly think twice over who you get aswell. I did one in the summer as the headlining band. I'm so glad I raised concerns over other bands using my gear. One band was a bunch of 17 year olds who maximised use of the free bar for acts and used the band after thems gear (the one before us) and they spilt cider all over the amps!! I'd have gone ballistic if it had been my stuff! Re raffles, this can be a good way to pass the time between acts. and you do find local businesses are happy to donate for the publicity. Regarding how to pay, I've done free entry ones with a bucket on the bar, and pay to enter ones. Wouldn't like to comment on which is best (as we did one gig witha bucket on a bar where a fortune was raised, another hardly anything... equally I've done a pay on the door where less than 20 people showed up, another which was roofed!)
  3. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1388055388' post='2318087'] Excellent! Any plans to bring your Pink Floyd band to Swindon? Both the Vic and Riffs Bar do tribute bands. [/quote] It's not beyond the realms of possibility as our drummer now lives in West London
  4. It made me genuinely LOL when I saw it on Facebook earlier.... Good look for you Clarky!
  5. An impending sense of doom about my credit card bill is what I'm getting
  6. Gentle affectionate rubs to your sore head my dear friend x Although your Tom and Jerry comparison did make me laugh!
  7. I'd agree with trying as many styles as you can. My first bass was a very cheapy jazz bass (less than £100 with a practice amp!) but that was just to see if I could get on with it. When I was ready to upgrade, I tried a lot of basses and to me the Ibanez SR300 just felt right! I, personally, can't play a P bass as my small hands really struggle with the wider neck. Several basses down the line and I still play Ibanez SR range basses as they just feel like an extension of me. So, get yourself into a shop and try until you feel comfortable. Maybe be worth a trip to London, as Denmark street has Wunjos bass guitar shop with loads of different basses and friendly and helpful staff.
  8. OK my Super Twin arrived on Friday, and all I can say is that I love it!! Light as anything, fabulous tone, amazing power. I am a giddy happy bassist. If people don't like them, that's their prerogative, but I am firmly in the Hell Yeah camp now. It's is AWESOME!!! Didn't think a piece of bass equipment could make me so happy! lol! I'm listening to our rehearsal recording from this morning and my bass sounds amazing, so clear, so much clarity. LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT.
  9. Bump... last minute Christmas present?!?
  10. I'd be careful being that close to the stove
  11. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1386878056' post='2305935'] Is the opposite of a fanboi a fanbird? [/quote] Fanbird works for me
  12. Hope this thread is still open next weekend..... I can give my opinion then..... My Super Twin arrives a week tomorrow
  13. I'll keep bumping until it goes, but I'm as low as I'm prepared to go on price and I'm not interested in trades. If it doesn't go, I'll take it as a sign that I should keep it.... It's now found a nice home safe in my spare room, so I have no urgency to get rid now! I'd just rather it was played rather than stored!
  14. My favourites are Hey You (on the fretless) and Another Brick in the Wall (on the fretted) In previous bands my favourites have been Badge by Cream, Need your love so bad by Fleetwood Mac and Jailbreak by Thin Lizzy.
  15. I've personally experienced 7 of those...... Do I win a prize I just let it wash all over me now! The best one is when we have people call to the house and ask "is your husband in a band?", "No", "your son?" "No"........ Very quizzical look...... "Why do you have bass guitars?"......... "because I'M a bassist and I'M in a band"...... Cue shocked look...... That must have happened about a dozen times!,
  16. The quality just gets better and better. Such a challenge to choose a favourite this month. I urge anyone who hasn't popped over there to have a listen at the talent that your fellow bassists (and drummer in Doug ) have, really excellent
  17. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1385564573' post='2289698'] Thanks space chick. I have to say your entry about the wolve people always sticks in my head when I think about the competition. Thanks again. [/quote] Bless you, that's a really kind thing to say x
  18. [quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1385565214' post='2289712'] Thank you very much, glad you enjoyed it! You've also forced me to go back and listen to my own piece again as I didn't realise the bass sounded like a fretless - it's actually a (fretted) T-bird, though I guess the neck pickup does have that kind of woody, not-quite-an-upright tone about it! [/quote] Gosh, I really thought it was fretless! I'm going to listen again with a new ear!
  19. Wow! Another fabulous month of entries...... I am on my third listen of my short list and I still can't choose who I want to vote for! I have to say that these have kept me entertained all day. I know I have to make a decision...... Hmmmn hmmmn...... why does this have to be so hard. OK, in reverse order, as there were 3 that stood out for me. 3rd place - [b]EliasMooseblaster[/b] - very atmospheric start and gave me all feelings of a gothic, Dracula style wedding. The fretless bass in parts was inspired. And I loved the differing styles of the guitar solos. 2nd place - [b]AL-the-Bassman[/b] - the chord sequences had an equal blend of chilled and spooky! It was a real easy listening tune, with subtle changes in moods. The bassline is beautiful. 1st place - [b]the boy[/b] - the intro grabbed me, I love a prominent bassline on an intro. Then the lyrics came in and actually made me laugh out loud. Which when you are having a real pants day at work is great. So, for brightening my day, you had to win in my head. I think my favourite line is "You bought your cake and made your list of of things to do", it just made me smile. I must have listened to it about 7 or 8 times today. Fantastic entries, and every month I get inspired to enter.... guess I just need to get my fat butt into gear and do it! LOL!
  20. [quote name='johnDeereJack' timestamp='1385549817' post='2289482'] There is one - me! [size=4]Unfortunately I don't have £875! [/size] [size=4]Have a bump anyway and best o luck! [/size] [/quote] Thanks
  21. £875 for such good quality kit is a bargain! Treat yourself to an early Christmas present, you know you want to!
  22. Playing in a Floyd tribute band I can say that timing is king. Most of the basslines aren't hugely challenging, but they do have to have the timing nailed to perfection as there is no escape in it! Its also a lot about feel, some things have a certain "bounce" to them and have mixtures of light and shade in sustain of notes. My personal favourites to play are probably "Time" (Dark side album version not pulse live version), I also enjoy the pulse version of "Sorrow" which has great use of Octave Pedals and Choris pedals. "Hey you" is stunning for fretless work and the runs in "Shine on you Crazy Diamond" are great. Coming at it from a listening rather than playing perspective, I think Dark Side of the Moon has to be listened to in the dark from start to finish! I also really love Animals (and am trying to get Sheep into our setlist!). The Division Bell has some fantastic tracks on them with Guy Pratt on bass "What do you want from me" has a beautiful bassline and is another I am trying to crow bar into our set!! I may be a girl, but I could talk Floyd all day, I love them, I do!
  23. [quote name='cytania' timestamp='1385418995' post='2288155'] I blame the 90s. Oasis and Blur submerged bass deep in the mix. This may be influenced by having to learn Cigarettes and Alcohol and Parklife for my band . Neither very inspiring for bass but I serve the song... [/quote] Poor Alex James of Blur, his requirement to do dull basslines must have driven him to cheese! He's a hero of mine though..... Plays bass, lives on a farm, makes cheese! I talked to him once when I was helping on a chicken stand in a agriculture show. Top bloke he was too!
  24. It's a tough one. It is frustrating when people don't learn their parts. But as others have said sometimes when being in a band is a hobby, real life gets in the way. I'd see what the next rehearsal is like and take it from there.
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