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Everything posted by Bikenbass

  1. Dear Bass Chatters. I sincerely and without reservation, deeply apologise for mentioning a fish. Had I known at the time that this simple error of judgement would lead to an outbreak of punning of a lowly and intelctually insulting nature, I would never have ventured down that canal of depravity. Now, can anyone lend me sicksquid for a taxi?
  2. [quote name='Bloodaxe' post='699512' date='Jan 3 2010, 01:49 PM']Or The Piece of Cod that Passeth All Understanding?[/quote] excellent. Passeth all undertaking is a motorpike and side carp.
  3. Well I enjoyed it, great playing and lifted my spirits this afternoon. Thanks for posting the clips guys. Horses for courses.... I found the Dizee track unbearable, but then I find all that genre unfathomable carp, don't like having someone shout their opinions at me disguised as music. And before any self righteous zealot screams racist, John Cooper Clarke was doing the same thing in the late 70's and that was 'king awful too.
  4. [quote]Anyone for a 'moist Barking growler?'[/quote] I think I dated her for a while.
  5. [quote name='maxrossell' post='693693' date='Dec 26 2009, 01:10 PM']Depends what you mean by perfect ear. If you mean perfect pitch, then you can't train to get it. Good relative pitch on the other hand is very easily achievable (unless you're tone-deaf). Perfect pitch is where you are able to indentify a note without reference. Relative pitch is where you are able to identify a note in reference to another. I think most good musicians have relative pitch to a degree. But perfect pitch is a genetic thing.[/quote] A girl I know has perfect pitch, she was born with it. Her friend at music college with her learned to have perfect pitch.
  6. Did anyone notice if his Hofner bass was plugged in? Couldn't see any evidence of a wireless set up. Must be imagining things.
  7. I've got a Pandora PX4D and I use Sennheiser EH150. Good bass, but the clincher for me was the 6' lead. No more putting the bass down and having the headphones ripped off my head, plus no need to sit right up close to the computer when watching DVD's or listening to CD's either.
  8. [quote name='Sean' post='639361' date='Oct 28 2009, 07:23 PM']I got into flats a few years ago when I was playing in a Blues Brothers tribute band and had them on a Jazz, an Aerodyne (P/J) Jazz and a Precision California Series (P/J) and loved them. I always keep one of my Lakland DJs strung with TIs and recently recorded some songs with my covers band with them on the DJ. I've recently bought a CIJ P from Jonthebass and that came with TIs and it's really made me nuts about them again, they suit a P even more than a J for my taste. I've started gigging with the P and it's given the band a huge textural change when I swap between the P and my Spector NS5 with Elixirs. I use a plectrum with the flatstrung P on a couple of songs too. It's almost as much of a difference as when our guitarist switches from his PRS Custom 24 to his Epiphone Mandobird! You can hear the tracks if you click [url="http://www.amyandtheaviators.co.uk/Music.htm"]here[/url] Walking On Sunshine, She Will Be Loved and Take Me To The River (All Lakland DJ with Aero pups)[/quote] Hi Sean, Lovely tone, I'm sold on flats now, thanks. 'She Will Be Loved', really nice track. Best wishes Mark
  9. Yep, enjoy his music too. I'll keep an eye out for local venue tickets.
  10. Hi Folks I have an Alesis SR-16 drum machine. How does it compare for ease of use against the Boss DR-3 or the Zoom MRT3/b? Mark Sorry if this is on the wrong section.
  11. [quote name='ped' post='660919' date='Nov 21 2009, 12:25 PM']Nah I LOVE 'III Sides To Every Story!'[/quote] Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in! [size=5]OH THANKS, NOW I'M INTO EXTREME!!!! IS THERE NO END TO YOUR PERSUASION?[/size] [size=4]runs[/size] [size=3]off[/size] [size=2]screaming[/size]
  12. Just ordered a copy of 'Standing In The Shadows Of Motown' from Play.com
  13. Thanks to you and topics posted, I'm now listening to music and artists I would never have considered. I'm buying cd's and downloads daily..............[b][i]and loving it!!!!!![/i][/b] I hardly ever listened to Duran Duran, Carole King, Marvin Gaye. Now, because of the topics raised, I'm listening with new ears, really appreciating not just the composition, but the artists and musicians. Maybe I'm not explaining myself clearly, I'll edit if needs be. But It really is like listening to familiar tunes for the first time. I'm listening to a wide variety of music genres too. So, thanks again folks, there's soooooo much incredible music around, thanks for opening my ears!
  14. [quote name='bumnote' post='651582' date='Nov 11 2009, 01:27 PM']If that was the one at the old wembley I went up with a group of friends we had been excited for weeks , but we left before the end because the sound was appalling.[/quote] Same here. Dreadful, indiscernible sound. They also appeared to be incredibly pretentious. I'd waited twenty odd years to see them only to be bitterly disappointed by the experience. Left halfway through. Personally, I much prefer their early albums, 'Pretzel Logic' and 'Can't Buy A Thrill' and the slightly later track 'Haitian Divorce'. Not sure if I'd class myself as a fan, certainly appreciate them though. Age group? I'm 50 next March (and loving it.)
  15. [quote name='bobpalt' post='650585' date='Nov 10 2009, 01:15 PM']On another note, has anyone seen Joe Brown play live? What a star! I saw him a few weeks ago at a packed Cheltenham Town Hall, and had a totally unexpectedly fabulous nights entertainment. Great band, great talent on a multitude of stringed instruments. Cant wait to see him again. Bob[/quote] Yep! Had the pleasure of seeing him at the Cambridge Corn Exchange last year, Dave Edmunds was guesting. Both were on top form. Thoroughly recommended, brilliant musicians. Level 42 on the other hand at the same venue; What a let down. Far too loud so it was just one huge noise. Two idiots behind me kept bellowing for a 'bass solo' and when we were graced with it, because of the volume, it was a dreadful racket. Left before the end, pounding headache and severe ringing in the ears. And before any flaming, it's not my age, it really was too much.
  16. I bought my MIM (passive) P bass new in 1998. Recently put D'Addario EPS190 Custom Light Gauge XL Pro Steel strings on it. I now have a massive variation in tone available. From harsh (full treble, played close to the bridge.) to very warm, almost double bass warm (treble backed right off, played around the 10th - 12th fret.) and anything in between. Feels good, plays very well, sounds great. Others who've played it have been complimentary. Guess I was fortunate to get a good one.
  17. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='645181' date='Nov 4 2009, 01:57 PM']In 1983, I remember hearing a tv announcer referring to the ZZ Top as a 'new band' in light of the release of their single 'Gimme All You Lovin'' (they formed in 1969). Journalists, huh? Who'd have 'em?[/quote] On a similar vein; In June 2002, brake failure on an Aero L-39 Albatross landing at Imperial War Museum, Duxford, caused the plane to run off the end of the runway and down the embankment on to the M11 motorway. Sadly, the trainee pilot was killed after ejecting at ground level. The thick local TV news reporter said to camera ; 'You have to ask why an aerodrome was built so close to a motorway.' Duxford was a very important fighter station during WW2, the motorway was opened in 1975.
  18. Rattus Norvegicus, The Stranglers. JJB! Not so much his playing, but the sound. Imho, he brought the bass to the foreground and raised it from a supporting instrument to a lead. How many people were inspired to pick up the bass, purely because of [i]that sound[/i] JJB produced? World Machine, Level 42. Mr King. Again, he changed the role of the bass to that of lead. G3 Live, Manhattan, Roscoe Beck. An astonishingly effortless player with an enormous range of sounds and styles. Thinking about this thread has made me realise how much I listen to the bass playing on albums and how that colours my view of music. For instance, I bought Alison Moyet's album, Alf. Not just for her voice, but also the synth bass lines. Same goes for Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper, a subtle synth bass line that lifts the song.
  19. Thanks to all those who organized today, fantastic job. Good to put faces to names and to meet you all. An excellent day. Best regards, Mark (RB V)
  20. I met Bruce Foxton at at petrol station on the A4 outside Heathrow. I was working for my local authority at the time and dressed in the uniform of donkey jacket and steel toe capped boots. I smiled and said 'I wish I had your job.' He smiled back and carried on filling his car. I found out later that day, The Jam were splitting up. I usually open my gob to change feet, spent my life doing it. (edited for spelling mistake.)
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  22. [quote name='Voodoosnake' post='516749' date='Jun 17 2009, 06:54 PM']Still available BUMP[/quote] PM'd Regards Mark
  23. Hi. My kit to keep the peace at home is; Sennheiser H150 fully enclosed headphones, 2m lead so you can pick up and put down your guitar without pulling them off your head. Great sound from them. Korg Pandora PX4D. This is soooo useful. Built in tuner, rhythm unit, multiple effects (half of which can be customised), different cabinet sounds, cd in, mains power input (unit not supplied), fairly good on AAA batteries, passive and active input, screen illumination on and off, big chunky clip holds it securely on your guitar strap. If I were away from home I'd take the Pandora as it does so much and a good set of headphones (and my bass of course!). Hope this helps. Good luck at University. Regards Mark
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