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Everything posted by Bikenbass

  1. Thanks to all for a very enjoyable day. Thanks Ped for the lanyard, special thanks to John for the tuition and thanks to Si for explaining compression. Good to put faces to names. Regards Mark
  2. [quote name='bremen' timestamp='1348685512' post='1816972'] Any film cap of the correct capacitance will do. PM me your address and I'll send you one. [/quote] That's very kind of you, pm on it's way. Many thanks. Regards Mark
  3. Sorry to resurrect this thread but I'd like to try this mod. Does it have to be a paper in oil cap or would any type of the correct capacitance do?
  4. Hi Folks. Change of departure point, I'll now be leaving from Saffron Walden, so anyone around there needing a lift or along my route? (M11 and M25) PM if I can help. Mark
  5. Have to say, the photo doesn't do the bass justice, beautiful instrument.
  6. Bought a Fender P from Andy. As usual, exactly as advertised and the whole experience effortless and trouble free. Andy was kind enough to deliver the bass to my place of work. Thanks very much and I hope the shopping trip was a success. Buy with confidence folks.
  7. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1347376291' post='1799947'] Phwooooaarr.... [/quote] No no, he's Archie Leach, This is Carrie Grant VERY Phwooooaarr....
  8. The gorgeous Carrie Grant. [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrie_Grant"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrie_Grant[/url]
  9. I'd like to go. My route will be; Norfolk, Thetford - A11 M11 M25 - anti clockwise - Addlestone Anyone around that route need a lift? Room for a bit of kit, but basses don't sit easily in the boot, VW Golf. PM me with address and I'll try to help. Mark
  10. I was at Newmarket too. Now a confirmed Jones fan, 72 and still that voice? I liked that he was 'just' the lead singer in a band, not playing the superstar. Excellent show. Bet a tenner on the races, none of mine won, good evening though.
  11. Bought a GK MB200 amp from Andy. Prompt delivery, amp exactly as stated, very well packed. Very pleasant chap to deal with. Cheers mate. Regards Mark
  12. Yep, white pearl on white looks good to me. The gold looks wrong in my opinion.
  13. Hi Phil, Still lovin' the black jazz I bought from you. Regards Mark
  14. I bought one in 1977. It cost me £125 from a shop in Uxbridge Arcade. Natural wood, chrome pick up and bridge covers, thumb rest, white pick guard, maple neck with black dot fret markers. Lovely instrument as I recall, quite heavy. I'd like to see pics of your one, shame I've no pictures of mine, long since swapped for a photographic enlarger.
  15. Paul Rodgers version of 'Good Morning Little School Girl' (tribute to Muddy cd) is quite disturbing and sounds (to me anyway) very sleazy. I skip over that track as I find it uncomfortable. However, Muddy Waters' rendition, on the Anthology cd, causes no such concern. It was 'Claire' saying to her Uncle Ray that she wanted to marry him, not the other way round on Gilbert O'Sullivan's recording. Nothing untoward there. [size=1](edit for spelling)[/size]
  16. The sound of JJ's bass was very influential in me picking it up. I ended up playing my Columbus P copy with round wound strings, using an old 5p piece as a plecktrum, the serrated edge made a nice grinding sound against the strings. I saw them play at Brunel University in Uxbridge, great gig.
  17. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1329123541' post='1537270'] I have been late for Sunday lunchtime gigs twice in my life because the clocks went forward and I didn't know. [/quote] I had a young lad arrive for a course at 6 am and waited in the cold for two hours until we arrived. He put his clock forward instead of back.
  18. My friends and I used to frequent 'Stereo Recods', top of Park Road, Hayes, Middx. It went some time ago, hung on for ages after the demise of the LP. Album sleeves were often a work of art, (Roger Dean?) which just didn't translate to the CD format. I think that took a lot of the browsing fun away and may have contributed slightly to record shops losing some appeal. Edit. A recurring theme among the posts here seems to mention how much fun it was to go into a record shop. I have to admit, buying on line doesn't tick that box.
  19. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1328378652' post='1526246'] Hello Mark! I'm flattered, but it's not me in the vid. I just stumbled across it. FWIW, I use La Bella flats on my 70s J, and once the truss is tweaked a little to compensate if necessary, it's fine. [/quote] Oops! Cheers for the reply!
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