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police squad

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Everything posted by police squad

  1. it's amazing what's out there these days. I'm a bit of a dinosaur when it comes to this stuff. I haven't learned about DMX etc, so it's really helpful to ask other people and see what they come up with
  2. will do. I ordered one, which I'll try at a gig as soon as it comes and will let you all know.
  3. perfect. I've ordered one of the other ones you posted, to see what they're like. Thanks for your help folks
  4. thanks Maude but I already have them too. I'm trying to get small and square, to fit in existing cases, to make load up/ load in/ load out / unload, easier yep, I want my cake and eat it too!!!!!
  5. Not strictly bass related but, I'd like to update my lights. I already have LED, 4 on a bar things, (Equinox. Very good) but I would to go to just two single, flat LED cans. One for each side, probably velcroed to the PA cabs. Any pointers to what is good and very bright. Thanks Basschatters
  6. He's got some lovely basses. We're friends on FB and he always comes across as a great chap
  7. That looks like Craig's old bass (The Who tribute)
  8. Any one on here use one of these. Do you have a case / cover / gig bag for it what do you use? cheers muchley
  9. this link. This is something from my amp building website and I love this bass sound. http://www.wkz-amps.com/samples/WKZ-simply-wicked.wma hopefully it will work
  10. also, the wharfedale EVP powered monitor will also power a normal un powered cab,
  11. I have one of those wharfdale's and it is bloomin good However i have just bought a behringer b205d. very small and light but I haven't tried it at a gig yet. I will let you know when I've tried it
  12. I had a WHUFC Steve Harris bass with the same problem. Under warranty it was replaced with no problem. Tell us how it sounds with the status neck
  13. I'm still thinking about it. I need to try one
  14. thanks, as I said , I'd forgotten just how it was, so this morning I restrung it with a new set of rounds
  15. In a few days it's my 50th birthday party (not 50 though until 12th sept) and I have reformed my old band for one set. We haven't all played together for nearly 17 years now but the magic was still there. We quickly put together a set off 11 numbers. I decided to pickup my old '73 P bass which I bought when we formed the band in 1990 but I haven't played the the past 3 years. OMG, what a bass. It literally does, just play itself. It's just unbelievable how good it is. Here's a gratuitous picture of it
  16. I'm sure it's fine. I'm thinking about it.
  17. cool, thats what I read somewhere, just checking
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