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Everything posted by lee650

  1. Lol when I started on bass, I was given an old violin by a neighbour,I thought it would be a cool way to get into Double bass later 🙄 I then saw a video with Jimmy Page, so decided to use the bow to play my roundwound strung bass, with a Distortion pedal on. My Dad was not a happy camper,at my early "musical" experiments. Who knew 6 years later, id be playing Agadoo in Skeg Vegas 😂
  2. I'm sure I read many moons ago, that Mo Foster, had an ebony fingerboard from an old Double bass, grafted onto his Fender, gave it a much thicker board. This is from a dusty part of my memory and not sure whether this information is mixed up with an old episide of Minder or something 😂 Mo' s fretless tone is sublime though.
  3. One of my fave flangers! Shame I've literally no board space.
  4. Bought an EBS Multicomp From Dave. Thoroughly nice bloke, gave me it at a good price,and paid for special delivery so I could have it in time for a band rehearsal,an absolute star. Realky well packed too,a great experience all round, thanks Dave 😁
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  7. Just bought a Yamaha BB1024 from Greg. Great friendly communication and fast postage! Kept my regularly updated during the process, which I like. Many thanks Greg
  8. Does anyone know if those new Fender Boxer series have jazz necks? I think they're based on the the old Jazz Special that Duff Mckagan used, they had jazz necks.
  9. The Nate Mendel has a slightly wider nut than most Jazz basses, but still thinner than most P's. It also is a much chunkier B profile, it's a great sounding and well made bass. I was expecting a "Jazz" neck from other people's descriptions,but it's very much it's own thing. Funny I've just bought a Yamaha BB 1024 which has a great P tone and It has a similar neck to the Nate.
  10. Very Heavy weight board Huw! I love it 😍
  11. Thanks for that, so it doesn't have a standard tone pot then! Lovely bass, I keep looking at it 😁
  12. Wow! This actually looks fantastic, id very much like to try one 😍
  13. Just been checking that out, as ive never heard of it. Really interesting filter. No control over the overdrive and its always on, so not sure,how that would behave when adding other fuzz or octave. Maybe ran in parallel it would be cool.
  14. I recently had an iron Ether pedal fixed by Owen electronics in Manchester. Great service and a top job,not mega money either. Probably worth repairing,especially as they a currently sought after pedals.
  15. A couple of BC brothers tried it and wernt keen,but it's all subjective. I have an Emma Okto Nojs (the fuzz on this, is the nearest to a 3 leaf Doom ive heard)which I love,buy I know others who wernt keen.
  16. It makes a massive difference. Another little trick is to put a compressor in the chromatron loop, so you still get the benefit of a comp, but it doesn't interfere with the dynamics of the filter (which can happen if placed before or after)
  17. My GR2 has no issues whatsoever! The older 3 leaf units seem to have a standard footswitch and not the silent relay switching he employed later. As you say it may just be dirt or a loose connection, especially if they are used a lot.
  18. Shame its not a feature on most filters! It works beautifully.
  19. Or British racing Green!! 😉
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