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Leon Transaxle

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Everything posted by Leon Transaxle

  1. I hope they are. I'm getting one Friday.
  2. Haven't seen one in the flesh but to me it looks like an interesting reinterpretation of a P. I thought I liked everything about it but, having followed the link to DV24 I see that the body is covered in Tolex rather than painted, which I'm not so sure about and really would have to see. Also I'm trying to see what the knobs look like. A bit lost in all the blue. My eyes aren't as good as the used to be but are they some variation on a chicken-head? I have always fancied one of theItalia 'burst Riminis.
  3. How about this for inspiration? More here:- [url="http://www.musiciansfriend.com/guitars/fender-custom-shop-1961-stratocaster-burnt-heavy-relic-electric-guitar"]http://www.musiciansfriend.com/guitars/fender-custom-shop-1961-stratocaster-burnt-heavy-relic-electric-guitar[/url]
  4. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1330019208' post='1551599'] OK I've partly answered my own questions by going on the Interparcel website. The size/weight don't seem to be an issue (the quote was only around £15, albeit with minimal insurance). So that box is ticked [/quote] I was worried about this, poked around the Interparcel website and you can increase the cover over the £50 at a cost of 3% which isn't that bad. I was looking at roughly £200 so that's another £4.50 but gives me piece of mind that whoever I send to wont be buying an acoustic jigsaw.
  5. Just scored a packet of Fender tapewounds on ebay today. Last packet this particular supplier had £17.50 including delivery from the States. I note another supplier had some for $19.49 plus $8.95 delivery from the US (£12.29 + £5.64 at today's exchange rate), which still seems pretty reasonable. They have six sets left at the moment. I have a set of tapewound on my fretless acoustic but I think they were a random set from an unknown supplier I got from ebay a few years ago. Maybe from May Music? Never kept the packet but they have been fine. I will see how the Fenders compare although they will be going on a different bass as the fretless will be up for sale soon.
  6. Surprisingly I see all albums mentioned except H.A.A.R.P which I thought was a cracking live album and the DVD which came with it isn't bad either. They were staggeringly good at the Lancashire cricket ground gig a couple of years ago. Their choice of support bands wan't bad either. I thought the Editors were excellent (with some nice Ric action going on).
  7. This is not a bass but how tasteless/cool [i](delete as necessary) [/i]is this? [url="http://www.cashgenerator.co.uk/other-guitars/top-gear-rare-banjo-style-guitar-new-g-t-old-custom-hand-made-da947"]http://www.cashgenerator.co.uk/other-guitars/top-gear-rare-banjo-style-guitar-new-g-t-old-custom-hand-made-da947[/url]
  8. [quote name='lettsguitars' timestamp='1330079866' post='1552307'] Go with your gut. Or buy some sand paper and a toffee hammer! [/quote] Or some very abrasive clothing and a studded belt. Why is there no market in road worn televisions? (or indeed pianos BICBW there I suppose)
  9. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1330037757' post='1551987'] I would pay to see any band called 'Blame It On Leslie'. Of course, everything within reason - if you are playing soft rock covers a name like 'Sarcophagus of Entrails' is probably pushing it a bit. [/quote] And I would pay to see both 'Creative Chair Bending' and 'Sarcophagus of Entrails'. But then again my band is 'Anarchic Freight' which is neither linked to any subversive political movement or involved in the mass transportation of goods (those of you of the correct age may pick up on the Not the Nine O'Clock News reference). I have to confess to using the on-line random band name generator as a source of inspiration for songs. Therefore work in progress currently includes 'Tranquilised by maps', 'Asthma promise' and 'Ritual ozone harvest'.
  10. [quote name='cocco' timestamp='1329999809' post='1551048'] I'd go double P [/quote] Like this?
  11. Isn't there a minimum value below which they don't charge excise... or is that just an urban myth? I've kept my overseas orders below twenty quid and never had a problem. Maybe I have just been lucky. Soon find out as I'm just about to do it again.
  12. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1329557649' post='1544134'] How's about - MiM - Jazz body, P/J pick ups & P neck [/quote] Whereas I would go with the P Body, the J neck and the PJs
  13. Hi, I am about to buy Evil Undead's 50's P bass. As it already has a pickup cover mounted I thought I'd go the whole hog and fit a bridge cover too. I read somewhere the mounting holes on the HiMass bridge don't exactly match those of a standard BBOT bridge suggesting different dimensions. WIll the HiMass fit under a genuine Fender Tele bridge cover? I doesn't look that big.
  14. Hi, Soundcloud receptacle for my more stupid stuff. A mixed bag of rubbish recorded over the past 30-ish years. Including such wonderful technology as four track cassette recorders, Wem Copicats, Specdrums (ZX Spectrum plus box to make drum noises) and a Shergold 6 & 12 string double neck. [url="http://soundcloud.com/pastorskull"]http://soundcloud.com/pastorskull[/url]. There is a more sensible site under construction as well.
  15. Hi, I paid £350 for a red 2007 one of these last month on BC. Only marks on mine were screw holes where a bridge ash tray had been fitted and removed (so I fitted one!) and a small square of faded varnish on the headstock where a sticker had been in the past. Mine came in a hard case.
  16. I think I might give this a look too. My daughter plays cello and has small hands so I will see how she reaches for those big changes. From what I have seen it needs quick and accurate slides, which will be made slightly easier with the luxury of having frets. My daughter picked up my bass to try it a few weeks ago for the first time and accused me of cheating by having frets. (The other daughter plays violin by was trying to learn to play my mandola for a band at school but said she was finding it really difficult to get her fingers on the frets and even when she did it didn't sound too good - the thing that seem obvious to you don't always seem so to everyone else). Her cello is about the same height as my P bass but the bridge sits around the same position as my mid-pickup so obviously the scale is significantly less. It had to be really as it is tuned an octave above the CGDA I was thinking about. I suppose the next thing to think about would be how on earth to get the correct gauge tapewounds for fifths tuning?
  17. Me and my basses [IMG]http://i1270.photobucket.com/albums/jj612/LeonTransaxle/mebass3.jpg[/IMG] Well some of them.
  18. I bought a 2007 MIM Active Deluxe P Special recently from a BCer and it is astoundingly good. 'Til then I had been happy with my Thunder 1, having compared it to P basses in the past and deciding it was as good. But put on a set of flats, apply switch cleaner and this is in a different league entirely.
  19. The CD from the cover of February's Uncut magazine (Bad Moon Rising) in the office and, for a complete contrast. Crack in the Skye by Mastodon in the car. Thought it might be interesting after reading an article about the in a music mag. Its a bit heavier than I was expecting (which is stupid - with a name like Mastodon they we unlikely to sound like Fleet Foxes!). Still not sure yet. Also shuffling through various Marillion, Twelfth Night and British Sea Power albums on my phone walking between work and car and shopping.
  20. I bought a used Variax 600 a couple of years ago for home recording work and I am really impressed. The acoustic sounds really record well (but just sound wrong with the wammy arm!). The jazzboxes are very tonefull and, strumming away in the ackground the 12 string Ric is a nice filler (a bit too obviously synthetic if too well up in the mix however. For me the neck is a bit chunky. I appear to be developing OA in the base of my left thumb and sometimes playing can be painful depending on the chords played ( I tend to use the basic beginner's open chords mostly). Reading on the 'net it appears strat necks are a direct swap so I might look into that soon. Palm muting is possible but usually anything that does require palm muting gets done on the trusty Yamaha Pacifica (which has a fantastic neck and is pain free to use). Now if anyone knows if a Pacifica neck will fit nicely on Variax.... I would do it myself but I don't really want to mess up the Pacifica only to find it doesn't work.
  21. If you are after a five string you don't fancy a swap for a VIntage V950? £250 on the GAK site new. Mine is a few years old and slightly marked where the QC wasn't spot on for the joint between the two pieces of bubinga that make up the body (last picture)
  22. I was just too young for punk being 12 in '77 and therefore reliant on my parents for buying records (although I did manage to convince them a copy of Pretty Vacant would be good). Any punk articles on TV were never seen in our house and it was never on the radio that I was aware of (I'd never even heard of John Peel then). My only real exposure was what the older (ie 14-15 year olds) played at the youth club and from a couple of kids at school who talked about it, but didn't dress like it (well not at school , and they lived miles away so I never saw what they wore out after then). 'God Save the Queen' seemed both seditious but sort of a joke at the same time. This was of course all based on seeing the lyrics written down I had not even heard it then. The radio never played it, the records shops in Colchester refused to play it and the youth club balked at letting the older kids play [b]that[/b]. Like others I was steered towards bass by the not quite punk JJ Burnell. The bass on 'In the Shadows' on the flip of 'No More Heroes' was thunderous and litterally sent vibrations through you bum and up your spine if you sat on an old radiogram while it played (but enough of that). As far as bass goes my biggest influence of all time is Bruce Foxton. I lived the Jam. bought most singles on day of release and albums as soon as I could from Setting Sons onwards. Through this I went into the whole Mod revival thing (the Chords) but also stuff like the early Dead Kennedys (the bass work on Fresh Fruit also being quite an influence). Then it just diversified. By the time I was in the sixth form it was Marillion, Motorhead, Magnum, The Enid, Fairport, and, above all at the time Twelfth Night ( who also followed the DIY ethic and were very non-elven for a prog rock band). I deliberately looked for the non-comercial and found Faust, Can, the more challenging King Crimson, Fred Frith etc. We turned our common room into a genuine alternative music universe before alt was even a genre. Now I look at my CD and MP3 collection and I see I have filled in the gaps from those too young years. There is both "Never Mind the ..." and the demo version of the album with Matlock on bass, there is Clash, 999, Stranglers, SLF, Siouxie, Ramones. All of which I have bought out of choice at a far more recent date. I have bought them because I think they were essential and they were something I missed out on. There is energy, there is attitude but look beyond this and many cases there is musicianship as well. When I visualise bass guitars I see three things:- [indent=1]Sid with his P Bass[/indent] [indent=1]The cover of 'London Calling'[/indent] [indent=1]Bruce Foxton flying with his Rick on the back of 'The Modern World' .[/indent] I was never a punk but it left a lasting impression none the less.
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