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Leon Transaxle

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Everything posted by Leon Transaxle

  1. MIM Deluxe P Special? P/J with a Jazz neck. However mine is active not sure if there is some passive derivative/version.
  2. To me this looks like a badly drawn child's cartoon of a bass, but I could be wrong. For some reason it makes me think of the illustrations in 'Duke' [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/bass-guitar-fretless-/140718129644?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item20c37441ec"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/bass-guitar-fretless-/140718129644?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item20c37441ec[/url]
  3. [indent=1]I just want it. Shame it closes when I'm out of the country.[/indent]
  4. Thanks for your help. Tweaking the truss rod (with a 5mm key) helped on the fretted notes but the open 'A' still buzzed. I had this problem before the string change which was cured by doing as you say with the string pulled down tight at the tuner but this time it hasn't cured it. It has however been sorted with a tin foil shim under the string so, despite fitting tapewounds, the strings must be larger than what was fitted before and the nut must be too deep. I'll try the old epoxy trick and, if that isn't successful, will look at getting the nut replaced in due course.
  5. To follow on from my last post the Fender strings came with a colour coded ball end (sea foam for the G, candy apple red for the A etc). Don't know if this helps in determining whether this is from the new manufacturer or the old one. The bag also mentions a low B with a graffiti yellow end but I don't know whether this means the tapewounds are now available in a five set or its a genric bag for all Fender strings now. I didn't get this in the last pack of Fender flats I bought (admittedly a year or so ago).
  6. Hi, Just put some new strings on my CV 50s P and the A is buzzing a bit on the lower few frets so it looks like adjusting the truss rod is on order. I bought used so it came with no key. Do Chinese Squiers use a metric key (like my other MIJ or Korean stuff) or an Imperial key (like MIA and MIM Fenders)? I have a set of allen keys in both sizes but I don't want to risk 'rounding off the corners' of the rod with the wrong key.
  7. I originally found BC as I was looking at getting a modern player tele bass and was looking around for user opinions/reviews etc. FOund TB first then here. Joined both. Through finding BC I found a wealth of quality used basses I never even new existed. To that point the only souces of used equipment were ebay, cash generator, cash converter and the odd item as a part ex in local music shop. Still a relative newbie (although now over the proposed limit) I have already bought two basses, am thinking about an Ashbory and intend to flog off some of my stuff to pay for it. Its a nice place to be and I intend on hanging around. However I still find forums in general can be a little uncomfortable. For example despite having played bass since I was 15 due to a long non-playing hiatus I am not as knowledgeable as I would like to be. Last time I played seriously you were lucky to have a bass and an amp, a choice never really came into it. Therefore I find a disproportionate amount of time asking questions which, to me, doesn't really feel like contributing and could p off long term members who don't want to read stupid questions from ill informed newbies. I lurked for few weeks before I did anything to get a feel for things.
  8. I'm tempted. Do you have any photographs?
  9. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1329902544' post='1549197'] there must be something more dull but I simply can't think of it at the moment. [/quote] Well a Bronco has two strings and one pickup less.
  10. I have a tenor mandola. Couple of inches longer tuned down a fifth. Blink and you'd think its a mandolin. I find the chords are easier for C maj songs on it, which seem to be best for my voice. Haven't managed to play it much recently as it has been borrowed by my daughter although perversely she would rather it was a mandolin as she is a violin player and it would be tuned the same. I bought the Fretted Friends tenor mandola chord bible from Amazon.. They seem to do books for all sorts of non-guitars.
  11. There are a couple of US dealers on the Bay at the mo doing Fender tapewounds for around £17 delivered. The ones I got have a 110 E (and a 58 G IIRC - the box is at home; I'm not).
  12. IS it me or is he selling a rubber washer? [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GUITAR-STRAP-LOCK-FENDER-GIBSON-BASS-ACOUSTIC-/290674776904?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item43ad911b48#ht_500wt_1202"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GUITAR-STRAP-LOCK-FENDER-GIBSON-BASS-ACOUSTIC-/290674776904?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item43ad911b48#ht_500wt_1202[/url]
  13. Not just one for me. Certain combinations work. Natural body, black 'plate with a maple board; Black body, black 'plate with a maple board; oly white, black 'plate with a rosewood board. And though I wouldn't have thought it before I got it chrome red body, gold 'plate with a rosewood board looks fabulous. I have always loved British Racing Green, but its not that common in guitars. I am torn as to whether to leave my project Vintage 'Ray copy as natural or to go for BRG. Anyone know a good source of guitar friendly BRG rattle cans before I resort to Halfords?
  14. Hi, Re-reading your OP some of my previous post might be less relevant than I thought; I was dealing with music and politics rather than how politics affects music. The point regarding people dying for what they sing is still valid. However as to effects of politics on the music makers or industry I would say (at the risk on inviting a damned good flaming) in the UK we are not too bad as far as banning songs or political interference with music goes. Although it is a fine line censorship in the UK tend to depend on whether a point of view is offensive (ie likely to offend the Daily Mail reading class) rather than expressing views at odds with the political party in control at the time. (The Beat - Stand down Margaret, UB40 - One in Ten etc were never under threat). America is another kettle of fish entirely, especially when right wing politics gets involved (eg Moral Majority). Try googling "The filthy fifteen". Through these idiots we had the whole satanic music record burning and playing records backwards to find supposedly hidden messages fiascoes. Look for the details of the Judas Priest trial for details. Look at the whole issue of racial integration in music and how the politics affected that. Although light hearted have a look at either version of Hairspray (the John Waters original or the musical with John Travolta) which focuses on racial integration in Baltimore. Whoops. Have I strayed too far into the 'avoid politics and religion' guidelines of the forums? If so I am happy to edit my post to comply.
  15. You could also google "Red Wedge" and "Rock against racism". On the other side of the coin there is the whole extreme right wing link to the "Oi" movement. Shift into US politics and you have Mr Dylan, Woodie Guthrie, Joan Baez and a whole load of others. Part of the challenge is defining the line where politics start and social concious ends although I would conclude the two are inextricably linked. Midnight Oil - Political with an Australian slant, especially on teh subject of aboriginal rights. There are just so many Irish rebel songs, which by their very nature are political. Still with Irish music Christy Moore deals with political injustic all round the world. Try "Victor Jara" for his comments on Chile. Remember people have died for singing songs "the regime" disagree with.
  16. This really looks the nuts to me. Everything I love in basses rolled into one slightly [i]italicised [/i]package. Jazz neck, blocks (even if stuck on), white Ric body, black hardware, 'bucker and single coil. The Fenderbird comparison hits the nail right on the head. Had I not got my pair of Ps lately the order would have gone in already.
  17. OK. Up for sale is my Crafter BA-400EQ electro acoustic fretless bass. I bought it used a couple of years ago for a folk project that never got going. It is in excellent condition and certainly has not left the house since I have owned it. I have bought a couple of basses recently so I need both the readies and the space. It has a satin/matt type finish and a 3 band EQ. It is currently fitted with black tapewounds strings. I vaguely remember they were bought off the Bay, but I'm not sure who from. May music sort of rings a bell BICBW. If you prefer these could be changed to a pair of Fender 105 flats that are currently surplus to requirements (about a year old) as I would quite happily put the flats on my Westone (which has the same tuning peg arrangement). There are a few visible marks on the fretboard around the E string up in the upper reaches where the previous owner tried note bending with bronze roundwounds on it.They are purely visual; you can't feel them. I have included a picture below showing this. The only other cosmetic change is where I added a second strap button to avoid tying the strap to the headstock. After consulting multiple internet sites with the regards to placement I settled on the far side of the heel so the strap wraps around the heel (also shown below). To check there was no metalwork where I intended to drill the net suggested using a magnet. I went one further and x-rayed it to make sure (unfortunately I can't find the copy of the x-ray or I would have included it for curiosity value). Also incuded in the price is a Fender deluxe acoustic bass gig bag. Apart from a bit of dust from being stored under the bed this is in immaculate condition. These bags have 20mm of padding all round. I liked it so much I bought the electric bass version for my P bass recently New these are currently going for £359 on line (GAK, Rowlands Music, Brighton Guitars etc) and the gig bags are at least £28 so I don't think £225 is an unreasonable price. You can either collect it from Hereford or I will post it for about £13 (based on Interparcel economy rate and extending the loss/damage cover to the full value of the sale). It will be well boxed and padded. [i]Strap button position[/i] [i]Fingerboard marks[/i]
  18. After watching a couple of episodes of Metal Evolution I recorded on Sky Arts a while ago I am shuffling through my old Rainbow albums (Rainbow, Rising and Down to Earth).
  19. The two bass lines that made me want to play were 'In the shadows' from the B-side of 'No more heroes' and 'The real me' from 'Quadrophenia'. One may be more suitable for beginners to learn than the other!
  20. [quote name='barneyg42' timestamp='1330178438' post='1553762'] [/quote] You ever have any problem with aircraft accidentally landing at your gigs?
  21. Hi, Bought Mel's Classic Vibe 50s bass. Very helpful. Excellent communication. Very nice bass. Well please. Thanks.
  22. My pair of Ps [IMG]http://i1270.photobucket.com/albums/jj612/LeonTransaxle/precisions.jpg[/IMG]
  23. [quote name='LazyCode' timestamp='1330284359' post='1555207'] [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vintage-EST96NA-Natural-Music-Man-Bass-Used-MINT-Condition-Perfect-Funk-Fusion-/140710058906?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item20c2f91b9a"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item20c2f91b9a[/url] another guitar that may be a possablity [/quote] I have one. Its a nice bass. But I paid about eighty quid for mine a couple of years ago.
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