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Silvia Bluejay

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Status Updates posted by Silvia Bluejay

  1. Thanks Richard, that was spam.

    1. Richard R

      Richard R

      Thanks Sivia.

      After I tagged you I remembered where the Report function is 🤦‍♂️

  2. LBGS 2019 blog is up! https://wp.me/p2ZbyY-I6

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Taylor Bitch-blues

      Taylor Bitch-blues

      Good stuff !,  miserable outside,  I'll give this a look at.

    3. gary mac

      gary mac

      Great job as always Silvia. x


    4. Silvia Bluejay
  3. South East Bass Bash blog finally published! (Phew!) See here: https://wp.me/p2ZbyY-Hc

    1. TheGreek


      Great read...must get round to watching the videos.

  4. South East Bass Bash directions and timetable of events: South East Bass Bash 2018.pdf

  5. DB bash 2018 blog! https://wp.me/p2ZbyY-Er

    1. Silvia Bluejay

      Silvia Bluejay

      I hope you guys have Ad Blockers on your browsers - mine has just blocked no fewer than 15 ads just on the blog's home page. That's awful.

  6. New blog entry and bass reviews by Happy Jack! Our visit to a cool Californian music shop, back in January: https://wp.me/p2ZbyY-DB

    1. SpondonBassed


      Those Universum instruments are amazing.

      They seem to like their Ashdown rigs.  Thanks for sharing.

    2. discreet


      Nice. Would be a very dangerous shop for me to enter. O.o

    3. Romeo2


      Great entry, thank you both.

  7. LBGS blog Part 2 - Exhibitors! https://wp.me/p2ZbyY-D3

    1. SpondonBassed


      Nicely done Silvia.

      It's good to see what goes on in the capital.  It shows us country bumpkins the way forward.  Keep up the good work.

    2. Silvia Bluejay
  8. Part 1 of my LBGS 2018 blog is here: https://wp.me/p2ZbyY-C1

    1. MWH


      Excellent,  i can't get to this show, looking forward to more of the same.

  9. Fourth and last part of my NAMM 2018 blog: https://wp.me/p2ZbyY-Bt

    1. discreet


      'Bass effects for farmers and like-minded'??!! xD

    2. Silvia Bluejay

      Silvia Bluejay

      I noticed that too, and meant to ask him about it, but in the end I didn't manage! Must check if he had the same wording at last year's LBGS, or if it was a US special. ;) :D

  10. Finally - NAMM Bass blog! See here: https://wp.me/p2ZbyY-Av

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Silvia Bluejay

      Silvia Bluejay

      Thanks Steve! It was great fun to be at the stand with you guys, and seeing how much interest the basses were creating. :)

    3. Passinwind


      Thanks Silvia, it's great to see the show from another perspective. Except for Chowny, I barely even looked at any of the other booths you featured in Part 3. You are looking for lefties, I am only really interested in unlined fretless ones, which are surprising uncommon IME.

    4. Chownybass


      Our SWB Fretless is now unlined and unmarked ;-) Just saying.

  11. New blog entry in the NAMM series - general views: https://wp.me/p2ZbyY-Ae

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Passinwind


      Very cool to experience the show through a first timer's eyes and ears. It would have been nice to put a face to your blog, but as usual I was pretty much just completely overwhelmed, between various demands for my time and the need to just chill out from time to time. I did manage to connect with Sibob for a couple of minutes though, at least.

      Looking forward to part 3.

    3. Silvia Bluejay

      Silvia Bluejay

      Yeah it was a very intense experience! I met a few Basschatters but I knew there would be more in the crowd. I didn't spot Sibob, though. What booth were you working at, @Passinwind?

    4. Passinwind


      Silvia, I has a few things on exhibit at Marco Bass Guitars, Hall E, booth 4211. We were next to Marleaux, Fibenare, and Ken Smith, and right across the aisle from AC Guitars and the rest of the boutique builder's collective. We had a crazy busy booth for all of the three + days I was there, and as I was leaving on Sunday morning one of our endorsers was playing on the big outdoor Plaza Stage, rocking a bass with one of my new prototype preamps in it. For me it seems to get more intense every year, and I think a lot of that is related to more and more people knowing me by face.

  12. First blog entry about NAMM 2018 - checking out the new lefty Dingwall: https://goo.gl/YaqoHB 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Silvia Bluejay

      Silvia Bluejay

      Thanks Mick! I think we'll hold on with the birthday present for the moment, because my main problem with any bass that's not a Corvette or a Bass Collection is the size. That Dingwall is slightly bigger than Jack's 5-string Mike Lull (35" scale) and I find that uncomfortable to play too. Maybe when I grow up... ;) :D

    3. MikanHannille


      This is what I just needed being a chap of a small stature. I think I'll struggle the same way as you do. But I'm still willing to give it a try.

    4. Silvia Bluejay

      Silvia Bluejay

      Absolutely - do try it. You may surprise yourself! :)

  13. At NAMM. Small British contingent in attendance, lots of photos already taken, and the show hasn't even opened yet!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Bigwan


      @ead according to FB and Instagram Alan's instruments have arrived safe and sound

    3. LeftyJ


      Be sure to check out the Dingwall booth (#3044), and give the new lefty NG-2 a try! :)

    4. Silvia Bluejay

      Silvia Bluejay

      @LeftyJ I did try the bass, but I'm afraid I soon realised that it's not a good choice for me. My tiny right hand felt really uncomfortable on the lowest frets - which are the ones I prefer to use, especially on a 5er. The 37 inch scale on the low B was not a problem, and it sounded majestic, but the fanned frets on the other strings were just too much hard work. The string spacing on that particular bass was wider than I'm used to, and the position of the pickup, slanted and much closer to the bridge than to the neck, felt weird when I placed my left thumb on it. I'll write a slightly more detailed review in my forthcoming blog, and will keep an eye on any other lefty models Sheldon may start producing, but for the moment I'll go back to my Warwicks. Pity :(

  14. I seem to have finally made it! SE Bass Bash blog is here: https://goo.gl/xoNCy9 and belated LBGS 2017 blog is here: https://goo.gl/z7UPA4  Phew... ;)

    1. Silvia Bluejay

      Silvia Bluejay

      Incidentally, I hope you guys have some sort of ad blocker installed - not for Basschat, but for Wordpress, who seem to be going overboard with ads on blogs, at least judging by how many blocked 'items' my own Adblock counts every time I'm on that page.

    2. prowla


      Thanks for putting that up (that was my stringless aluminium Tele! - I took it along as another member gave me a bit for it, but we didn't quite link up on the day...).

    3. Kevsy71


      Thanks for the excellent write-up and pictures! I was thwarted by a family engagement at the last minute, looked like it was terrific fun for all. 

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