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Everything posted by pst62

  1. I highly recommend Spirit of Eden, Laughing Stock, and their double compilation CD Asides Besides.
  2. I thought this was gonna be another one of Mayfield's Master Luthiers beauties.
  3. Here's my 2018 MIM Player Series Precision. The White PG had to go, as will the pup in the not to distant. The (to some) vastly inferior Squier above is far better all round.
  4. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fretless-Jazz-bass-with-single-coil-to-humbucker-switch-Squier-Standard-series/193213345982?hash=item2cfc69b0be:g:eF0AAOSwGzBd0Z2M
  5. I have one of these, it's excellent! It has the nicest sounding pup of any Precision I've owned. This is well worth the asking price.
  6. Well Mr Meddle, Please forgive me mate! I've just gone and ordered a Harley Benton JB-75 MN from Thomann for the measly sum of £127.44 inc P&P. If it's as good as the one in the video below, prepare yourself for some upward punching!
  7. I started playing back in 1981, about a year and a bit later I bought a 1978 Fender Precision. I not long after joined a band and started playing quite regular gigs. I bought a 1982 Squier Precision in 1983 as a back up. It walked all over the Fender, I sold the Fender in '84 and sadly the JV had to go in 1992, when my 1st daughter was born. These days I have a 2014 CV 70's Precision and a 2018 Mex Fender Player Series Precision, and yet again IMHO the Squier is superior.
  8. I'm sure you've paid a lot for a bass that someone else will think isn't worth it/sounds shyte/ugly/not their cuppa etc! At the end of the day, you didn't fork out the cash, you've made your point, you don't like Squier's, now just get over it FFS!
  9. I'll not be holding me breath lol.
  10. Bobo, You have nothing to be apologising for mate. I can't see that there's been any notification problems, as I've been receiving mine as normal.and there's nothing in the Site Issues section suggesting anyone else haven't been receiving theirs. A for the personal scenarios you point out in your post, I did consider that, until I'd seen that he'd been back on the forum after I'd sent him a further three pm's. Hence I waited six days just to be certain that I was being ignored before mentioning this whole farce.
  11. It makes me sad to say this, but it seems jamiesonk666 is a total time waster! I pm'd him on the 29th of October to see if Bobo_08 had been back in touch, as this thread looked like it was at a stalemate, and I fancied a Jazz Bass myself. He responded to my initial pm saying that Bobo hadn't replied, I then asked about buying the bass myself and the possibility of postage, I even offered to cover postage costs. He has since gone silent and has totally ignored my other messages, even though he has visited the forum after I'd sent them. Yeah, at the end of the day, it's his Bass and he can sell it to whoever he wants too. But IMHO it's just plain shyte forum etiquette to just cut a buyer dead when they're trying to negotiate a possible purchase of something a seller obviously no longer wants.
  12. Aye and a lot of them urinate all over their Fender counterparts.
  13. The whole album is a masterpiece for me, it's a million miles away from their highly lauded first album and far better, I just wish Algy was higher in the mix.
  14. UFO back in 2015. An hour and a half of Vinnie Moore ruining their classics did nowt for my Tinnitus.
  15. Left over VM stock rebranded as CV's I read somewhere.
  16. I've done this many moons ago, on a Hondo copy of a bass who's name I can't mention here. I took the neck to work, masked the existing holes off. I used a pillar drill and drilled front to back, there was some slight damage around the edges, but the lips on the new ferules hid it quite well, the back fared a little worse as the drill pushed outward, but the base plates of the new machine heads covered that.
  17. What was your original price? I bought one from the first batch of Korean Unsung factory imports into this country back in 1997. I sold it for £140 in 2010. The two things I notice different about yours is The neck plate is different to the one mine had and the pickups are the opposite way up to what mine were, but like others have said, it's definitely an Epiphone.
  18. John Deacon, Pete Way, Paul Gray, JJ Burnel, Bruce Foxton.
  19. There you go! Can't see that you're missing anything, as the description lists no upgrades. Even if it did, it still wouldn't be worth the asking price. A chancer with a nice looking bass hoping to reel in someone with little knowledge. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Squier-Vintage-Jazz-Bass-Mn-Left-Hand-Natural-Bass-Electric-Lefty/192437577159?epid=2255978021&hash=item2cce2c65c7:g:VigAAOxyFd1SJRF0
  20. Tool - Fear Inoculum. Volbeat - Rewind - Replay - Rebound. The Pineapple Thief - Dissolution
  21. Some naughty lines going on in here too! IIRC he played with a pick?
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